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Outline English 12A After each Roman Numeral or letter, fill in with the main point you will

l be writing about. The paper will be AT LEAST 8 paragraphs long. I. Introduction paragraph !" A. The Salvation Army provided more than 61,000 job referrals last year. #. It relie$es hunger, helps housing an% homeless &.The Salvation Army helps hunger relief, housing and homeless services, and the elderly. II. The history

A. William Booth was the founder of the Salvation Army. #ooth pro$i%e% meals, clothing an% other assistance to his early con$erts it helpe% pro$i%e &hristmas meals to more than !'',''' people. #. (is original aim was to sen% con$erts to establishe% churches of the %ay.The mission grew slowly, but #ooth)s faith in *o% remaine% un%iminishe%. #ooth %eci%e% to foun% a church especially for them + the East Lon%on &hristian ,ission.


(ousing an% homeless ser$ices

Group homes, emergency shelters, and transitional living centers provide housing, food, and overnight lodging for varying amounts of time to those in need They provide educational, counseling and vocational services to homeless, youth where family care is undesirable or unavailable.


(unger relief an% el%erly 48.8 million people face the threat of hunger daily in the United States.They serves 6 million meals

to anyone in need. 842 million hungry people in the world and 98 percent of them are in developing countries. the body needs more than 2,100 kilocalories per day per person to allow a normal, healthy life -. Conclusion(paragraph 8" A. The Salvation Army assists more than 42 million individuals throughout the year in the nited States ! almost 6 million of those during the holiday season alone. They offer "omfort and pastoral guidan"e.

#. The Sal$ation Army helps the community so much. It helps so many people in nee%. It guarantees meals to eat, christmas assistance, an% can foo% %ri$e for people. &. The Salvation Army helps hunger relief, housing and homeless services, and the elderly.

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