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Jackie Yip 10/22/2013 Art Today Art Visit Two Our second art visit required us to view specially

constructed artwork known as Mosaic SelfPortraits that portrayed an individual style of expressing a subject matter that is partially abstract and representational. I choose to look at a view small piece that I referred to as Girl with hand on shoulder. When I first looked into the painting, I could see two woman expressing different emotions as a hand that is brightly colored and textured is on the shoulder of the woman who is covering her face. This hand is presumably from the woman standing behind her looking down and shedding a tear. This woman standing behind is more faded out in a black and white form and the background to covey this moment is also entirely in black. Knowing that this self-portrait is displaying a moment of gesture, I tend to believe that are reasons on why the women are reacting the way they are. Feelings that I saw ranged from being reunited, connected, relived, and safe can contrast the subjects feeling. Also not knowing what really happened because of the dark background can only show that I felt this self-portrait is influencing a mistake that is keeping the two women far away. Now that I had this reaction to both women, the hand that touches the shoulder symbolizes the only color and light that stand outs from the self-portrait. I saw this as a relief of pressure that signifies what the two had before the incident and it is there to lighten up the mood for the woman with her hands on her face. I can see her not reacting suddenly to something bad that couldve just happened, but also reacting in a way of trying to open up willingly of joy that someone far away is closer than you think and crying over you to show a simple touch can make a bad feeling go away. Overall, the self-portrait is very interesting in that the hand is representational in an almost abstract away but it would be too personal of a subject matter if I wanted to keep it. While it doesnt show much detail as the other mosaic self-portraits that were displayed, it had a conveying meaning to express in terms of love for one another that trying to indicate details of sophisticated art movements that weve learned in class. It is simple and I enjoyed thinking about it.

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