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The birth of Islam is synchronous with the consolidation of Papal power in Rome under Gregory the Great. It was the era of theocracies and the east was once more spreading a wave of religion that had almost succeeded in Mohomedanizing the entire continent of Europe. ot to spea! of "frica and "sia and li!e many big things # it had its origin in the small. $ong before Muhamad%s birth& "rabia was inhabited by different tribes and en'oyed the prosperity of being the commercial go(between between the East and the )est. This early prosperity of the "rabs is attested to by the ruins of rich and splendid cities lined from Petra to *amascus# but according to +trabo& this source of prosperity to the "rabs early dried up when the Romans opened direct trade to India. The products of India and "rabia passed to Myos ,ormos on the western shore of the Red +ea and camels to Thebes and thence sailed down to "le-andria through the ile. "s a result of this& the "rabs were reduced to be .the true sons of the desert.. Economically there is no country so poor as "rabia. "rabia& the sandy& stony and happy as Gibbon calls it. /wing to the scarcity of arable land and water& the "rabs could not become a settled people. They continued to be nomads and tribal& having no unity in religion or politics. /wing to their disunion&the "rabs were overrun by foreign invaders many a time. The "byssinians& the Persians& the +ultans of Egypt and the Tur!s& all in their turn sub'ugated the !ingdom of 0emen& many a +ythian tyrrant had demanded the allegiance of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina and "rabia in part became the province of the Roman empire. one was able to subdue the "rabs permanently and they have overthrown the suzereinty of powerful monarchs li!e +esostris& 1yrcs& Pompey and Tro'an. .The causes of this apparent spirit of independence among the "rabs are to be sought in the geography of their habitat. 1rude and inartistic as was the paganism of the "rabs ritual pomp& elaborate mythology or high philosophical speculation had no place in it. . The Religion of the "rabs& as well as of the Indians consisted in the worship of the +un& the Moon& and the fi-ed stars.. 2f34 .Each tribe& each family& each independent warrior& created and changed the rites and the ob'ect of his fantastic worship# but the nation& in every age& has bowed to the religion as well as to the language of Mecca.. 2f54 The conversion of pagan to a new religion is never a hard tas!& for& pagans are anything but fanatic and most tolerant. The pagan "rabs were living in peaceful relations with the 1hristian communities in the orth and at a'ran in the +outh& with the 6ewish communities residing in the orth(

east and the 7oroastrians living in close pro-imity to the Persian Gulf. "s a result of this propin8uity& the interchange of ideas had been wor!ing towards a spiritual monotheism among the "rabs long before the birth of Muhamad and is typified by the ,anifs. Independently or otherwise of the ,anafi movement& Muhamad& an "rab camel driver& conceived the idea of improving the lot of the degraded "rabs constantly fighting among themselves and offering human sacrifices to the numerous idols in 1aaba. o man ever arrogated to himself the virtue of being a Prophet with so little e8uipment& but he made bold and the faith which& under the name of Islam& he preached to his family and nation is compounded of an eternal truth and a necessary fiction. . That there is only one God, and that Mahomet is the apostle of God. " 2f94 The circumstances of Muhamed%s birth are seemingly favourable to his proclamation as a Prophet. It will be remembered that "rabia was populated by various tribes all en'oying e8ual independence. "ll these tribe. however united to respect the tribe of :oresh which by means& fair or foul& held the custody of the temple of 1aaba and the +acerdotal office of worshipping 1aaba had fallen on the family of the ,ashemites& chiefly on the grandfather of Mahomed. Ta!ing advantage of his e-alted position among the "rabs& Mohomed commenced the preaching of the monotheistic Gospel. There isn%t anything new in the Gospel of Mohomed who is the least original of the Prophet. ,is :oran is acompromise between 6udaeism and 1hristianity. )hatever may be the value of his teachings& the "rabs loo!ed upon it with the utmost hostility& so much so that the ,ashemites were lowered in the estimation of their people. The stubbornness of the "rabs grew with the missionary zeal of Mahomed as that of the ,indoos today with the growth of the missionary propaganda. ;ecoming impatient& the "rabs compelled the ,ashemites to e-pell Mohamed whose very life was near being threatened# Mahomed centred his attention on Medina but was not sure of welcome. ,e therefore negotiated with the Medinites through the few disciples he had made in Mecca. "fter being assured of their !indness& he stationed himself at Medina and saved his cherished and young religion from utter ruin& which would certainly . have perished in its cradle& had not Medina embraced with faith and reverence the holy outcasts of Mecca.. 2f<4 ,is stationing at Medina was of immense advantage to Mohamed. To his sacerdotal office was combined the regal and to the 'udicial& the e-ecutive. ,e became a missionary monarch strong enough to bac! his preaching by the cannon. . The choice of an independent people had e-alted the fugitive of Mecca to the ran! of a sovereign and he was invested with the 'ust prerogative of forming alliances and of waging offensive and defensive wars. The imperfection of human rights was supplied and armed by the plentitude of divine power. The Prophet of Medina assured& in his new revelations& a fiercer and more sanguinary tone& which proves that his former moderation was the effect of wea!ness. The means of persuation had been tried& the season of forbearance was elapsed& and he was now commanded to propagate his religion by the sword& to destroy the monuments of idolatory& and without regarding the sanctity of days& or months& to pursue the

unbelieving nations of the Earth.. [f5]+o stationed& he began the e-pansion of his creed and !ingdom& first by sub'ugating the= :oreish of Mecca. The "rabs were both merchants and robbers in one& and the disciple of Muhamed at Medina began to harrass the trade of the :oreish passing through Medina. The :oreish& being e-asperated at this& began warring against Medina. Muhamed& for a while& was on the defensive but he soon got on the offensive and sub'ugated the city of his birth. Thus he augmented both his forces and resources. . The fair option of friendship& or submission& or battle& was proposed to the enemies of Mahomet. If they professed the creed of Islam& they were admitted to all the temporal and spiritual benefits of his primitive disciples& and marched under the same banner to e-tend the religion which they had embraced..2f>4 ,aving thus e8uipped his followers for a career of con8uest& Mohamed left his mission to his successors& the 1alifs. . The heroic courage of "li& the consumate prudence of Moawiyah& e-cited the emulation of their sub'ects& and the talents which had been e-ercised in the schools of civil discord were more usefully applied to propagate the faith and dominion of the Prophet. In the sloth and vanity of the palace of *amascus& the succeeding princes of the house of /mmiyah were ali!e& destitute of the 8ualifications of statesmen and of saints. 0et the spoils of the un!nown nations were continually laid at the foot of their throne& and the uniform ascent of the "rabian greatness must be ascribed to the spirit of the nadon rather than the abilities of their chiefs. " large deduction must be allowed for the wea!ness of their enemies. The birth of Mahomet was fortunately placed in the most degenerate and disorderly period of the Persians& the Romans& and the barbarians of Europe. The empire of Tro'an& or even of 1onstantine or 1harlemagne& would have repelled the attac! of the na!ed +aracens& and the torrent of fanaticism might have been obscurely lost in the sands of "rabia.. 2f?4. )ith the same vigour and success they invaded the successors of "ugustus and those of "rta-er-tus @ and the rival monarchies at the same instant became. The prey of an enemy whom they had been so long accustomed to despise. In the ten years of the administration of /mar& the +aracens reduced to his obedience thirty(si- thousand cities or castles& destroyed fourteen thousand churches or temples of the unbelievers& and edified fourteen thousand mos8ues for the e-ercise of the religion of Mahomet. /ne hundred years after his flight in Mecca& the arms and the reign of his successors e-tended from India to the "dantic ocean& over the various and distant provinces which may be comprised under the names of A3B Persia& A5B +yria& A9B Egypt& A<B "frica& ACB +pain.2fD4 In this great Mahomedan empire& .)e should vainly see! the indissoluble union and easy obedience that pervaded the government of "ugustus and the "ntonines# but the progress of the Mahomedan religion diffused over this ample space& a general resemblance of manners and opinions. The language and laws of the :oran were studied with e8ual devotion at +amar!and and +eville. The Moor and the Indian embraced as countrymen and brothers in the pilgrimage of Mecca# and the "rabian language was adopted as the popular idiom in all the provinces to the westward of the

Tigris..2fE4 The entire trade of history has been to account for his +aracen e-pansion purely and simply by Religion# but an economic interpretation of this same phenomenon may also stand the test. " well(!nown writer says . The sudden surging forward of the "rabs was only apparently sudden. For centuries previously& the "rab migration had been in preparation. It was the last great +emitic migration connected with the Economical decline of "rabia........ In short& long before Mahomet& "rabia was in a state of unrest& and a slow& uncontrolled infiltration of "rabian tribes and tribal branches had permeated the ad'oining civilized lands in Persian as also in the Roman territory& where they had met with the descendents of earlier +emitic immigrants to those parts& the "rmaneans who were already long acclamatised there. ,unger and avarice& not religion& are the impelling forces& but religion supplied the essential unity and central power. The e-pansion of the +aracensG Religion& both in point of time and in itself& can only be regarded as of minor import and rather as a political necessity. The movement itself had been on foot long before Islam gave it a party cry and an /rganisation..2f3H4 Prompted both by the ardour of spreading a new religion and also by the economic forces of the time& within forty(si- years after Mahomet%s flight from Mecca& the new converts to Muhamedanism appeared in arms before the walls of 1onstantinople and besieged it Ain ". *. >>D(>?CB. The seige lasted for ? years without any decisive result& the beseigers made light of the strength and resources of 1onstantinople. The Romans rose e8ual to the danger of their religion and empire and met the onrushing +aracens with numbers and discipline with so much heroism that it revived their population in the East and the )est and for awhile& eclipsed the triumphs of the +aracens& who& had they succeeded in capturing 1onstantinople& would certainly have 'eopardised the prospects of 1hristianity. The +aracens invaded 1onstantinople a second time and besieged it A". *. ?3>(?3DB but with the same result "midst all these triumphs& the "rabs were being gradually eclipsed by the +el'u!s. "t the time of their rise& the authority of Iuaim& the "bbaside 1aliph of ;aghdad& was completely overshadowed& first by the +heite dynasty of the ;uyids& and afterwards by the more formidable Fatimite rivals. Placed in such circumstances& the "bbaside 1aliph welcomed the rise of the +el'u! Tur!s& who being the upholders of orthodo- Islam were sure to reinvest him all his former power and grandeur. . It is their merit from a Mahommedan point of view to have re(established the power of orthodo- Islam and delivered the Moslem world from the subversive influence of the ultra(+heite tenets& which constituted a serious danger to the duration of Islam itself. either had civilization anything to fear from them& since they represented a strong neutral power which made the intimate union of Persian and "rabian elements possible& almost at the e-pense of the national(Tur!ish(literary monuments in that language being during the whole period

of the +el'u! rule e-ceedingly rare. . 2f334 The +el'u!s comprised innumerable tribes or families& one of which was !nown as the Guzz. "mong these constantly contending partics& the Guzz family& not in good graces of the rest& rose to power and became a menace to the neighbouring Mohomedan provinces. Jnder the leadership of Pigu "rstan Israil& they crossed the /-us and spread over the Eastern provinces of Persia and having defeated Mahamud& the Gaznavite !ing in the battle of Mero in 3H<H& they proclaimed their independence. )ithin a very short time& the +el'u!s secured pre(eminance in the whole of central "sia as far as the ,ellespont. . "fter the great victory of "lp "rsia in which the Gree! emperor was ta!en prisoner A3H?3B& "sia minor lay open to the inroads of the Tur!s. ,ence it was easy for +uleiman& the son of :utulmish& the son of "rstan Pigu AIsrailB& to penetrate as far as the ,ellespont& the more so after the captivity of Romanas% two rivals& icephorus ;ryennius in "sia and icephorus;otanciates in Europe& disputed the throne with one another. The former appealed to +uleiman for assistance& and was by his aid brought to 1onstantinople and seated on the imperial throne.. 2f354 )ithin a short time they captured "nttioch to give permanance to their +yrian monarchy and brilliantly carried their arms to such an e-tent by 359< that the +el'u!ian empire included almost the whole of "sia minor. ;ut the +el'u!ian empire was bound to be short(lived& both because of internal dissensions and e-ternal aggressions. The e-ternal aggression of the +el'u!ian empire was headed by the Mongols. The early history of the Mongols is enveloped by obscurity and legend. 1hengiz!han& the hero of the Mongols& at his death in the valley of :ilien in 355? . left to his sons an empire which stretched from the 1hina sea to the ban!s of the *nieper ..2f394 1hengiz!han appointed /gdai as the :ha!an or his successor and gave parts of his e-tensive dominion to other claimants. /gdai tried to e-tend his dominion. . "t the head of a large army& he marched southwards into 1hina to complete the ruin of the :iu dynasty& which had already been so rudely sha!en& while at the same time Tuli advanced into the province of ,onan from the side of +hensi. "gainst this combined attac!& the :iu troops made a vigorous stand& but the s!ill and courage of the Mongols bore down every opposition and over a hecatomb of slaughtered foes& they captured :ai(Feng(Fu& the capital of their enemies. From the :ai( Feng(Fu the emperor fled to 6uning Fu& whither the Mongols 8uic!ly followed. "fter sustaining a siege for some wee!s& enduring all the horrors of starvation& the garrison submitted to the Mongols and at the same time the Emperor committed suicide by hanging..2f3<4 ot being satisfied with this& /gadi in 359C ". *. sent an army against the +ung *ynasty of 1hina& south of the 0ang(se(!iang and in :orea. ,aving thus consummated his con8uest in% eastern "sia& /gadi turned his attention to western "sia.% In 359> ". *. he invaded Georgia and Great "rmenia capturing Tiflis and :ars and sent a large army under ;atu his nephew in eastern Europe. ;atu captured ;olgari& the capital city of the ;ulgar.crossd the Kolga and invaded Ryazan which fell on

the 53st of *ecember 359? and perpetrated such atrocities that . no eye remained open to weep for the dead.. ,e carried Moscow which were followed by Kladimir and :ozels!. Poland and ,ungary were overta!en by the same fate. 1ontemporaneous with the rise of the Mongols the Tur!s !nown as /ttomans were rising in power. They were one of those nomad tribes dwelling between the plains of +ungaria arid the desert of Gobi. . $egendassigns to /ghuz& son of :ara :han& the honour of being the father of the /ttoman Tur!s. Their first appearance in history dates from ". *. 355?. In that year a horde& variously estimated at from two to four thousand souls& with their floc!s and their +lalves driven originally from their central "sian homes by the pressure of Mongol invasion& and who had sought in vain a refuge with the +el'u!ian +ultan "la(ud(din :ai!obad of :onia& were returning under their chief +uleiman +ha to their native land. They were crossing the Euphrates& not far from the castle of 6aber& when the drowning of their leader by accident threw confusion into their ran!s. Those who had not yet crossed the river refused& in face of this omen& to follow their brethren. The little band numbering <HH warriors . . .. decided to remain under Ertoghrul& son of the drowned leader. Ertoghrul first camped at 6essin& East of Erzerum. " second appeal to "la(ud(din was more successful and the numbers of the immigrants had become too insignificant for their presence to be a source of danger. The lands of :ara'abagh& near "ngora& were assigned to the new settlers& who found there good pasturage and winter 8uarters. The help afforded by Ertoghrul to the +el'u!ian monarch on a critical occasion led to the addition of +ugut to his fief& with which he was now formally invested. ,ere Ertogbrul died in 35DD at the age of ninety& being succeeded in the leadership of the tribe by his son /sman. )hen e-hausted by the onslaughts of Ghazan Mahmud :han& ruler of Tabriz& and one of 1hengiz :han%s lieutenants& the +el'u!ian empire was at the point of dissolution& most of its feudatory vassals helped rather than hindered its downfall in the hope of retaining their fiefs as independent sovereigns. ;ut /sman remained firm in his allegiance& and by repeated victories over the Gree!s revived the drooping glories of his suzerain. ,is earliest con8uest was :aro'a ,issar A35ECB& where first the name of /sman was substituted for that of the sultan in the wee!ly prayer. In that year "la(ud(din :ai!obad II conferred on him the proprietorship of the lands he had thus con8uered by the sword and presented him at the same time with the horse(tail& drum and banner which constituted the insignia of independent command. /sman continued his victorious career against the Gree!s& and by his valour and also through allying himself with :ensee Mi!hal& lord of ,arman :aya& became master of "ine8eui& ;ile'i! and 0ar ,issar . . . In 39HH the +el'u! empire crumbled away& and many small states arose on its ruins. It was only after the death of his protector and benefactor +ultan "la(ud(din II that /sman declared his independence& and accordingly the Tur!ish historian dates the foundation of the /ttoman empire from this event. .2f3C4 The empire of the Tur!s was very e-tensive. . Tur!s ruled in "sia minor& Tur!s governed Egypt& Tur!s held minor authority under the

Mongols in +yria and Mesopotamia& while the descendants of 1hengiz!han had succeeded to the dominion of the :alifs@ in Persia& had assumed all the dignity of sovereignty in the wild region of the Kolga and the Jral mountains& in the lands of the H-us&and the deserts of Tartary& had spread across central "sia and had founded an empire in 1hina& and were preparing to establish the long line of Mongol emperors in ,industan whom we !now by the name of the Great Moguls.. 2f3>4 ;ut the power of the Tur!s for a time suffered a blow that seemed to end it once for all. . 6ust at the moment when the +ultan seemed to have attained the pinnacle of his ambition& when his authority was un8uestioningly obeyed over the greater part of the ;yzantine empire in Europe and "sia& when the 1hristian states were regarding him with terror as the scourge of the world& another and a greater scourge came to 8uell him& and at one stro!e all the vast fabric of empire which ;ayezid had so triumphantly erected was shattered to the ground and this terrible con8ueror was Timur& the Tartar or as we call him . Tamurlane .. ,e established his superiority over the petty chiefs that had arisen out of the ruins of the vast !ingdom of 1hengiz!han. Tamurlane carried every thing at the point of sword and subdued every province that was under ;ayezid. The Tartar and the Tur! faced in 3<H5. "s the Tur!s were engaged in laying seige to 1onstantinople& the +ultan heard of the news of the victory of Tamurlane over his troops at +iwas. ;ayezid collected his troops and hurried to give battle in person but lost it at "ngora and the edifice of the Tur!ish empire crumbled to pieces.. [f17]Reared with consummate s!ill and maintained with the utmost bravery the Tur!ish empire succumbed before the . "siatic *espot .& the embodiment of . the wrath of God .. . The history of the /ttomans seemed to have suddenly come to an end. +eldom has the world seen so complete& so terrible& a catastrophe as the fall of ;ayezid from the summit of the power to the shame of a chained captive. [f18] Jnfortunately however Tamurlane did not survive to avail the fruits of his victory and his apparent stro!e was far from being a final blow to the /ttoman empire. Mr. $ane Poole says . The most astonishing characteristic of the rule of the Tur!s is its vitality. "gain and again its doom has been pronounced by wise prophets& and still it survives. Province after province has been cut off the empire& yet still the +ultan sits supreme over wide dominions& is revered or feared by sub'ects of many races. 1onsidering how little of the great 8ualities of the ruler the Tur! has often possessed& how little trouble he has ta!en to conciliate the sub'ects whom his sword has subdued& it is amazing how firm has been his authority& how unsha!en his power& . . . )ithin a dozen years the lost provinces were reunited under the strong and able rule of Mahammud I& and the /ttoman Empire far from being wea!ened by the apparently crushing blow it had received in 3<H5& rose stronger and more vigorous after his fall& and li!e a giant refreshed& prepared for new and bolder feats of con8uest.. 2f3E4 1heered up by brilliant prospects Mohammed transferred his capital from ;rusa in "sia to "drianople in Europe. The +el'u! Tur!s reached the ,ellespont but it was left to the /ttomans to

cross it. 1onstantinople was the dream of many a Tur!ishruler. They had longed for the possession of that imperial city ever since /ttoman had dreamed that he grasped it in his hand. . Thunderbolt ;ayezid had besieged it. Musa had pressed it hard. Murad n had patiently planned its con8uest. There was little to be won beside the city itself& for all the province round about it had long been subdued by the /ttomans& but the wealth and beauty and the strength and position& of the capital itself were 8uite enough to ma!e its capture the crowning ambition of the Tur!s.. 2f5H4 )ith eagerness Mahammud II the si-th of the /ttoman emperors was in watchful waiting for prete-t to capture the city. Ta!ing advantage of the hostility of the emperor he prepared to attac! the city which fell on the 5Eth of May 3<C9. The withstanding of the city for such a long time rather than its fall constitute real wonder for .at this period the state of the ;yzantine empire was such as to render its powers of resistance insignificant& indeed the length of time during which it held out against the Tur!s is to be attributed rather to the lac! of efficacious means at the disposal of its assailants than to any 8ualities possessed by its defenders.% 2f534 There is perhaps no place in the world more strategic than 1onstantinople in that it commands the three continents "sia& Europe and "frica& and whoever has had it& has en'oyed supremacy in all these three. +pea!ing of the physical strength of 1onstantinople and the attac!s it has withstood *r. 1unningham says& . "s each century came& a new horde of invaders appeared. In the fourth century& immediately after its foundation& it was threatened by the Goths # in the fifth& by ,uns and Kandals # in the si-th& by +lavs# these were succeeded by "rabs and Persians in the seventh& and Magyars& ;ulgars and Russians in the eighth and ninth. Even after its prestige had been bro!en by the success of Kenice and the Fourth 1rusade& and the establishment of a $atin :ingdom& the restored empire was able to maintain a long resistance against the Tur!s. It had often been sha!en& but not till 3<C9 did it utterly succumb.. 2f554 It was a great fortune that this imperial city should have withstood these incessant attac!s and should have conserved the wrec! of the classical civilization. It was also a great fortune for the propagation of 1hristianity that the wave of Mohomedanism should have been chec!ed long enough before 1hristianity to have become a real force in Europe. It bore the brunt of barbarism allowed the classic civilization to develop itself. )hat 1onstantinople did on the eastern side Tours did on the western side at a very early date& though not perhaps so brilliantly. ;eing disappointed in their attempt to ta!e 1onstantinople the "rabs long before the Tur!s succeeded in ta!ing it& deployed to the +outh and carrying their religion triumphantly through "frica thought of entering Europe from the western side through Gibralter. ,ere in their preliminary advance they met with little opposition for the !ingdom of the )est& Goths could hardly defend itself against their masterful onrush and by ?33 ". *. +pain( fell into the hands of the "rabs and the ;abers and was flooded with Moorish immigrants. Encouraged by success the "rabs thought of crossing over into Gaul but were held in chec! by the *u!e of "8uilaine who however was defeated near ;ordeau- in ?95. )ith redoubled energy they advanced to

Poiturs and marched for Tours. ;ut here they dashed against a stronger enemy. The Fran!s under 1harles& the ,ammer AMortelB defeated the "rabs at Tours and thus permanently stayed their advance. The "rabs never more made any attempts to cross the Pyrenees. )hat would have been the fate of European civilization had the "rabs succeeded in sub'ugating it& is hard to speculate. This much is certain that the Moors were& far in advance of the Fran!s. Prof. Robinson says& .,istorians commonly regard it as a matter of great good luc! that 1harles& the ,ammer and his barbarus soldiers succeeded in defeating and driving bac! the Mohomedans at Tours. ;ut had they been permitted to settle in +outhern France they might have developed science and art more rapidly than did the Fran!s..2f594 )hile these rapid movements of the "siatic nomads were upsetting all peaceful activities in central "sia the Roman empire was fast crumbling into decay and Europe fell bac! into a dull lull bro!en only by the incessant warfare of the Germanic people. Jnder these circumstances commerce was bound to decline. There were innumerable hindrances to mediaeval commerce. Rapidity of e-change was greatly hindered by the lac! of money all throughout western Europe. 1hristianity was anything but an optimistic religion& it was a protest against the comforts of life. Economics was held down by religion. The doctrine of .'ust price. and the prohibition of whole sale trade greatly depressed commerce. The greatest hindrance that was put in the way of commercial activity was the 1hristian doctrine of usury. In one sweep the entire mass of people was prohibited to loan money at interest. )hen combined with the scarcity of money we can realize the retrograding character of this prohibition. The 6ews not being within the pale of 1hristianity were the only people left to %deal in monetary transaction and their service to economics is immeasurable. . This ill(starred people played a most impor tant part in the Economic development of Europe& but they were terribly maltreated by the 1hristians& who held them guilty of the supreme crime of putting 1hrist to death.. [f24]"dded to all these were the annoying transit duties arbitrary in their character. The geographic !nowledge of the time was bewilderingly miserable. *angers of the sea were by no means small and the pirates were the source of constant dread. To crown all the most effective hindrance was the dilapidation of the Roman roads. Jnder the combined force of these unfavourable circumstances there is no wonder that since the fall of the Roman Empire& there prevailed in )estern Europe a long lull and a dull monotony of static life. 1onstantinople did not pay much attention to commerce. Its policy was that of e-tortion. It never cared to achieve to the full the gains due to its situation on the ;osphorus. There was very little trade between the )est and 1onstantinople military operation constituted the only stimulus to trade activities. A+pace left blan!(ed.B GGGG ay the rule of the +aracens in +yria and Egypt was far more enlightened than that of

the contemporary rulers of the ;yzantine Empire. ;ut amidst all this ruin Italy conserved the mercantile and intellectual forces of the middle ages. The Eth century ". IL mar!s the rise of real mercantile activity in the orth( East and +outh()est of Italy. It was the Era of the rise of the Italian 1ity(Republic and Eastern commerce was the thing upon which they fed themselves fat. Each city(state rose to hold . The Gorgeous East in fee.. First and foremost is "malfi. It wrested its independence from the Eastern Empire by D5H. ,er maritime activity grew so rapidly that within 5H years their navy was powerful enough to fight the +aracens in their naval attac!s on Rome. ,er factories Aagencies of modern daysB were scattered in Palermo& +yracuse& Messina& *urazzo and 1onstantinople and her reputation as a commercial state grew so wide(spread that& . The maritime laws of Tabula Amalfitana were current among traders on every coast of the Inland +ea and the coinage of the Republic was the chief medium of e-change between $atin Europe and the $evout.. 2f5C4 The smallness of the harbour prevented "malfi from being a great emporium. +he therefore had to give way to her rivals. +he fell prey to the land powers of the ormans who had subdued aples& +alerno or ;rindisi while the sea power was immeasurably outdone by other and better situated city states. Kenice rose as "malfi went down. .From the time of 1harlemagne the Iueen of the "driatic began to ta!e a place in the politics as well as in the commerce of the $atine world. Its situation had advantages beyond any other harbour town of Italy. +eparated from the mainland by the sea and from the open sea by the low fringing walls of its lagoons& surrounded almost entirely by shallows pierced only by a few deep channels& Kenice was usually considered by its own citizens& as by foreigners& to be beyond attac!. The political troubles of the continent made it a refuge from the time of "ttila& and the absence of any maritime rival on the adriadc left open a valuable and e-tensive field of operations for commerce& for colonization and even for con8uest.. 2f5>4 ,er benevolent neutrality and her allegiance to ;yzantine greatly augmented her prosperity for on the decline of the Eastern Empire the whole adriadc coast came under her influence and the chief mar!ets of ;yzantine coast& "ntioch& Inopuesda& "dana& Tarsus& "ttalia& +trobilos 1hios& Ephisus and Phoeacea ,iraclea and +elymbria& 1hrysopolis& *emetrias& "drianople& "thens& Thebes& Thissalonica& egropont& 1orinth 1orfus& *urazzo etc. were opened for Kenician trade. ,er commercial policy was very farsighted and wise. +he laid down the rule . of siding always with the stronger& especially in maritime struggle . and practised it on many an occasion and this by crushing all her enemies and ingratiating herself into the favour of the strong achieved her greatness. Genoa& another city state came late to share in the oriental trade. 3HE? ". *. mar!s her rise. .The origin of the state as an independent body may be found in a Campagna or political association& founded at the very close of the eleventh century& controlled by

consuls freely elected and supported by the bishops of the city against secular lords& such as /berti2f5?4 From 3HE? to 3355 she secured important trading concessions and established factories both on the $evantine 1oast as well as on the "frican. ,er trade e-tended to Egypt through "le-andria& to Tunis and to the +outhern 1oast towns of France and +pain. /rigin of Pisa which is similar in nature to that of Genoa dates from 3HDC. ;y deeds of arms she succeeded in securing commercial privileges from the Moslems and from the ;yzantine Empire. ,er commerce was so great that . )estern orthodo-y was shoc!ed by the . marine monsters . from the ends of the Earth who thronged the streets of the city# Pagans& Tur!s& $ibyans& Parthians and 1haldeans defiled the town and blac!ened AherB walls @ here& most of all& was to be seen the triumph of commercialism over all the barriers of $atin e-clusiveness over& race& religion and language ali!e.. 2f5D4 one of the Republics secured more concessions and privileges than Pisa and her maritime activity though short was brilliant. The commercial activity of these Republics while in their infancy was greatly fostered by the crusades. )e are not at all concerned with the military aspects of the crusades though they were perhaps the greatest of military e-ploits of the time. The commercial aspect of the crusade is what demands our attention. The sea had its dangers and fears. 2f5E4 ,ardly any one tried to ta!e a chance. . In that age it might truly be said that no landman went to sea unless obliged to do so& for a voyage was being in prison with the addition charge of being drowned. . 2f9H4 The importance of water transportation was however demonstrated to the crusaders by the wearisome e-perience of the landways used in the first 1rusade A3HE>(EEB # and the marine transportation was in the hands of these Italian Republics. The 1rusaders therefore began to indent more and more upon these republics who fed fat on this growing commerce. . ;y serving the cause of 1hristendom they Athe RepublicsB served their own. They multiplied& many times over& their carrying trade# they largely increased their e-port and import commerce. "bove all& they ac8uired a privileged& a more than half political& position on the coasts of the $evant& as time went on& they became more indispensable to the crusading princes& they were able to dictate their terms more freely until the main burden of the ,oly war rested upon them as the chief holders of power.. 2f934 The 1rusades seem to have been loo!ed upon with different perspectives. The 1atholic 1hurch had a double motive which is well manifested in the words of +t. ;ernard& respecting the soldiers of the 5nd crusades& when he says& . In that countless multitude you will find few e-cept the utterly wic!ed and impious& the sacrilegious& homicides& and per'urers& whose departure is a double gain. Europe re'oices to lose them and Palestine to gain them@ They are useful in both ways& in their absence from here and their presence there.. 2f954The discontented noble& the restless who was eager to shun

responsibilities and the criminal and the sinful had their points of view of the crusades and the ob'ectives as had the religiously devout and %naturally romantic. ;ut . the cunning traders and sea men of the commercial republics loo!ed on the crusaders with very different eyes from the average catholic lords and labourers of the inland districts @ they were not without religious enthusiasm but they cultivated it rather as a useful commodity than as an inevitable state of feeling# and they felt but little of the blind hatred against Islam& and the passionate veneration for the Gospel sites& which sincerely animated the great body of the warriors and pilgrims they conveyed to Palesttine. Merchantile interest was never absent from the minds of those who governed& bought& or sold in Kenice and Pisa& in Genoa and "malfi.. 2f994The results of the 1rusades were contrary to e-pectation. They achieved what was perhaps never intended by the 1rusaders and the gain was by no means small. . The heyday of the crusading power on land was also the heyday of the maritime prosperity of many western cities @ and at the conclusion of the religious wars the main results of the struggle was to be found in the e-pansion of the 1hristian trade& and in the assimilation of no small part of oriental and moorish civilization. For the meeting of east and west in this tremendous conflict brought little permanent gain to Europe and the 1atholic world& in the political sense @ Through the medium of commerce& on the other hand it directed the energies of the 1hristian nations to their true future. The frontal attac! of the crusaders was unsuccessful& but the crusading struggle imported a new culture and material prosperity& an increased !nowledge& an immensely e-tended wealth& a restless but obstinate ambition& whose results were seen in the Renaissance of the the fifteenth and si-teenth century in the great discoveries both of geography and natural science and in the final triumph of European arms and enterprise throughout the world.. 2f9<4 The above may stri!e as an e-aggerated description of the enduring effects of the 1rusades but there is no doubt that they imparted a liberal education to the Europeans and fostered trade by giving a permanent footing to merchants inlands where the dominions of the 1hristian rulers had been destroyed. The Italian Republics were immensely rewarded for their help to the 1rusaders. ;esides many privileges each one ac8uired . spheres of influence . e-clusive of the other anticipating the modern . +pheres of influence . in 1hina. They all rivalled each other for the control of the marts behind the $evants. . The Moselm hinterland to the 1rusading +yria possessed four chief mar!etsM"leppo& *amascus& ,ems or Emesa& and ,awath& beyond which lay the still greater marts of ;agdad and the lesser Emporia of Mosul and ;assora or ;asra converging the line of the Tigris& "leppo was a head centre of the trade route from the "bbasside 1aliph%s % metropolis % to "ntioc$and $aodiceaon the western side. This route. . . Edrisi calls the great avenue of the trade of Ira!& Persia and :horasan& and the sil! mar!et of "llepi proved its connection with the still more distant countries of the Far East. Even at the close of the thirteenth century many Kenetian traders were residents here for the sa!e of commerce in Seric goods& as

well as in alum. The figments and the pepper found at "ntioch by the 1rusaders& on the capture of the city& also bore witness to an Indian commerce with the Mediterranean by this path& and the elder +anuto is probably right when he says Aat the beginning of the 3<th cen.B That in the% old time most /riental goods passed along this way to the Roman +ea.. 2f9C4 The rapid movement of troops by +aracens and the 1hristians did not materially affect the Red sea route to India and "le-andria continued to be the . mar!et of two worlds.. These Italian Republics secured the /riental commodities and started commerce with . ultra(montane lands in the north of the continent and became . the European stapes of Mediterranean trac!.. The north was practically in a semi(barbarous condition. The commercial activity in the ;altic was meagre. The Ki!ing was a . half merchant and half pirate .. .+o far as we can gather. . . this commercial activity Ain the northB was different from that of the Phoenicians and their Gree! initiators in two important particulars. It was much less completely organized. The Phoenicians had settled factories at special points& and there were permanent off(shoots of the mother(city in distant lands& and had recognised rights and obligations. ;ut the horse commerce does not appear to have arisen between towns and colonies. The Ki!ing was rather the adventurer who went out to improve his fortunes as best he might& and who it be found a favourable opportunity& established himself on an estate. The ,orsemen may have had more aptitude for town life than some of the other Teutons& but they were ready to become cultivators and colonists& and did not confine their energies and trade.. 2f9>4 ay before their conversion to 1hristianity& the ,orsemen were a great menace to peaceful commerce. 1onsiderably after the conversion of the ,orsemen to 1hristianity signs peaceful commerce began to show among the Flemish towns. This had much to do with the wool productions in England. English was e-changed for Flemish fabrics. The Flemish dealers had organized themselves into what is !nown as . Flemish ,ouse of $ondon . and controlled the trade through the. staple . towns. ;eyond Flanders the German trade was controlled by the German ,ouse. It was a close confederation of a large number of towns of northern Germany. This German ,anseatic $eague was the most e-tended commercial /rganisation of middle ages. It gathered the products of the ;altic lands& such as lumber& tar& salt& iron& silver& salted and smo!ed fish& furs& ambers and certain coarse manufactures which it e-changed for goods brought by the commercial cities of Italy from far off lands. Thus through the agency of these Italian Republics& . the products of "rabia and Persia& India and the East Indian Islands& and even of 1hina& all through the middle ages& as in anti8uity& made their way by long and difficult routes to )estern Europe. +il! and 1otton& both raw and manufactured into fine goods& indigo and other dyestuffs& aromatic woods and gums& narcotics and other drugs& pearls& rubies& diamonds& sapphires& tur8uoises& and other precious stones& gold and silver& and above all the edible spices& pepper& ginger cinnamon& cloves& and all(spice& could be obtained only in "sia.. 2f9?4 Thus the commerce between "sia and Europe formed a

regular living system and was fed by various channel. ;ut this system was early disturbed by the rise of Islam. )hen we imagine that trade was carried on by land 1aravans with all the cumbersomeness we can imagine the hindrances it must have underwent owing to the rapid military movements of the +aracens )e will recall that there were four principal trade routes from "sia to Europe and they all lay through the dominions of the +aracens. . *uring the 1rusades& so long as the avenue by the Persian Gulf and the Red +ea were controlled by hostile Mohomedan powers& it became necessary to adopt another more e-pensive and circuitous route& re8uiring much land(carriage and several transfers of freight. This route led up the Indus& across the mountains on beasts of burden& thence by the /-us& and so to the 1aspian +ea. This& which was ancient route& was now adopted by Kenice and Genoa. From the 1aspian it too! especially the direction of the Kolga& to a place called 7arizn& thence through the country to the *on& where& at the river%s mouth& in the town of Tana& now "zor& both Kenice and Genoa had commercial privileges& and the former had a consul from the end of the 35th century. "fterwards an important entrepot for Genoa was Theodosia& now 6atta& in the 1rimea.. 2f9D4. Islam had hemmed 1hristendom on every side. /n the East as on the +outh& the 1rescentraised a barrier against the advance of the 1ross.. 2f9E4 ;ut in this mighty struggle of the 1rescent and the 1ross commerce suffered immensely. . The /ttoman seizure or obstruction of the Indian trade routes brought disaster not alone to the Mediterranean republics. The blow fell first on Genoa and Kenice& but it sent a shoc! through the whole system of European commerce. The chief channel by which the products of "sia reached the central and northern nations of 1hristendom was the ,anseatic $eague.. 2f<H4 The ,anseatic had profited mainly owing to its control of /riental wares coming through Italian Republics. From very early times .Germany and the north Italian upland were dependent on the Republic AKeniceB for the products of the east& and when 3H3? of A 2f<34 B ships laden 2f<54 with spices suffered shipwrec!& the event is noticed by a AG B chronicler as a 2f<94 serious misfortune.. . The Indian trade formed an important contributory to this ,anseatic commerce. )hen the eastern traffic began to dry up& its European emporiums declined.. 9[f44] In this bloc!ade of old trade routes lies the AG 2f<C4 B e-pansion of western Europe. The whole situation is well summed up by Prof. ". F. Poland when AG2f<>4 B as to why "merica was discovered towards the end of the fifteenth century& he says& AG2f<?4 B would be the parado-ical assertion that 1olumbus discovered "merica in 3<E5 or there abouts because the Tur!s are an obstructive people. The connection is not 8uite obvious& but obvious connections are always superficial& and this is more profound. The Germans have a proverb Dermensch est was arisst man is what he eats. It might be AG 2f<D4 B for a motto by those people. AThis seems to be incompleteMed.B

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