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Unwrap the Fun!

Tis the season to share love and laughter. Its not about how many meals you have in your table, how many presents there are under your Christmas trees especially how grand your holidays have been THAT IS A BIG N-O. Just a simple meal with your family would do, when I say family I dont mean only by blood family is more like the people who make you happy in simple ways, who understands its more like they are a reflection of yourself. In these photographs it simply captures a little on how wonderful my holiday was. Quite magical and weird in a good way, for the first time I realize on how amazing life really is. For a moment problems are forgotten, depressions are lessened and everyone seems to be in good terms. The season where theres no right no wrong no rules for me IM FREEEEEEE! The atmosphere has completely changed though I wish it could last a little longer

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