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Acropolis Technical Campus Department of Computer Science & Engineering Format of Practical File

1. Aim :- title of practical which mentioned in list of practical 2. Objective :-Purpose of the particular practical 3. Syntax & Keywords :-syntax and kewwords 4. Description :-Brief Description about each practical 5. Requirement for Execution :-System(H/w & S/W) requirement for execution of program. 6. Expected outcome & its form :-what input program will take and what would be the outcome of the program. 7. Advantages :-advantages of function and method used in the practical. 8. Disadvantages :-disadvantages of function and method used in the practical. 9. Limitation :-Limitation of particur practical(include function and methods) 10. Algorithm :-Step by Step procedure to perform given practical. 11. Flow chart :-step by step representation of solution to a given problem. 12. Program :-source code to a given problem. 13. Output :-output of the program which will display on screen 14. Result :-result after executing the program

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