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Is Ralph childlike? Why or why not?

I think Ralph is childlike. He is stranded on an uninhabited island after a seemingly horrific plane crash and seems more interested in doing headstands than surviving. Ralph shows many primal instincts associated with childhood: he is egocentric and attention-seeking. He is searching for freedom without considering the implications of being on an island without adults; he is delighted with the realization of being on an isolated island and unabashedly strips his clothes before taking in the beauty of the savage island. He acts like a spoiled child who has never experienced failure or negative consequences for his actions. He has a mindset that his daddy will always rescue him with no argument or reasoning beyond because for why his father should magically appear. He gains his power through the conch and peaceful appearancewhy would he appear anything but peaceful when he is unable to face the potential death that resides on the child-run island? Ralph cannot grasp that the island belongs to anyone but him, which is an extremely immature view of the life-giving island that belongs to nature. I wish headstands would shake Ralphs childlike perspective so he would realize the dangerous situation he is currently facing.

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