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How do viruses change! ! ! Here is how viruses change. Viruses can change at a very fast rate.

Viruses make more of themselves, the only known way a virus can make more of itself is by taking over the host cell. The virus have to develop quicker then their host cell. If the virus doesn't develop quicker then their host, the host would develop to where a virus wouldn't be able to take over other cells. The viruses have to stay ahead of the game to survive. Viruses have to have their host around to make more of themselves. Every new cell will have a copy of the virus in it causing the virus to spread quickly. The virus changes in the same way that it spreads, when the infected cell reproduces sometimes they're are not always exact copy's somethings are left out or added to the virus causing it to mutate over time. The mutation can cause the virus to die or become even stronger. Mutation is when the DNA or RNA of the genetic material is being changed. The ability to change from one host to the next or one organism to the next is one characteristic that has given the u virus a long life and almost impossible to destroy. Mutations happen when the DNA of a single cell gets changed. One problem with viruses spreading and changing is having to have a fresh host to take over. Viruses can also spread and mutate during fertilization. The virus mutates in only the egg or sperm cell so when the cell starts to reproduce it will be infected with the virus.! ! !
This it How Does a Virus Change By:Sydney. I got my facts from:,:// m12webnotes/viralevolution.htm,,, mutation.htm,,!, story.php?storyId=114103980&ft=1&f=1007 Big thanks to all these sites. For more information click on some of the links above.! ! For a informational video go to this storyId=114103980&ft=1&f=1007 link then scroll down till you see the video then click the play bottom.!!

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