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The reason why the church hates Hinduism is that the depth of Hindu philosophy with its spiritual

l insights collected over 5,000 years by thousands of meditative sages, its universalism, its tolerance, its vastness of scope, its democracy of thought offers a formidable threat to the simplistic and shallow true god, false god philosophy on which hritianity and !slam are based" Hinduism has no founder" !t is merely a collection of deep spiritual insights collected since #000 $ by thousands of sages who sharpened their mind and intellect through yoga techni%ues" &fter decades of practice, gradually their mind developed a penetrative power to absorb the nature of the ultimate reality" They began to get flashes of insight with their eyes closed" That is why the central percept of Hinduism is' lose your eyes and see" The truth you long for is inside you" Hinduism is thus nothing but what thousands of yoga practitioners over thousands of years have discovered on their own about who we are, where we are going, why were we born, what happens to us after we die and why some people suffer while others en(oy" The answers are found in Hinduism but it may ta)e a lifetime of study" &s you go deeper into Hindu philosophy, a strange )ind of peace and contentment ta)es over which ma)es you self*satisfied and indifferent to pleasure and pain" +ou live in this world but the world does not live in you" Hinduism uplifts you and you are contented to stay alone, savouring the inner %uiet and peace" This is why Hindu sages never loo) for a mass of followers" They prefer to retreat to the forests and stay alone" ,piritual peace is their best company" Hinduism appeals to sophisticated minds while hristianity and !slam cater to primitive minds which can only bear the burden of their e-istence by creating comforting delusions" The ,emitic faiths appeal to the poision that e-ists in the psyche of all of us in which you consider everyone else as beneath contempt " &s people evolve, liberate themselves mentally and learn to thin) freely without any self*imposed limits, the philosopy of Hinduism begins to appeal to them" .i)e what is happening in &merica today"

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