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Overall budget
Overall we have decided that our budget for our horror film will be around 15,000, as that this the average amount of money that is used within a low budget horror film.

Multiple cameras Auto recording

Social networks Photoshop

Twitter Facebook


Editing suit Fake blood Premier pro Television advertising Radio advertising Target audience Mise-en-scene



Old fashion house (location)

Billboard Advertising

Magazine advertising

Low budget films

We as a group have been inspired by may low budget films, for instances, the supernatural horror film, The Blair Witch Project (1999), which was written and directed by Eduardo Snchez and Daniel Myrick. The film was produced by the Haxan Films production company. The budget for The Blair Witch Project was $22,500, which is extremely cheap for a horror film.

We have also been inspired by, zombie horror film Collin (2008) the overall budget for this film was just 45, which is outstanding for a horror film, so the director, Marc Price, shot Colin on a standard definition Panasonic mini-dv camcorder that he had owned for 10 years and edited the film on his home PC using Adobe Premiere 6 software which had come bundled with a video capture card he'd purchased a few years previous

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