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Term 1 Reading Mock Exam

1Model Answer



Q1, What types of tour is the speaker looking for?
Cheapest possible Onsen Tour
Q2, How did the speaker find this trip, explain in details.
The speaker found this trip through famous onsen trip internet site which has an
access number of 68,243,047 hits.
Q3, Explain the package (cost, duration and inclusions) tour the speaker booked.
7 nights 8 days including 3 meals costs 79,000 yen
Q4, What made Tony surprised?
Tony was surprised because it was a golden week and they thought they could not
book a cheap tour but they could book it.

Q5, Describe the surroundings in the accommodation site.

There are 6 tennis courts on east side, 8 indoor table tennis courts on west side,
bakery on north side and flowerist on south side.

Q6, What type of sport did they play and how many hours did they play?
They played tennis from 8:00a.m. and had a lunch at 11:30 so I assume that they
played tennis for 3.5 hours.
Q7, Do you think Tony likes onsen? Justify your answer.
I dont think Tony likes onsen because it was first time for him to try onsen in
this trip and he was bit embarrassed. This can be justified the fact that he did
not take onsen when he has an opportunity to try but he just took a shower
Q8, Explain what sort of conflicts are there when the speaker takes onsen in
evening when he sees foreigners.
You need to talk about the onsen rules. In particular having tattoo and wearing
bathing suit in this passage.

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