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Tumors may compress airway Airway stenosis may be present Caution should be taken following surgery in the neck, pharynx, mandible, maxilla or adjacent structures Many patients have severe lung disease, which makes extubation challenging Up to 30% of patients with severe emphysema undergoing thoracotomy will have postop respi complications Patients undergoing lung volume reduction surgery, pneumonectomy, and lung transplant benefit from early discontinuation from mech vent due effects of positive pressure on suture lines and prevention of reintubation Respi complciations are usually due to cardiac dysfunction Consider rapid weaning of ventilation in patients with no sign of cardiac dysfunction, excess bleeding, or neurologic injury GCS >8 is a strong predictor of extubation success in the ICU Possibility of ICP manipulation Prolonged mechanical ventilation may be necessary Consider the possibility of undiagnosed head injury

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