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Off the top of my head, these are some Informative speeches that I have heard in the recent past:

Science and Technology: Google glasses Google car Tsunami detectors Alternative fuels Nano technology Lasik surgery How metal detectors work Internet banking security Black holes in space How do clouds form? Important Historical Figures: Sir Isaac Newton Louis Armstrong Nelson Mandela Julius Caesar Mahatma Gandhi Napoleon Bonaparte Mao Tse-tung Winston Churchill Malcolm X Pablo Picasso Controversies: Drone use overseas Fracking Coffee: healthy or not? Animal testing GMOs in food Social Media Issues Cochlear Implants Separation of Church and State issues Standardized Testing Parental notification of an abortion for a minor Privacy

Cultural differences: Comparison of different religions Dia de Los Muertos Chinese New Year Celebrations Wedding celebrations Funeral services Cultural dances Language differences Government structure in other countries Differences in educational structures in various countries compared to the U.S. Career Information: Nursing Engineering (Sound, civil, electrical, mechanical, architectural, computer) Air traffic control Coaching Sign Language Interpreter Spanish Interpreter Construction Chef Music Teacher Dentistry Film-making Video game creating

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