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Powders are primarily a visual device, to make a dish look more appealing theyre typically a by-product related to the dish- tomato powder for a tomato salad, beet powder when were serving beets. But some of our powders have more pronounced effect on the finished dish. The squab spice is used both as a spice and as a powder: It seasons the squab sauce and then interacts with the sauce again on the plate in the final presentation; also, its very volatile, so when it hits a hot plate, the oils in the spices add an exciting aromatic dimension to the dish. The dried horseradish, not ground to powder, adds a distinct flavor and crunch. During typical dinner service, I will have squab spice, mushroom powder, dried horseradish, paprika, carrot powder, yellow and black mustard, beet powder, red onion powder and fennel powder at my station. Thomas Keller The French Laundry

Carrot powder cup very finely chopped carrots (chopped in a food processor; or use the pulp left after juicing carrots in a juicer).

Squeeze the carrots in a towel or blot on paper towels to remove excess moisture. Line a microwave tray with a piece of parchment paper and spread the carrots on it in a thin, even layer. Microwave on low power for about 40 minutes, or until the carrots are completely dried out. Let cool to room temperature. Grind the carrots to a powder in a coffee or spice grinder. Store in a covered plastic container.

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