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Learning Target
I can deconstruct the meaning of the title of a text.

Essential Question: How can I deconstruct a text to

have a better understanding of its meaning and purpose?

Were still working on to be verbs!

Independent Reading
Purpose: Why

do you think your author chose the title they did?

The Glass Castle p. 102-109

Mini-lesson: Idioms
People in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. Dreams are merely castles in the sky.

Work Period
Write a three paragraph essay discussing the

significance of the title The Glass Castle. Why did Jeannette Walls choose this as her title and not The Prospector or another one of her fathers inventions?

1st paragraph: Hook and introduction 2nd paragraph: Discussion (be sure to include evidence from the text!) 3rd paragraph: Conclusion

Write the thesis of your piece. What is the meaning

of the title The Glass Castle?

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