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CNS Blood Supply

Oxygenated blood is supplied to the spinal cord by branches of the lumbar, intercostal , and vertebral arteries

Spinal cord arteries enter thru intervertebral foramina Ventral radicular aa.
Ventral spinal artery

Dorsal radicular aa.

Ventral Spinal Artery

The vertebral artery enters the vertebral canal via the lateral foramen of the atlas

Anastomosis with Occipital a.

Basilar artery
Caudal cerebellar

Para median arteries

Circumferential arteries

Internal carotid External carotid

Arterial Circle
Internal carotid a. Basilar a.

Internal carotid artery:

Within the Cavernous Sinus it 1)forms anastomoses with the middle meningeal and external ophthalmic arteries 2)gives off caudal hypophysial arteries to the neurohypophysis Within the Subarachnoid Space Rostral cerebral artery Middle cerebral artery Caudal communicating a.

Middle cerebral artery

Ramifies on the lateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere Supplies the choroid plexus, lateral ventricle & striatum

Venous return from the CNS

Dorsal sagittal sinus
Mid-sagittal in the falx cerebri
Joins the transverse sinuses

Transverse sinus
Temporal sinus

Sigmoid sinus

Transverse sinus
Temporal sinus

Cavernous sinus

Sigmoid sinus

Ventral internal vertebral venous sinuses

Connect to the vertebral veins cervical levels

Ventral internal vertebral venous sinuses

Connect to intercostal veins and the azygos vein at thoracic levels

Ventral internal vertebral venous sinuses

Connect to internal iliac veins at low lumbar and sacral levels

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