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Meaning of research: Systematic investigative process employed to increase or revise current knowledge by discovering new facts.

It is divided into two general categories: (1) Basic research is inquiry aimed at increasing scientific knowledge, and (2) Applied research is effort aimed at using basic research for solving problems or developing new processes, products, or techniques.

Definition of research: the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach conclusions Types of research: BASIC RESEARCH:


The research which is done for knowledge enhancement, the research which does not have immediate commercial potential. The research which is done for human welfare, animal welfare and plant kingdom welfare. It is called basic,pure,fundamental research. The main motivation is to expand man's knowledge, not to create or invent something.
APPLIED RESEARCH: Applied research is designed to solve practical problem of the modern world, rather than to acquire knowledge for knowledges sake. The goal of applied research is to improve the human condition. It focus on analysis and solving social and real life problems. This research is generally conducted on large scale basis, it is expensive .

QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH: Quantitative research aim to measure the quantity or amount and compares it with past records and tries to project for future period. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH. Qualitative research presents non-qualitative type of analysis. Qualitative research is collecting, analyzing and interpreting data by observing what people do and say. Types of Sampling: Non-probability Sampling: i involves the selection of elements from a population using nonrandom procedures Sampling technique: convenience.: involves the nonrandom selection of subjects based on their availability or convenient accessibility. Sampling size: The size of the sampling is 110 Data collection: Tools used for data collection is questionnaire

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