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1. Artist Name / Album Name

From research into adverts of similar artists such as Ellie Goulding and Gabrielle Aplin, we found their name was often the largest section of text, with the album name being slightly smaller. Thus this influenced our decision to keep our artists name larger in a font created in Photoshop. The initials (I and G) were created to purposely be larger and more cursive in comparison to the rest of the name which is written in the font Firenze SF. We decided to produce the te xt in a crimson colour, which matches the artists top in the advert. We decided we wanted a two -colour tone to our advert and consequently decided to write the album name in black. We kept the font Firenze SF consistent throughout the advert for continuity purposes. We decided to place the album name slightly to the right of centre in order to draw audience attention and felt that having it the opposite side, would not distract from the I and G.

2. Photograph of Artist

When arranging the shoot for our artist, we wanted to reveal the two sides of our artist: her maturity which is represented in the video through her break up with her boyfriend but also her fun-loving, hippy personality which is portrayed through her partying with her friends in the video. The photograph was staged so that by the artist not looking directly at the camera, there is an element of mellowness, and however her slight smile connotes playfulness. By using a close-up shot, we wanted to draw audience attention straight to Isabellas face. We chose to place the picture in the right third of the advert which would then allow room for text on the left and centre, thus creating an equal division between the two.

3. Spotlight Effect
We created the spotlight effect on photoshop. We did this by taking photos of out of focus fairy lights as featured in the music video and lowering the opacity of these and placing them over the photograph of our artist. We chose to do this to show links between our promotional material and video but also felt it added a nice layer over the advert as a whole and the spotlights connote performance within the music industry, thus confirming our artists identity as a singer. To add texture and depth to our advert, we chose to lower the opacity further on some of the lights to provide a contrast.

4. Use of Reviews
From research into album adverts, we found they often use reviews as a way of promoting the artist and their music. We chose to use two reviews to add positivity to our artist. We understood that the institutions reviewing the album needed to be genre specific and did some research into companies who have reviewed indie / country albums. We came across The Fly who had a history of critiquing similar artist, thus being suitable for our advert. Whilst The Fly is very genre specific, we also wanted to have a broader institution to represent that our artist does have a wide target audience. This influenced our decision to use Billboard we are universally known for reviewing a broad selection of genres. We kept the reviews were concise but also differing in what they say to add variety.

5. iTunes and Use of Social Media

From research into how music is generally downloaded now and through of experiences, we believed it would be suitable to include the iTunes logo as a downloading platform. As we believe our artist to be quite understated, we felt it would be appropriate to show elements of convergence on the advert with social media sites such as twitter and Facebook. We decided to keep these symbols relatively smaller in order not to detract from the main content of the advert. We thought this would be an extra way of promoting our artist and provides the target audience with something extra from the artist.

Ellie Addison

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