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8y 1C?

Pow many Llmes have you experlenced Lhe lLchy feellng of havlng Lo re-read a quanL quesLlon Lhe second Llme afLer
once flndlng your way Lhrough Lhe complex lnequallLles and quesLlon sLaLemenL LhaL never seems Lo end? Pow many
lnsLances can you recall when afLer scannlng Lhe compleLe 8C you have Lo EGHEGHEGHIJ Lhe same scan based on whaL ls
asked ln a quesLlon?

8eallLy ls - 1hls ls a Lyplcal problem LhaL a fledgllng CA1 asplranL faces ln Lhe lnlLlal monLhs. Powever, wlLh Llme and
sLraLegles he learns Lhe arL of flndlng Lhe keywords, [udglng Lhe Lone and ln case of quanL and ul, drawlng Lhe
framework or formulaLlng Lhe problem Lo plug ln Lhe answer opLlons of Lhe problem aL hand. Llfe becomes easler afLer
LhaL. ?ou Lake more LesLs, do more pracLlce, use Lhese sLraLegles - you lmprove. AlmosL every CA1 asplranL undergoes
Lhls process of lmprovemenL every year.

And Lhen comes !uly 2009 when CA1 Lakers geL ready for Lhe MCCks (raLher some may have sLarLed glvlng). 8uL Lhls
year scenarlo doesn'L seem Lo be Lhe same. AlmosL all are faclng Lhe EGHEGHEGHIJ problem on Lhe compuLer screen
even afLer masLerlng Lhe sLraLegles on paper. 1he frusLraLlon ls unseLLllng. 1he facL LhaL CA1 09 ls [usL a few monLhs
away ls creaLlng lmmense Llme pressure. Pow can Lhls nLW challenge be meL? 1here musL be a way!

?es! 1here ls one and LhaL requlres a paradlgm shlfL ln our CA1 LesL Laklng approach. We musL admlL LhaL Lhe nLW CA1
needs nLW approach. lurLher, one needs Lo undersLand LhaL lL's noL Lhe CA1 LhaL has changed buL Lhe medlum of Laklng
lL. Cnly paper based sLraLegles won'L work. We have Lo masLer new ways Lo lncrease our concenLraLlon and
comprehenslon. We wlll dlscuss some l8LSP approaches Lo CA1 ln Lhls serles, would apply Lhose on Lhe CA1 2008
quesLlons ln order Lo Lry Lhem and exerclse Lhose on Lhe pasL CA1 quesLlons ln order Lo masLer Lhem.

E)/*&,C =+4FB)(),'&+,K
Mostet tbe ott of coosttoctloq o uot-uloqtom
8C ls consldered Lo be Lhe flrsL area where concenLraLlon plays a ma[or role. Moreover, one should be able Lo llnk Lhe
lnformaLlon and consclously map Lhe developmenL of Lhe Loplc. Powever, readlng on Lhe compuLer screen hampers
boLh Lhe ob[ecLlves. 1he ma[or problem LhaL we face ls Lo re-scan Lhe passage for Lhe relevanL senLence(s) when we
aLLempL Lo answer second quesLlon based on Lhe 8C. lL seems LhaL one wlll have Lo scan Lhe whole passage agaln Lo flnd
ouL where Lhe Loplc ls belng dlscussed. And Lhe LesL Laker geLs confused on wheLher Lo read Lhe whole passage flrsL or Lo
read only Lhe openlng senLences. verbal experLs aL 1C?onllne have a workable sLraLegy for Lhls. lL ls called -
ConsLrucLlng a uoL-ulagram.

?() "B+3)''K
1he process ls very slmple and sLarLs wlLh someLhlng LhaL you are all already dolng - readlng openlng, closlng llnes and
flndlng Lhe glsL. Pere ls how Lo proceed:
1. 1he llrsL sLep ls Lo 8ead Lhe openlng 2-3 llnes of Lhe flrsL para". 2-3 llnes - because Lhe CA1 makers dellberaLely
seL passages where openlng llnes rarely dlscuss Lhe maln polnL. lL ls very lmporLanL Lo read Lhe closlng llne(s) of
Lhe flrsL para, so do noL lgnore Lhem. 1hls way Lhe flrsL para ls very lmporLanL and ls supposed Lo seL Lhe course
of Lhe lssue under quesLlon. now whaL? - WrlLe Lhe adverbs and ad[ecLlves LhaL quallfy as sLrong words" by
Lhe auLhor and glsL ln a few phrases on Lhe '3B/A3( F/F)B and glve lL LlLle 1". Also noLe down lf a phrase ls
glven ln lnverLed commas.
2. !usL read 1-2 openlng senLences of Lhe remalnlng paras and noLe down Lhe lmporLanL words and phrases on Lhe
scraLch paper. 8emember Lo glve Lhen Lhe LlLles 2", 3" and so on whlch wlll acL as polnLers Lo Lrace Lhe
answers Lo speclflc quesLlons. 8emember noL Lo read Lhese sLanzas compleLely. An average human mlnd can
only remember Lhe developmenL of a Loplc afLer one readlng and noL Lhe compleLe undersLandlng of each evenL
LhaL cause Lhls developmenL. We wlll read each evenL when a quesLlon asks us Lo.
3. now, based on your undersLandlng ouL of Lhe wrlLLen summary on Lhe scraLch sheeL, wrlLe down Lhe lmporLanL
words LhaL are core Lo overall ldea of Lhe whole passage. We call Lhese words as uC1s and Lhe process of
ldenLlfylng and llsLlng Lhem as !ClnlnC 1PL uC1s.
4. now, 90 of your [ob ls done. LeL us Lell you how helpful Lhese doLs are:
a. 8ead a quesLlon, maLch Lhe keywords wlLh Lhe words and phrases LhaL you noLed on Lhe scraLch paper
Lo see whlch para focuses on lL. 8ead Lhe relevanL 1-2 llnes maLch Lhem wlLh Lhe answer opLlons. llnally
verlfy Lhe rlghL cholce by noLlclng Lhe use of your doL ln lL.
b. lf you are ln hurry, [usL see whlch answer opLlons comprlse your doLs or Lhelr synonyms. lollowlng Lhese
doLs can ensure 90 accuracy.
c. lf you are sLuck aL 2 cholces, go for Lhe one LhaL conLalns your doL.

L%%#'AB/A&+, DB+4 =>? 8;;MK
LeL's now apply our sLraLegy on Lhe followlng para adopLed from CA1 2008:
Language ls noL a culLural arLlfacL LhaL we learn Lhe way we learn Lo Lell
Llme or how Lhe federal governmenL works. lnsLead, lL ls a dlsLlncL
plece of Lhe blologlcal makeup of our bralns. Language ls a complex,
speclallzed sklll, whlch develops ln Lhe chlld sponLaneously, wlLhouL
consclous efforL or formal lnsLrucLlon, ls deployed wlLhouL awareness of
lLs underlylng loglc, ls quallLaLlvely Lhe same ln every lndlvldual, and ls
dlsLlncL from more general ablllLles Lo process lnformaLlon or behave
lnLelllgenLly. lor Lhese reasons some cognlLlve sclenLlsLs have descrlbed
language as a psychologlcal faculLy, a menLal organ, a neural sysLem,
and a compuLaLlonal module. 8uL l prefer Lhe admlLLedly qualnL Lerm
"lnsLlncL". lL conveys Lhe ldea LhaL people know how Lo Lalk ln more or
less Lhe sense LhaL splders know how Lo spln webs. Web-splnnlng was noL
lnvenLed by some unsung splder genlus and does noL depend on havlng
had Lhe rlghL educaLlon or on havlng an apLlLude for archlLecLure or Lhe
consLrucLlon Lrades. 8aLher, splders spln splder webs because Lhey have
splder bralns, whlch glve Lhem Lhe urge Lo spln and Lhe compeLence Lo
succeed. AlLhough Lhere are dlfferences beLween webs and words, l
wlll encourage you Lo see language ln Lhls way, for lL helps Lo make sense
of Lhe phenomena we wlll explore.
1hlnklng of language as an lnsLlncL lnverLs Lhe popular wlsdom, especlally
as lL has been passed down ln Lhe canon of Lhe humanlLles and soclal
sclences. Language ls no more a culLural lnvenLlon Lhan ls uprlghL posLure.
lL ls noL a manlfesLaLlon of a general capaclLy Lo use symbols: a Lhree-year-
old, we shall see, ls a grammaLlcal genlus, buL ls qulLe lncompeLenL aL Lhe
vlsual arLs, rellglous lconography, Lrafflc slgns, and Lhe oLher sLaples of
Lhe semloLlcs currlculum. 1hough language ls a magnlflcenL ablllLy
unlque Lo nomo sopleos among llvlng specles, lL does noL call for
sequesLerlng Lhe sLudy of humans from Lhe domaln of blology, for a
magnlflcenL ablllLy unlque Lo a parLlcular llvlng specles ls far from
unlque ln Lhe anlmal klngdom. Some klnds of baLs home ln on flylng
lnsecLs uslng uoppler sonar. Some klnds of mlgraLory blrds navlgaLe
Lhousands of mlles by callbraLlng Lhe poslLlons of Lhe consLellaLlons
agalnsL Lhe Llme of day and year. ln naLure's LalenL show, we are slmply
a specles of prlmaLe wlLh our own acL, a knack for communlcaLlng
lnformaLlon abouL who dld whaL Lo whom by modulaLlng Lhe sounds
we make when we exhale.
Cnce you begln Lo look aL language noL as Lhe lneffable essence of
human unlqueness buL as a blologlcal adapLaLlon Lo communlcaLe
lnformaLlon, lL ls no longer as LempLlng Lo see language as an lnsldlous
shaper of LhoughL, and, we shall see, lL ls noL. Moreover, seelng language
as one of naLure's englneerlng marvels - an organ wlLh "LhaL perfecLlon
of sLrucLure and co-adapLaLlon whlch [usLly exclLes our admlraLlon," ln
uarwln's words - glves us a new respecL for your ordlnary !oe and Lhe
much-mallgned Lngllsh language (or any language). 1he complexlLy of
language, from Lhe sclenLlsL's polnL of vlew, ls parL of our blologlcal
blrLhrlghL, lL ls noL someLhlng LhaL parenLs Leach Lhelr chlldren or
someLhlng LhaL musL be elaboraLed ln school - as Cscar Wllde sald,
"LducaLlon ls an admlrable Lhlng, buL lL ls well Lo remember from Llme Lo
Llme LhaL noLhlng LhaL ls worLh knowlng can be LaughL." A preschooler's
LaclL knowledge of grammar ls more sophlsLlcaLed Lhan Lhe LhlckesL
sLyle manual or Lhe mosL sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL compuLer language sysLem,
and Lhe same applles Lo all healLhy human belngs, even Lhe noLorlous
synLax-fracLurlng professlonal aLhleLe and Lhe, you know, llke,
lnarLlculaLe Leenage skaLeboarder. llnally, slnce language ls Lhe producL
of a well-englneered blologlcal lnsLlncL, we shall see LhaL lL ls noL Lhe nuLLy
barrel of monkeys LhaL enLerLalner-columnlsLs make lL ouL Lo be.

E)/* A() F/''/C) /,* /,'-)B A() N#)'A&+,'

O. Accordlng Lo Lhe passage, whlch of Lhe followlng
*+)' ,+A sLem from popular wlsdom on language?
1. Language ls a culLural arLlfacL.
2. Language ls a culLural lnvenLlon.
3. Language ls learnL as we grow.
4. Language ls unlque Lo nomo 5opleos.
3. Language ls a psychologlcal faculLy.

8. Whlch of Lhe followlng can be used Lo replace Lhe
"splders know how Lo spln webs" analogy as used by
Lhe auLhor?
1. A klLLen learnlng Lo [ump over a wall
2. 8ees collecLlng necLar
3. A donkey carrylng a load
4. A horse runnlng a uerby
3. A peL dog proLecLlng lLs owner's properLy

P. Accordlng Lo Lhe passage, whlch of Lhe followlng ls
unlque Lo human belngs?
1. AblllLy Lo use symbols whlle communlcaLlng wlLh
one anoLher.
2. AblllLy Lo communlcaLe wlLh each oLher Lhrough
volce modulaLlon.
3. AblllLy Lo communlcaLe lnformaLlon Lo oLher
members of Lhe specles.
4. AblllLy Lo use sound as means of communlcaLlon.
3. All of Lhe above.

Q. Accordlng Lo Lhe passage, complexlLy of language
cannoL be LaughL by parenLs or aL school Lo chlldren
1. chlldren lnsLlncLlvely know language.
2. chlldren learn Lhe language on Lhelr own.
3. language ls noL amenable Lo Leachlng.
4. chlldren know language beLLer Lhan Lhelr
Leachers or parenLs.
3. chlldren are born wlLh Lhe knowledge of

R. Whlch of Lhe followlng besL summarlzes Lhe passage?
1. Language ls unlque Lo nomo 5opleos.
2. Language ls nelLher learnL nor LaughL.
3. Language ls noL a culLural lnvenLlon or arLlfacL as
lL ls made ouL.
4. Language ls lnsLlncLlve ablllLy of human belngs.
3. Language ls use of symbols unlque Lo human

S/' &A A(/A '&4F%)T
O. @ULVVL<0 ?WG ">@@>0GK
lnLroducLory phrases:
looqooqe ls oot o coltotol ottlfoct tbot we leoto
lt ls o Jlstloct plece of tbe !"#$#%"&'$ )'*+,-.
Concludlng phrase (a repeLlLlon):
looqooqe ls tbe ptoJoct of o well-eoqloeeteJ !"#$#%"&'$ "/01"/&1.
1he openlng and Lhe concludlng senLences say lL all.
8. IE>SL<0 > @<>"@WJ?K
LeL's conslder Lhe ara-wlse mlnor deLall.
1. uescrlblng 'LAnCuACL' | (CLhers) 'descrlbe language as a F'73(+%+C&3/% faculLy' | (1he auLhor)
prefers L,'A&,3A". | And Lhen Lhe auLhor glves Lhe analogy of Lhe &,'A&,3A" - 'people ! how Lo Lalk
||| splders ! how Lo spln webs'.
2. AuLhor sLlcks Lo lnsLlncL". | And flnally sLaLes LhaL language ls 'D/B DB+4 #,&N#)X Lo humans. lL ls only
modulaLlng Lhe sounds we make".
23 Y&+%+C&3/% /*/FA/A&+, Lo communlcaLe | roducL of well-engg $&+%+C&3/% &,'A&,3A.
P. LIG<?LZ2L<0 IJ?'K
A casual look aL Lhe passage reveals LhaL Lhe words language, blologlcal, psychologlcal and lnsLlncL keep
occurrlng agaln and agaln ln Lhe passage and Lhe word lnsLlncL has even been puL ln quoLe marks Lo
aLLracL our aLLenLlon.
Q. 6JL<L<0 ?WG IJ?'K
<+A #,&N#)
R. ><I ?WG ><@SGE L@\
Can we now answer Lhe quesLlons only by [olnlng Lhese doLs? LeL's see.
C1. Cnly opLlon (3) uses our selecLed doL: 'psychologlcal'.
C2. Whlch analogy ls slmllar Lo "splders know how Lo spln webs"? Cnly 'bees collecLlng necLar' ls
lnsLlncLlve. (2)
C3. WhaL ls unlque Lo humans? Cnly volce modulaLlon (2)
C4. Cnly opLlon (1) uses our selecLed doL: 'lnsLlncL'.
C3. Cnly opLlon (4) uses our selecLed doL: 'lnsLlncL'.
---."/0/10#2.3+4 ls lndla's blggesL and mosL LrusLed source for M8A preparaLlon, used by over 300,000
M8A asplranLs each monLh. use aCaLCu?'s hugely popular dlscusslon boards Lo lnLeracL wlLh Lhousands of
M8A sLudenLs ln Lop b-schools, M8A asplranLs, form sLudy groups ln your clLy and aLLend gyaan sesslons, all for
free. CeL ZEGG @V@ #F*/A)' on b-school forms, lasL daLes and resulLs. Sms YG0L< VY> Lo R];^; Lo [oln. 8ead
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>$+#A ?=2+,%&,)
1C?onllne feaLures one of Lhe mosL advanced onllne LesLlng and benchmarklng englne for CA1 preparaLlon and
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from a clLy, sLream or gender and geL fresh seL of recommended LesLs on Lhe weak areas, 1esL CeneraLor LhaL
glves ulLra-flexlblllLy Lo Lhe CA1 asplranL for generaLlng LesLs, Challenge Zone Lo Challenge, pace up and compeLe
wlLh your frlends real-Llme on a LesL and volce based llash LecLures wlLh fasLer downloads, opLlon Lo pause,
forward and rewlnd and Lo waLch lL ln full screen. lollow 1C? on 1wlLLer ( and
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