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"Rag Doll" By Aaron Brehm

INT. 1970S DINER- NIGHT The diner is large with multiple booths outlining the walls. There are tables set up by the edge of the kitchen with silver bar stools placed by the tables. The floors are decorated with a red and white, checker board, tile formation. Six pool table lights hang from the ceiling. Smoke from the stove in the kitchen joins with the smoke from the cigarettes of the customers sitting at the front of the kitchen. The diner is crowded. EDWARD WILLIS, a man in his late 20s with short brown hair and brown eyes, opens the diner door. He looks behind himself before walking in. He is wearing a suit and tie with dress pants and shoes. He is carrying a notebook with a pen. He brushes past a few customers as they pass to leave the diner. EDWARD Excuse me. He moves forward more and spots a booth with a lady sitting away from him. He walks to the booth and sits on the opposite side. He locks eyes with the woman. This is SERA DAMALL. SERA is a blond woman in her mid-30s. Shes wearing blue jeans and a dark red, buttoned up jacket. He places the clipboard on the booths table. EDWARD Glad you could make it. Sera is looking away from Edward. SERA I almost left. You do realize how much trouble I could be in. Edward leans forward. He puts his hand on hers. EDWARD (softly) Youre doing a good thing. Your job is safe-Sera pulls her hand away from Edwards. Sera looks at Edward. SERA My job? I dont care about that. My life, Mr. Willis, that is what Im worried about. Do you realize how dangerous these people can get? (CONTINUED)



Edward sits back into the booth. His eyes stay locked on Sera. EDWARD Nothing is going to happen to you. I swear to you that your name will not be released--purely anonymous. Sera pauses. SERA I dont know-EDWARD I need you. Youre the only insider I have on this case. This is huge, and Im trying to save a life here. Sera closes her eyes and shakes her head. SERA I cant. I cant. Theres too much at risk here. I shouldnt have even come here-Sera gets up to leave. Edward quickly gets up and puts his hand on her shoulder, forcing her back down into the booth. Sera looks at Edward with wide, misty eyes. Edward immediately looks away. He gathers himself and looks back up at her. EDWARD Im sorry, but look, I need this. Evidence. I need evidence to put away every single one of those corrupt assholes. Sera doesnt say anything. Edward sighs. He spots a waitress. He signals for her to come over to them. THE WAITRESS is wearing a gray T-Shirt with a white aprine attached at the waist. She has a pad and pencil in her hand. Edward looks up at the waitress. WAITRESS Hi. What can I get for you guys tonight? Edward turns to Sera. EDWARD Do you want anything? Sera shakes her head. Edward turns back to look at the waitress. (CONTINUED)



EDWARD Two cups of coffee, please. WAITRESS How do you want those cups? EDWARD Straight black. WAITRESS Is that all? Edward nods. EDWARD That is all. Thank you. The waitress smiles. WAITRESS Ill have that to ya in a few minutes. The waitress turns around and walks away to another booth. Edward turns back to face Sera. She is silently looking at the table. SERA I dont want any coffee. EDWARD I was hoping you did. Everyone loves coffee, after all. Sera looks at Edward directly. SERA Looks like Im different. Edward pauses. He stares at Sera. EDWARD Youre pissed, and you dont want to be here-SERA You practically threw me down when I tried to leave. Thats not okay. EDWARD Youre my strongest lead in this case. You have no idea how important you are. (CONTINUED)



Sera chuckles sarcastically. SERA Oh. You have no idea how many times Ive heard that, but Mr. Willis-Sera stands up. SERA (CONT) I have to get going. She starts to exit the booth. Edward continues to sit down. He looks up at Sera. EDWARD Sera, please. Do this for the old man, not me. You know who Im talking about. Do this for him because thats who Im doing this for. Sera stops. She pauses and thinks it over silently. Finally, she sits back down and sighs. SERA Are you sure you can help him? Edward leans forward. EDWARD Yes. I just need you. Sera pauses to ponder the decision. She looks behind her and turns back to Edward. Edward watches and waits for her response. SERA Ill help. Where do you want me to start? Edward opens his notebook and readys his pen. EDWARD Start with what the hell the oil company is doing here. SERA Well-The town sheriff, SHERIFF RICHARD MYNEE, walks up the edge of the booth. He is a bulky man in his early 40s with brown hair and eyes. He is wearing his uniform.




SHERIFF MYNEE Whats going on here? Edward looks up at the Sheriff surprisingly. Sera jumps at the sound of his voice. The Sheriff looks at Edward. Edward stares back. SHERIFF MYNEE I thought I told you to exit my town. EDWARD I had to come back when I heard about the amazing food here. You forgot to mention that during our last conversation. You should be more truthful, Sheriff. The sherriff flashes a cocky smile. SHERIFF MYNEE Thats cute. The sheriff turns to Sera. She sinks into her seat. SHERIFF MYNEE (CONT) Hi, Sera. I didnt know you knew Edward. Sera doesnt say anything. Edward ls still looking at the sheriff. The sheriff turns back to Edward. SHERIFF MYNEE (CONT) I think its time for you both to leave.

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