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This guide on how to improve your eyesight naturally is free to be shared or reprinted in full only.

Something else that I feel the need to clarify here is that I am not a doctor, I do not hold any qualifications in the area whatsoever, so please treat everything that I say here as purely my own, personal opinion. Although you cannot possibly damage your eyes by simply rolling them around, I must say that I am not responsible for anything that you do as a result of reading this guide. Always consult with your doctor before doing anything unusual with your eyes... !ay, now that we have that out of the way... let us begin our "ourney into perfect vision without glasses. #irst of all, it all is most effective when you actually follow the guide, and do everything e$actly as it says. %very point made here is vitally important to success. In other words, this guide has no &magic powers& to correct eyesight "ust because you&ve read it ' if you "ust sit bac!, read this material and do nothing, you will... well... you&ll get no results. (ou will need to apply this information, do the e$ercises, and you will have to ma!e some small sacrifices during your healing period, if you really want to ma!e this wor! for you... and it will) It&s not hard * not even near) So, again, if you are not prepared to ma!e these small sacrifices, if you are not prepared to follow the rules, then you will only be e$tending your healing period, so do yourself a big favour, and really put your mind into this. And don&t worry, because it&s all worth your while, it&s for the better. (our eyesight will get better every day +providing that you do this, and you see fluctuations in your vision * I&ll e$plain later on,, even if some days the improvement may not be so obvious. There is no e$ception to this rule, so don&t let that little doubt crawl into your mind) (ou should, however, see an improvement of some sort often enough... So, if you&ve been doing this for a wee! and you see no results whatsoever, then you may want to review this information, and synchronise it with what you are doing. It has all been researched to death, and perfected to achieve the -efinite .hief Aim, which you have hopefully set for yourself now ' to restore your eyesight as soon as possible. I would also advise you not to tell anyone about this until you actually restore your eyesight. (ou must realise that most people will be sceptical of this, therefor may discourage you before you even start. So, it wor!s, and it wor!s for everyone +unless you have some serious and unusual medical condition,. /astly, remember that you really have no reason to thin! that if you start fiddling with the steps outlined in this guide, over'doing the e$ercises,

adding your own bits, etc., that you will get better results. It is highly probable that you won&t, furthermore, it may do you more harm than good, so "ust follow these steps exactly, and you will get there faster, guaranteed. -id you !now that the biggest and the most powerful tool that can be used to achieve great health is our own mind0 1eople hugely underestimate the power of their thoughts, and, while some are "ust plain la2y, others "ust don3t !now the truth. The truth that you can use your own mind to create the body you want to live in ' healthy, strong, beautiful body. In this e$ample, I would only share with you a small peace ' what I did on my way to improving my own eyesight. #irst of, it is vital to understand that these vision'corrective eye e$ercises themselves are only a small part of a much larger pu22le. In fact, it&s them that do most of the hard wor!. The process of vision correction begins from the time you start seeing flashes of good vision +an indication that your eye muscles are starting to rela$,, and in order to get these flashes +and, subsequently, increase them, right until they turn to good eyesight,, there are various techniques that were developed that rela$ our eye muscles and so start these vision fluctuations. All the ancient teachings&, essentially, begin the same. If order to heal one&s body, one needs to heal one&s mind. That is by far the fastest way to achieving perfect health. 4eing happy5harmonious on the inside equals to being healthy on the outside. ur body responds very well to the way we feel, so this is absolutely crucial to grasp and to utilise in the most productive manner. 6ust to get this point across, self'healing courses use hundreds& of pages& of content, even before they even get to actually doing any of the physical stuff. And this not only applies to self healing, but to success in life in general. #eeling up for a whole day is easily equivalent to a thousand7 euros worth of medical help at the world&s best hospitals&, or what have you) And you can get that treatment daily, and for free) So, please remember this one, and you will be rewarded with a very quic! and painless process of self'healing, and eyesight restoration. 8ow, the rules9

#eel good throughout. :a!e yourself feel good the best you can, throughout the e$ercises. The first thing you do in order to lift your mood is to straighten your spine +important,, and put a wide smile on your face... 9o, Also important. Again, this is quite important ' mind

wor! is ;<7 = of the success, as they say, and here is where the real !ey to our door lies. It may seem tough, to start with, but this state of mind will become natural after >? days, and you&ll never loo! bac!, after it does) (ou may have noticed that successful people always appear happy, while those complaining about how unhealthy they are are unhealthy. It is for that e$act same reason. Stress is the number one !iller to any living thing out there, no matter how simple or comple$ that living thing is. And that's a fact.

-o not tense your eyes muscles ' rela$ as much as possible while doing the e$ercises and after +throughout your day you should remember to !eep your eyes as rela$ed as possible at all times, do not allow stress to reflect on the eyes... when you cannot see anything and it&s stressful for you, then "ust straighten your spine, put a wide smile on, start breathing in and out deeper than normal, and your vision will improve at speed of a quarter of a dipotre per day / dioptre per week). Say good bye to your glasses5contacts for good if your eyesight is only '@.< or 7@.<. I have almost never worn my glasses after I have started regaining vision, and I&ve had close to '< +though generally not recommended to get rid of them so fast when you have a high dioptre,. If you are more than A dioptres out, then use glasses with at least A dioptres wea!er than your current prescription +and only use them as you need them, e.g. possible no need when wal!ing, etc.,. If you drive, then this would be the time when you should consider other means of transportation ' and remember that you can wal! too) +Thin! you cannot handle that0 I&ve had final year e$ams & most important presentations out of my whole course to do when I &lost& my glasses, and yes, it was very frustrating when you cannot see anything * "ust picture that!)


1eople as! the following9 can I wear my glasses A8- restore my vision0 In short, no, you can not. 4ut I will happily e$plain. -o you still remember that I am not a doctor and I am not an e$pert in human anatomy, that I am probably "ust li!e yourself in most areas +even though I did learn a lot during the last two months, so, possibly, !now "ust a tad more,0 !ay, good. So, to answer this question, we need to loo! into the roots of the problem that

you&re on your way to overcoming +awesome),. As you may, or may not, !now, our vision deteriorates partly because our eye muscles atrophy +and partly because others tense up,, and become unable to change the shape of our eye ball, so it remains in whatever shape you leave it at. I.e. when we&re wor!ing with a computer, for e$ample, we develop myopia +a!a short'sightedness,, and our eye, as we !now it now, remains stretched, rugby ball'shape. Bision'corrective eye e$ercises themselves are only there to support us in other, more important things. This is e$actly what the official medicine is using as it&s argument to convince the world that Crolling your eyes around has not effect on your visionC. And they are correct with this statement. n it&s own, it doesn&t. In order to restore our vision, we need to rela$ the tensed eye muscles, while starting to use other eye muscles, and this is where eye e$ercise come in. %ye e$ercises train these muscles that we stop using from the moment our vision worsens. So, the point of this whole e$ercise is to merely rela$ the tensed eye muscles, hence every effort should, first of all, be aimed at rela$ing these eye muscles... Dhich is what should always be !ept in mind throughout the whole eyesight restoration process. 8ow, what our glasses do is they give us our vision bac! by treating the effect of bad vision, which, as e$plained above, lies in the eye muscle tension. #rom the moment we put these things& on, they do not allow our eye muscles to rela$, in order to see without the lenses. #or illustration purposes, let me try to thin! of an analogy here of some sort... o!ay, thin! of a peace of metal spring that that gets pulled apart... Dhen you stretch it, it tries going bac!, but after a while, it becomes softer and softer until it "ust stays in the stretched position naturally.... So now you need to apply force to ma!e it go bac! the way it was. So, what I am trying to get across here is that when we wear glasses5contacts, our eye muscles are not rela$ing, be it a myopia, or a hyperopia, that you have. (ou cannot possibly rela$ your eye muscles while wearing glasses in which you can see perfectly well again. It "ust won&t wor!... physically. If you do need to wear them, then wear wea!er ones. This is very fundamental, and there&s no way round it, unfortunately.

If you drin! alcohol. or if you smo!e cigarettes, then please please please do yourself a favour, and stop this degrading activity altogether +or at least for the duration of the process of curing yourself,. This is important because smo!ing and drin!ing affects our eyes, big time. It affects our whole body +and mind,, actually, but I won&t go into that much more here... (ou&re much encouraged to do

your own research on this though. I gave up all that bac! in A??E, and am very glad that I did.

-o not rush it) If you restore your vision too quic!ly, you are at ris! of slowing down the process tremendously, apparently. 4ut if you follow this guide e$actly as it says, then there&s absolutely nothing to worry about. It is quite easy to rush though, because you want to restore your vision, and you see improvement, and so you have the temptation to over'do the thing that&s wor!ing for you. If you ta!e that road, however, then get ready for a dioptre per month, or more, instead of a dioptre per wee!) The cycle of e$ercises is done once daily, for four days, and you have a F days rest period that follows. The only thing that you cannot overdo, furthermore, you need to do as much as possible, is feeling up and being happy. I&ll tal! about that more later later on in the guide.

F. Gestoring eyesight goes hand'in'hand with general health, so !eep healthy, do some general body e$ercises in the mornings&, forget the "un! food, eat fruits and vegetables as part of your meals& +ideally, >?= of your meal should consist of fruits& H veggies&,) .ut down on sugar and on carbohydrates... /i!e white bread, white rise etc. ' eat brown bread, drown rise. It&s a good habit to get into anyway, because it&s healthy, apparently. I do, myself, and my good friend had recently started eating separately +carbs& separate from proteins,, and, according to him, he had lost < !ilos& over a month +down from E<, he now weighs E?,... So, these are the main rules for you to !eep by now. If you start feeling your eyes hurting during the process at the start, then do not worry, because that&s normal, since you are starting to use some of those muscles that you have not used in a long time. That differs from age to age though * I e$perienced very little of that. If you are older than me, you may be more li!ely to. And by the way, age ma!es no difference here. According to my teachers and their e$tensive e$perience, it really does not matter whether you are @? years old, or I? years young... (ou shall all restore your eyesight. /astly, after completing each of the e$ercises from below, you need to lightly blin! a few times for a few seconds * blin!ing rela$es eye muscles.

I.e. e$ercise @, then blin!, e$cersie A, then blin!, and so on. 4lin! lightly, do not stress your eye muscles. And when you are wor!ing with something close up in general, then also remember to blin! more often. Studies& have shown that when people use a computer, they blin! up to < times less often than otherwise, thus the sore eyes problem, etc. It helps when you do these e$ercises when you are most rela$ed * I did mine mostly in the morning... !ay, let us begin. @. /oo! up, but ta!e your attention further, beyond the physical constraint of your eye, then loo! down, and, again, ta!e your attention further, beyond the physical constraint of your eye ' I times +up'down JI, and remember to !eep your eyes rela$ed ' do not stress your eye muscles,. A. /oo! left, but ta!e your attention further5beyond the physical constraint of your eye ' behind your ear in this case, loo! right, and, again... you got it. -o this I times, "ust as with e$ercise @. F. /oo! left, straight, right, straight, this one > times +left, straight, right, straight J>, >. #ollow through a perfect circle with your eyes +don3t cut corners,, I'@? times in one direction, and then I'@? in the other direction. <. Same as e$ercise >, but loo! up +i.e. tilt your head towards the ceiling, and do the same as e$ercise >,. Again, ma!e sure that you maintain good mood throughout, as this really is vital, and will really put things on steroids for you. :a!e each move comfortable, lift you mood with every cycle. And don3t forget to lightly blin! after every e$ercise. K. -o the same as e$ercise >, but now with your eyes closed. E. -o same as e$ercise <, but now with your eyes closed. I. /oo! on to the top left corner +eyes are open again,, bottom left corner, top right corner, and bottom right corner, and do this cycle > times. Then do the same in the opposite direction. ;. -raw a hori2ontal I with your eyes +i.e. move your eyes in the shape of an I,, do about I of them in each direction. @?. 8ow draw I vertically, also around I times in each direction will do.

@@. /oo! at your nose for A seconds, then loo! straight, but ta!e your attention to the sides, noticing ob"ect that are by each side of you +again, you cannot physically loo! in different directions, unless you are a frog or a li2ard, but you can pay attention to these ob"ects, noticing them with your side5peripheral vision,. Then loo! at the bridge of your nose for A seconds, and, again, to the sides, as above. /astly, loo! between your eyebrows for A seconds, then to the sides again. -o this cycle > times. @A. Sit up straight, close your eyes, and rela$ as much as you can ' rela$ the whole body, and eye muscles in particular +go through your whole body in your mind, in search for tense muscles, and rela$ any tense muscles that you find,. To help yourself rela$, image of nature helps most people. Then, when you feel that you have fully rela$ed, imagine a butterfly, remember how it moves5spins it&s wings. 8ow slowly, calmly open your eyes, and calmly start blin!ing, without tension, "ust li!e the butterfly does when it moves it3s wings +< seconds or so is quite enough,. @F. Gela$ing your eyes as much as possible. Gub your hands against one another until you feel they start getting worm +@? ' @< seconds,, then put them in a cross, one on another, and put them on your face. (our eyes must rest right in the middle of your palms, but not touch them. :a!e sure there is no light coming through, and then close your eyes. Fully rela$ +your shoulders go down, face rela$ed, tongue should be in a hanging state, etc. ' "ust go through your body in your mind again, loo!ing for any tense muscles, and rela$ them,. Sit in this position for around > minutes, and then slowly lower your hands, !eeping your eyes closed. Increase rela$ation, thin! of nature again. After about a minute in this state, ta!e a deep breath, stretch yourself, hands, feet etc., and open your eyes, while you breath out. @>. And the last phase now. Gub your palms against one another again until they&re warm, and close your eyes. 8ow lift your hands, and place the pointing and middle fingers together on both of your hands. Awesome. 8ow place them hori2ontally, pointing into your eyes, but not touching your eyes. Leep them a few millimetres before your eyeballs. Leeping your bac! straight, you should now rela$, and sit li!e this for a minute or two. Try to imagine as healing energy comes off your fingers and onto your eyes. Then lower your hands, !eeping your eyes closed. Gub them

again, and do the same, as above, only now using the middle of your thumbs instead. Then open your eyes slowly, and blin! lightly. ' Solarising e$ercise9 Sun is our friend. ur eyes have a way of adopting to the sun light ' when we are loo!ing at the sun, it&s generally good for our eyes. It is very important, however, to only loo! at the sun either in the morning, when it is rising, or in the evening, when it is going down. And it must be very close to the hori2on * li!e right on it. Avoid loo!ing at the sun during all other times at all cost, as it causes eye flouters, and, eventually, a cataract. And whatever you do, do not stare at it directly with your eyes wide open) Sunrises and sunsets are good and safe. If you start feeling uncomfortable when doing this, however, or if you have any specific problems with your eyes, then consult with your doctor. If you don3t !now of any problems, i.e. if you feel that you are o!ay, then you are probably o!ay. 4ut remember to consult with your doctor regarding any problems you may have. So, loo!ing at the sun when it&s already up is a bad idea. %ven if you close your eyes, it is still bad, so don&t do it. Sun is life, but there is a special way to it. It&s well !now that birds, for e$ample, have a perfect vision through their whole life, and that&s because they don&t loo! at the sun during the day, but only during the sunset and the sunrise +according to $y2, anyway,. (ou can do this e$ercise once or twice a day. ' %ye muscle'building e$ercise +it&s got a different &scientific& name that I don&t remember, but it ma!es no difference,9 (our may thin! of this e$ercise as one you&d do in a gym, when you are building up your chosen muscle ' we are doing something similar here with the muscles of our eyes +which is moving H focusing them,. So, here3s what you do for this one9 you ta!e a small image, e.g. stamp, and you stic! it on your window +ma!es it easier,. Then you loo! at the stamp, standing F? centimetres away from it H focus your vision from that stamp and into the distance. -o this around @?? times. Spending "ust F minutes a day, > days a wee! on this e$ercise is enough. #ully rela$ your eye muscles while doing this. (ou may do this e$ercise anywhere, not necessarily near a window, and you may use anything for it that you can focus your vision on ' I often used my fingers, for e$ample, and it seems to have wor!ed. Again, all of these e$ercises are closely coupled with health training +or restoration, for some, * when I did them, I did them with some general,

body e$ercises in the morning, a healthy diet, and everything else that I mention in this guide. And the real secret is to feel good throughout all e$ercises * as a rule of thumb, the more positive you are feeling, the quic!er you will succeed. Bery simple, actually, and yet absolutely crucial. %very dioptre, be it C'C or a C7C, on average, based on the e$perience of those who have fully restored their eyesight H health that way, ta!es only about a wee! to ta!e off, which, I thin! is really cool. So, if you have '>, it should ta!e one month, 'I M A months, and so on. I&ve had '>.E<, and it too! me little over two months * roughly @? wee!s, to get my perfect vision bac!, which may be a little longer than dioptre a wee!, but do you thin! I&m complainig0 9o, I have been wearing contact lenses for @< hours each day for many years though, and I do spend most of my time staring at computer screen... It has been proven most effective doing the above e$ercises for > days, and then having a brea! of F days. This is important. That is partly because this is how our bodies wor! ' A steps forward, one step bac!wards, and partly because of the safety rules * so that you don&t fall in to the trap of over' doing this stuff, and, as a result, slowing the process down. (ou may notice that your eyesight may be better one day, while the ne$t it may appear worse than the day before, but, that&s normal. and it will be constantly improving, no matter what you may be thin!ing at the time. Leep yur thoughts positive. %yesight improves for everyone who follows these steps& with a totally positive mindset, and only the end goal in mind. It has been noticed that it is these types of people who all get the same results +it has really been researched to death,. Another thing to note though is that everyone&s pace is different. :ost people, however, tend to notice their first improvements during their first wee! * fluctuations will start happening during the day, while at night you may li!ely return bac! to bad vision again, until your eyes will learn to rela$ enough, especially under bad lighting conditions&. And once you have restored your vision, it is recommended to continue doing the e$ercises for at least another month * to solidate the results, and restore your eyesight once and for all, no matter what hardship you&ll be putting your eyes through in the future. Another tip for you, if you want to speed up the process, if you want to see eyesight fluctuations sooner +which, if you remember, is an indication that you are on your way to restoring your vision,, then do the following9

' .lose your eyes, and fully rela$ for about F? seconds or so. Then open your eyes, and loo! on to the distance outside your window +if you don3t see anything there at all yet, then you may use an eye test table ' li!e those you see at opticians, when you go for an eyesight chec! up ' you can easily find a printable version of it online, or "ust use any te$t that you can "ust about see, when you straighten out your hands in front of yourself,. -uring this time, lift up your mood artificially as much as possible. #eel really good, and you will start noticing the fluctuations. (our aim is to remember the state of good eyesight, and then try H replicate that state in every situation, everywhere you go. Dhen you !eep your eyes in the state that you want them to be in, they start rela$ing and remembering that state. Then you&ll see that it is starting to get a little bit easier for you every day to get into that state where you see things further and clearer, and, eventually, you will fully regain your vision. #luctuations indicate the process of eyesight restoration. If you do not see them, then it means that you are not rela$ing your eye muscles enough. (ou should be seeing fluctuations pretty much everywhere you go. I did. ' #luctuations9 mind wor!. 1lease try the following9 close your eyes for A? seconds +or until you&re fully rela$ed,, feel good about yourself, inhale deeply, then e$hale +"ust as you would normally,, and lightly open them and try to lightly focus, then fully rela$. nce you get a little fluctuation of good vision, remember the sharpness of the image that you so, and repeat that procedure again. -o it once or twice, anywhere you can. #or e$ample, do it while you&re wal!ing. Tell your brain what you will see when you are going to open your eyes. (ou brain is there to help you through your life, and, after all, you own it, so work with it. There are also some spots around your face that you can massage and help your eye muscles rela$. It&s !ind of hard to e$plain in te$t, but they are by your temples, then all around your eyes, and by your nostrils. 6ust Noogle something li!e face massage. and you&ll probably find them quite easily... ' Dhen you are wor!ing with a personal computer, reading a boo!, or when you are doing anything else that requires you to stare at an ob"ect for a long time, especially close up, you need to loo! around the room, loo! into the distance every F? minutes. Dhile you&re restoring your vision, it would especially help if you do something along these lines9

:ove your eyes up, down, left, right, loo! onto your nose etc. ' do this for a couple of minutes once every hour or so, then close your eyes and do the 1alming e$ercise. It may be seem li!e a bit of a pain at first, but you will get used to doing this soon enough, and your eyes will appreciate that activity a lot. I really mean it. ' Set yourself a goal +set a date by which you want your eyesight to get bac! to perfect,, and !eep this goal in mind at all times, and particularly when you&re wor!ing with your eyesight +and this, of course, should be all the time, until you restore your eyesight,. /astly, I have learnt that although I could do things with my eyes to see better +for e$ample I could put a strain on my eyes of some sort, and could see well for some seconds before it returned to bad again,, I quic!ly learnt that my eyesight wasn&t really improving, and I needed to put that same strain every time I wanted to see. And so that didn&t wor! out too well for me... And I suspect it&ll be the same with you. It was when I learnt to fully rela$ without any strain at all +ta!ing deep breaths in, and lifting my mood, my vision then had started improving fairly quic!ly, from that point on. I did force my eyes to focusus at the start though... because I could not see anything at all... so I am going to try and advise you on the most effective way to do that also. Dhen you force your eyes to focus, do so lightly, and then fully rela$, and you should still see what you need to see at that time. Then you should remember the position of your eyes when you see, and !eep telling your brain that that&s what you want, and that&s what you are going to get. Tell yourself that you see better every day, and "ust remember the position and then replicate it. Spend time every day "ust stretching your vision, !eeping it in that stretched position for at least A? minutes * that&s what I did... I have identified a couple of good places where my eyes were most rela$ed, and I !ept training them to see, stretching my vision further and further, as days went by, until I needed no more * I could see, without doing anything at all. And that helped me tremendously, as after every session li!e this my vision got a whole lot better. Oope that all this is ma!ing sense to you... It is !ind of hard to get across, but you&ll be able to relate to it from your own e$perience soon enough, if not already. To conclude, here&re some reminders of what you&ve "ust read +hopefully,9 P Leep your eyes rela$ed throughout the day.

P It is important to rela$ your eye muscles before you go off to bed, and after you wa!e up. If your eyes are strained when you go off to sleep, then your eye muscles are very li!ely going to stay li!e that for the whole night. ne thing you can do to rela$ is do a so'called /ong Swing. The resource I gave you below describes how it&s done. P 8o drugs * alcohol, tobacco. P Oealthy food * eat separately, lots of fruit, etc. P #eel good throughout the e$ercises as well as throughout your day in general, smile as much as you can, minimise any possible stress. P nce you restore your vision, it&s very easy to !eep it good. All you do is you see things

without stressing your eye muscles in any way, and remember to loo! after them * give them a rest often enough to !eep them strong * you&ll feel when they&re getting tired.

I:1 GTA8T9 Dhenever you are doing something, anything, devote your full attention to it,

and to it only. If you are to master something, no matter how simple or comple$ the tas! is, when doing that tas!, thin! of it, and nothing else. (ou&ll start seeing why if you try. So, in our case, what you should be doing is you want to be focusing your full attention on your end result. So, for e$ample, when you are doing the 1alming e$ercise, you will be using your imagination, and you will be thin!ing of things that you would see clearly, as vividly as you can. And you will actually feel your eye muscles rela$ing +it&s a feeling as if your eyeballs are tensing, and going bac! a little,. Dhen you are doing that e$ercise with the stamp, then, every time you stretch your vision into the distance, you would imagine that ob"ect that you are loo!ing at being clear, and you would be

telling your eyes that it must be clearer, and so on... -evote your full attention to it, while you are at it. A must-have course: If you are serious about having a perfect eyesight again, then you MUST get this course, as it will help you a lot in rebuilding your vision, and I highly recommend it. It helped me not only with some additional exercises that speed up the whole process there are just too many different ones for me to write out here (and it's also not so much about the quantity, but the quality that matters far more here), they will also send you equipment that you'll need, give you a full guide etc., all in one course. DO NOT IGNORE THIS PART.

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