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----New Job----03/01/2014 06:18:17 p.m. Height of the Output skin has to be equal or greater than 600 pixels.

Finished in 0.0333333 seconds ----New Job----03/01/2014 06:19:40 p.m. Width of the Output skin has to be equal or greater than 800 pixels. Finished in 0.0333333 seconds ----New Job----03/01/2014 06:20:09 p.m. Height of the Output skin has to be equal or greater than 600 pixels. Finished in 0.0166667 seconds ----New Job----03/01/2014 06:20:29 p.m. Basic.xml Input Skin is 1024x600 Output Skin is 800x600 Resize XML = True Resize Picture = True Mac enhancement = False Browser Resize = False -XML Job Total lines = 806 Writing XML in new file Finished with XML -Picture file is Basic.bmp Picture opened succesfully Resizing Picture Picture Saved --

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