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Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educacin L.B.

Ildefonso Nez Mares Maturn Edo Monagas

Teacher Name:


Students Name: Anel Yeguez Yenifer Castaeda Year: 4th Seccion J

Maturn, February 6th 2014

House 72 street 2. Clear river-Tipuro-Maturn city-Monagas 06/February/2014 Estimated grandmother. First want to say that I miss you so much, I miss the talking and sharing my stuff with you and these fascinating stories to tell me you lived your youth with grandfather. You story that Ive done very well in school, although sometimes I have understand some teacher. Father always tells me that with patience and will achieve effort finish my studies then become a great professional, and I am certain that he is right. If you did not know, mom is expecting a baby and this news makes me very happy, he had asked him to gine me a good brother to share my toys with him and also play football. I am very happy grandmother time pass very quickly and so we can come see you and gold you and lusten to all those history you have for me. I love you grandmother. Soon. Your grandson, who loves you. Mike.

Elvin Rivas Street 4 La Muralla Tel: 0291-9995522 Elvin Rivas CORPOELEC Maturn Edo. Monagas. Dear CORPOELEC: This letter is with reference to the cut of electricity, I am writing to know about the reconnection of electricity in this sector. The people of the urbanization La Muralla are worried about that because they have three days without electricity. Please contact us to know about this situation. Yours sincerely, February 6th, 2014

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