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21st century families in the UK

extended family np /kstendd fmli/ father figure np /f f(r) / great-grandparents n /ret rnpernts/ great-great-grandparents n /ret ret rnpernts/ grow up phr v /r p/ half-brother n /hf br(r)/ half-sister n /hf sst(r)/ members n /membz/ nuclear family np /njukli fmli/ relative n /reltv/ single-parent family np /sl pernt fmli/ spread out phr v /spred at/ stepbrother n /stepbr(r)/ step-parents n /step pernts/ stepsister n /stepsst(r)/

Describing families
alike adj /lak/ bring up phr v /br p/ close family np /kls fmli/ distant relative np /dstnt reltv/ grow v /r/ grow up phr v /r p/ only child np /nli tld/ relation n /rlen/ relationship n /rlenp/ take after phr v /tek ft(r)/

Family idioms
family get-together idm /fmli et te(r)/ have a skeleton in the cupboard idm /hv skeltn n

on speaking terms idm /n spik tmz/ run in the family idm /rn n fmli/ see eye to eye idm /si a t a/ the black sheep of the family idm / blk ip v

wear the trousers idm /we(r) trazz/ your own flesh and blood idm /j(r) n fle nd bld/

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