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High School Students Demand Wars in Easier-To-Find Countries The article was a satire (despite not being funny)

because it exaggerated the fact that many American High School students do not know where the majority of the world's countries are located. To make it funny they use situational irony by having the students interviewed by Senate Armed Services Committee. The article uses misplaced diction because the author chose words that were more suited for a serious article. For example, A delegation of American high school students today demanded the United States stop waging war in obscure nations... This article was also absurd because even though many American High School students do not know where a majority of countries are, this article exaggerates it to the point of it not being believable.

How to Write about Africa This article is a satire because it presents and real issue and it exaggerates what most 1 st world countries this about Africa. The author used verbal sarcasm this phrase, Never have a picture of a well -adjusted African on the cover of your book...his is sarcasm because it is a subtle joke that is aimed at not trying to be blatantly funny. The author uses a hyperbole I the sentences, The Ancient Wise Man always comes from a noble tribe (not the money-grubbing tribes like the Gikuyu, the Igbo or the Shona). He has rheumy eyes and is close to the Earth. These sentences are hyperboles because they exaggerate what an Ancient Wise Man would look like. This article is cynical because it describes real life issues in a way that is aimed at being funny. For example, Her children have flies on their eyelids and pot bellies, and her breasts are flat and empty.

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