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1. Title only. Do not put "Experiment no." 2.

Please follow this guidelines for Abstract: 1-2 sentences: introduction on topic 1-2 sentences: method used 2-5 sentences: results and discussion 1 sentence: conclusion 3. Introduction: Put your source! Don't forget the objectives. ex. The objectives of the experiment were: (1) ; (2) ; (3) 4. Materials and Method: In past tense 5. "Figure no.title" Put it below the image (Put a source) 6. "Table no.title" Put it above the table 7. State the formula needed before the computation 8. Results and Discussion: support your data with your references 9. References: Observe proper APA style! Use only reliable sources.

1. Prepare a test tube with a 0.25 mL standard and 1.25 mL H2O. Add 1.5 mL of Bradford reagent. This will be the standard used for this part of the experiment. 2. Prepare a 1:10 dilution and 1:100 dilution of the protein. Dilute using distilled water. Small amount of protein added with 10 mL distilled water will be 1:10 dilution. Get 1 mL from the 1:10 dilution and transfer to another test tube. Add to the second test tube 9 mL of water. That will be the 1:100 dilution 3. Get 1.5 mL of each dilution and transfer to a small test tube. Add to each test tube 1.5 mL Bradford reagent. Mix well. Let it stand for 5 minutes. 4. Transfer the 3 mixtures (after mixing properly) to different cuvettes and measure the absorbance at 595 nm by using the spectrophotometer. 5. Use 1.5 mL distilled water and 1.5 mL Bradford reagent mixture to be the blank. 6. By using the absorbance of the standards, determine the concentration of the protein using the equation: C1V1 = C2V2 *Note that the concentration of the standard was 100 g/mL 7. Collect all the data (absorbance & concentration of the standard sample) from the other groups and plot the data by using Microsoft Excel. Concentration of protein was at the bottom of the graph while the absorbance was placed on the left. 8. Determine the linear regression equation and look for x by substituting y as your absorbance. 9. The concentration of your protein will depend upon the dilution of the sample. For example if the dilution was 1:10 then multiply x by 10. Then the answer will be the protein concentration in g/mL.

Kuya kim, to yung sa bradford

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