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Question: Explain the phrase survival of the fittest using the following terms: Mutation, adaptation, and natural

selection. Answer: Survival of the fittest refers to the ability to survive in the given environment conditions at a given time. Its ability to survive relies on several factors such as, adaptation, mutation, and natural selection. The organism has multiple mutations that occur, but only a few are favored by the environment and allow for an increased opportunity to reproduce. This is because it is more fit to survive than its counterpart. Another method is the organisms ability to adapt to its surroundings using its natural adaptations that are favored by the environment or situation at that time. Lastly, natural selection is when the new mutations in the population provide adaptations that are favored by the environment so much that they are the naturally selected/ favored as the more prevalent population.

Question: The more a pesticide is used, the greater the chance that the insects targeted will develop immunity to the chemical. Pesticide resistance is not only very common, but it also usually happens rather quickly. Sometimes all it takes is a single generation. Imagine that a group of insects survives the pesticide and is able to reproduce. More likely than not, the offspring will be resistant to the pesticide from birth. Those that are not immune will die, while the strongest will survive. Since many insects reproduce quickly, several generations can be born with months or even weeks. By the time a few generations have passed, all insects are likely to be resistant to the pesticide. Why are these insects that were not resistant before able to develop a resistance?

Answers: The insects that have developed a resistance unlike the other insects, had a mutation in their genes that allowed them to survive. This mutation was favored by the environment, thus increased its ability to survive and reproduce.

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