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The first food-derived bioactive peptide was identified in 1950 when Mellander reported that casein phosphorylated peptides

enhanced vitamin D-independent bone calcification in rachitic infants [11]. owever! interest in this field has increased considerably in the last two decades! with the ma"ority of research foc#sin$ on the identification of bioactive peptides from mil% proteins [1&!1']. (ioactive peptides are inactive or latent in the parent protein b#t are released in an active form after proteolytic di$estion [1)]. Methods employed in the proteolytic di$estion of parent proteins incl#de hydrolysis by di$estive en*ymes [15]! plant and bacterial proteases [1+!1,]! and followin$ microbial fermentation [1-!19!&0].

.rimele peptide bioactive derivate din mancare a# fost descoperite in 1950 cand Mellander si-a dat seama ca ca*eina peptidelor fosfori*ate creste vitamina D in calcefierea oaselor la s#$arii rahitici. Tot#si in #ltimele do#a decade interes#l in aceasta problema a cresc#t considerabil! ma"oritatea cercetarilor concentrand#-se pe identificarea peptidelor bioactive din proteinele din lapte. .eptidele bioactive s#nt inactive sa# asc#nde in proteina de ba*a dar s#nt eliberate intr-o forma active d#pa di$estia proteolitica. Metode #tili*ate in aceasta di$estie a proteinelor de ba*a incl#de hidroli*a de catre en*imele di$estive si protea*ele din plante si bacterii prec#m si din fermentatia microbiana.

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