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Vocal Warm-Up Project Warm-up #1 Vowel Articulation: Instruct students to sing a major scale slowly while clearly articulating

g the vowels a-e-i-o-u on each note. This warm-up will help the students sing the song in the video clip above, by ensuring that they will good intonation on each different vowel as they sing Warm-up #2 Breath Control: Instruct the students to take in a good deep breath and then exhale with a shh sound over a predetermined amount of time. For example, have the students breath in for 4 counts and exhale (with the shh sound) for 10 counts. This vocal warm-up will help the students sing the song in the video clip above by helping them to develop control over their vocal airflow. This will help them when singing long, sustained notes and fermatas. Differentiation: If students struggle with this concept help them by having them gauge their air intake and exhalation raising their arms from their sides until they meet above their heads, and then let them down slowly as they exhale. Warm-up #3 Legato Articulation: Similar to warm-up # 1, the teacher will instruct the students to sing a major scale slowly, however in this warm-up students will focus on connecting each of the vowels with our any space between them. This vocal warm-up will help students sing the song in the video clip above by helping them to connect syllables and notes of the song with a very legato articulation. Differentiation: If students have difficulty with this exercise, have the students practice this exercise using only two or three vowels instead of all of them.

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