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Annotated Bibliography On the website Womens Work in the Womans Christian Temperance Union, it has a review from someone

who attended a Womens Christian Temperance Union meeting. The review basically talks about how honored they were to attend. The author says that the WCTUs work is something that should be heard by everyone. The author talks about how the Womens Christian Temperance Union did not have much to do, other than protest and educate. The writer also states that the Womens Christian Temperance Union had reasons to thank God and take courage. The WCTU completely supported moral rights, and wanted to protect them. They believed that alcohol was against it, so they tried to stop people from consuming alcohol. The author also talks about how the women of the WCTU believed that without alcohol there would be good men and good women. I would use this review in my project by talking about a first had experience of someone who went to a WCTU meeting. On website, Omaha daily bee., October 24, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4, it has a newspaper talking about the Womens Christian Temperance Union. The newspaper talks about when the WCTU will meet, and what they will be doing. On the Sunday of the week when the paper of made, the WCTU held a meeting. Due to this meeting, the churches were closed in the evening. At that Sunday meeting, the WCTU gave out dates as to when their meetings are, and what you have to do; for example, on the following noon of that Monday, they had to pray together. The newspaper also informed people that the WCTU was going to hold a light lunch on that Sunday evening at six in the cafeteria. The newspaper mainly informed people on dates pertaining to the Womens Christian Temperance Union and what they needed to do on each date. I can use this in my project by talking about how they got the word around for their organization.

In a letter concerning the National American Woman Suffrage Association Collection, it talks about how much of a difference the Womens Christian Temperance Union has done. To paraphrase, it says that the Womans Christian Temperance Union was huge on stopping alcohol. The woman felt responsible to protect their families from the evils that lie with alcohol. They believed that alcohol should be illegal, and anyone associated with drinking needed to stop. They also that the Womans Christian Temperance Union is the most powerful, the most beneficent, and the most successful organization ever formed by women. One of the missions for the Womans Christian Temperance Union was to make their families safe; as a result, they believed that by taking away alcohol, it would make them safer. I can use this in my project by talking about what the WCTU believed what was right. In the newspaper article Japanese Woman, at75, Fighting Customs That Sacrifices Girls to Lust, it talks about a seventy-five year old Japanese lady who fought for womans rights. Her name was Madame Kaji Yajima, and she was president of the Japanese WCTU. Women were not able to find a career by themselves outside of their home, so Kaji fought for that right. Kaji was not afraid to go against her nations customs if it meant providing justice for women. I can use this in my project to prove that the Womens Christian Temperance Union was not only completely focused on eliminating alcohol, but also fought for womens rights. In the newspaper article, Earnest Women Who Will Be in Omaha This Week, it talks about some of the different leaders of the Womens Christian Temperance Union, and gives a little information of them. Frances Ensign was the secretary of the Ohio state WCTU. After serving in that office for several years, she became secretary, then president, of the Ohio Union. Another woman mentioned was Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens from Portland, Maine. She was the nation president. Ever since Maine has had a WCTU, she has been its president. She was very

important in maintaining the prohibition law in the state. Those were just two of the many women who had accomplished important parts in their states. I can use this in my project by talking about some of the women who were apart of the Womens Christian Temperance Union. On the website, Womans Christian Temperance Union, it explains who the Womans Christian Temperance Union is, and what their purpose is. They were originally called the Womans Crusade. The Womans Christian Temperance Union is a group of woman standing up for what they believed in. Their president was Mrs. Annie Turner Wittenmyer. They protested against alcohol because they believed it to be dangerous. The Womans Christian Temperance Union would often gather in front of bars, get on their knees, and prayed. They would pray that the sale of alcohol would be stopped. The Womans Christian Temperance Union was able to get rid of liquor in many communities by standing together. I can use this research in my project by talking about who their president was, and what they did to stop the sale of alcohol. On the website, Womens Christian Temperance Union, it talks about what the WCTU did, and what lead up to why their organization came to be. When the Civil War ended, lots of immigrants came to America; therefore, the alcohol industries increased. More and more people, mainly men, started binge drinking. The result of this was violence. The Womens Christian Temperance Union protested against alcohol. They started anti-alcohol education programs in almost every school. Their main goal was to make alcohol completely illegal. I can use this in my research project by including what the WCTUs main goal was, and why happened to start their organization. On the website, Temperance Movement in Tennessee, it talks about how The Womens Christian Temperance Union became powerful voices for social change. The Womens

Christian Temperance Union was created in 1874. It was mainly created because women were concerned about the negative outcomes of alcohol. These women would go to churches, pray, and then march to saloons to ask the owners to stop the distribution of alcohol. They had a compassionate heart; however, not everyone supported them. They would frequently get yelled at, and sometimes people would throw rotten eggs at them. Regardless of what they went through, the WCTU was a major part in a statewide ban on alcohol in 1909 in Tennessee. I can use this in my research by talking about what the WCTU went through in order to succeed. On the website, Womans Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), it talks who the WCTU is, what they did, and why they did what they did. The Womans Christian Temperance Union was created because women were worried about the destructiveness that came with alcohol. To them, alcohol was causing problems with their society and families, so their goal was to stop the consumption of alcohol. The women would gather together, pray at church, and then head over to the saloons to ask the owners to stop selling alcohol. To them temperance was defined as moderation in all things healthful; total abstinence from all things harmful." The WCTU believed that alcohol was harmful, and was it should absolutely not be accepted. They were very moral, and thought that alcohol was harmful; therefore, rejecting the mainstream Christian belief that the consumption of alcohol in moderation is not sinful. Some of the WCTU members were teachers that taught that alcohol was bad. Other members Americanized new immigrants. It basically meant that they helped persuade them to abstain from alcohol. The WCTU did a lot of praying at bars to try and get them to stop the distribution of alcohol. I can use this information in my project by talking about what some of the roles were for the members of the WCTU.

On the website, Teaching with Documents: The Volstead Act and Related Prohibition Documents, it talks about why the Womens Christian Temperance Union came to be, and what they pledged to do. The Womens Christian Temperance Union was formed because women looked at alcohol as the main source of destruction, and they wanted to stop it. Alcohol, to the women in the WCTU, was the destroyer of families, marriage, and society. Do to alcohol, men would spend all of their money on purchasing it; thus, not having money to support their family. The wives and children would have no income of money for survival, due to the husband/ father spending it on alcohol. The Womens Christian Temperance Union pledged to ban alcohol, so that there would be less destruction. I can use this in my project because I can talk about what the WCTU pledged to do. The abolition of liquor traffic, being one aim for the Womens Christian Temperance Union not the only highly thought about aim. The activities varied for this group which made the W.C.T.U. one of the greatest diverse educational movements. For these many activities there were six general branch departments. Some of these departments consisted of health, education of temperance in public schools, presentation of temperance before assemblies, educational laws, etc. In the year of 1909 the Omaha Daily Bee sought to find over 300,000 women were in support and associated with the union. On October 17, 1908 The Omaha Sunday Bee, on page 1 of their volume 39 number 18 newspaper article, found which earnest women would be going to the national convention for the Womens Christian Temperance Union. It had been said in this article that the National Womens Christian Temperance Union members are strong-minded and have become one of the largest organizations. By having women all around the nation, each woman has been fitted for their national work and has played a huge role in their organization. Each state in the nation

had also had their own president for the union, but in 1908 the overall president of the organization was Mrs. Lillian M.N. Stevens. Later, Frances Beverldge Heald was chosen to take over when the president of the union resigned. Nebraska had then sent an invitation to hold a convention and during this time women from the states would bring fresh ideas for states to adopt prohibition. Lucy Thurman, national organizer among colored people in the Womens Christian Temperance Union, was a public speaker at a well-attended meeting. Thurman, stated by the Omaha Daily Bee newspaper on page four, told how she addressed a brief history of the temperance movement in the United States. Afterwards, there was a convention in London which shared how Oklahoma just came into the union with prohibition. Also, Thurman addressed a strong appeal for an organization with the colored people, which she had encouraging comments made from. Many people also took the advantage of meeting Mrs. Thurman personally if they were present for the speech. During the time of 1905, The Coconino Sun on page 4 tells how the Womens Christian Temperance Union and the Womens Army and Navy League have their differences. The W.C.T.U believes how advocating temperance will help society and less the risk of drunken men, beatings, fights, etc. Also, the W.C.T.U believes how having an army canteen is not a good choice. On the other hand, W.A.N.L insists how the canteen interest sobriety, good morals, decency and health. While having barracks in the camp it will help prevent drunken wandering outside and the men drinking themselves into the gutter. Additionally, this argument was to effect the Government of how there should be no sense of saloon keeping, or handouts of any kind of liquor or etc.

January 10, 1912, president of the Japanese Womens Christian Temperance Union, Madame Kaji Yajima started to make history in Tokyo, Japan. The day book provided by the University of Illinois was able to share how Yajima wanted to make life and conditions better for her sex. At 75 years of age, two beliefs of the Japanese culture is middle aged women should lay down a burden of their life for their sons and daughters. Also, no women are allowed an outside career. The day book also provided information of how going against these beliefs women would be introduced to slavery such as the old Yoshiwarn district in Tokyo, which was destroyed by a fire. In Japan the Womens Christian Temperance Union is otherwise known as the Kyosukwai. This name given for the union by the Japanese means The Society Which Bends in the Right Direction. Through the long experience Yajima was able to construct a rescue home in Tokyo, a womans home and orphanage, and a home for sailors. The National Park Service indicates major historical influences and events while also how organizations carry forward legacies. During 1874 the Womens Christian Temperance Union was founded while in 1979 Frances Willard became the president of this union. In 1920 national prohibition became effective which made the selling or drinking of any kind of liquor or etc. against the law. Only for thirteen years to go by until in 1933 prohibition was repealed. Also, by giving women a chance in careers Amelia Bloomer, in 1849, began the first newspaper that was edited by a woman called, The Lily. The National Womens History Museum share in the nineteenth-century temperance was a popular issue, which many reformers sought to limit. In the month of December of 1873 many states set a revolt against saloon owners. This revolt led to thousands of saloons shutting down temporary. The year of 1874 Frances Willard became the leader of the Womens Christian Temperance Union and advocated many other topics such as woman suffrage. W.C.T.U.

impacted all the states in the United States and by 1901 each state had a program to educate children in schools about the dangers of alcohol. The temperance movement was paving its way to the 18th amendment which prohibited the sale of alcohol nationwide. The site of Alcohol Problems and Solutions explains how the WCTU was organized because of women being concerned about the destructive power of alcohol. During 1873 many women met at churches and then rioted towards saloons and asked saloon owners to close their establishments. The WCTU is the oldest voluntary womens organization in existence in the world. This organization was named WCTU due to individual women taking the temperance pledge. Immigration becoming a part of the United States, many women part of the WCTU wanted to Americanize new immigrants and persuade them to not drink alcoholic beverages. Another organization which supported the WCTU was the KKK and its strict enforcement which always held leadership positions. Temperance is defined as moderation in all things healthful; total abstinence from all things harmful. The Womans Christian Temperance Union slogan For God and Home and Native Land expressed the priorities of the WCTU. Education was a main priority of this union and later made pledges to have abstinence towards alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. The WCTU has chosen a white ribbon to resemble their organization because it symbolizes purity. As an organization the WCTU also had watchwords which they have kept till this day. The three watchwords are Agitate, Educate, and Legislate. In the early nineteenth century drinking was patriotic, while promoting health and showed hospitality and friendship. The Women City Builders also told about the Temperance Union migrating while educating women in public speaking and also fund training schools for women and youth. Frances Victor, a writer, also told about a group of twenty women picketing

saloons, praying, and singing in spite of insults and arrests that were made. June of 1883 sixteen adopted programs to prevent and organize local unions into six groups were made. Memberships in each group had approximately been two thousand members. After Willards death many members left and joined other organizations such as womens suffrage, labor laws, and pure food. The digital image titled Womans Christian Crusade against Intemperance reveals how the Womans Christian Temperance Union would stand outside of establishments. While standing or sitting outside of establishments these women would politely ask establishment owners to close down their businesses and prohibit the usage of alcohol. Also, women would pray in front of these establishments. Even through rough times when men would not want women protesting in front of their businesses, women would stand their ground and do as they pleased to get their point across. The image from expresses the many different ways the consumption of alcohol can affect a person and their body. The consumption of alcoholic beverages can range from changing a persons personality all the way to being diagnosed with some type of cancer. Alcohol can damage the liver by creating scar tissue which later creates a tissue and destroys living cells. The brain is affected by getting manipulated by the alcohol and also does not allow essential nutrients to get around the body. Mental health problems can also lead to alcoholism and can worsen the health issue. Consuming major amounts of alcoholic beverages can cause mental and physical challenges. While becoming intoxicated consequences such as drinking and driving can lead to DUIs, car accidents, death of yourself, and unintentional homicide. Alcoholic beverages can

cause physical challenges; such as, blurry eye vision and not being capable of walking or standing up straight. In the first image of the four men standing in front of the bar shows a point in history whenever drinking was a social event. Before prohibition men would normally drink at social events, but later would get intoxicated. These men getting intoxicated created an unsafe environment for anyone around them and women started to get upset and angry with the way their lifestyle was. The second image, on the photo tab, of the man raising his hand at a woman, demonstrates how when men consumed large amounts of alcohol it then made them intoxicated. While the men were intoxicated, most men would become violent. In the mens violent stage, men would sometimes harm their wife and children. To women, alcohol was the origin to the problem, so they thought by eliminating alcohol, then men would be more peaceful. This thought for women led to the idea of prohibition. Wittenmyer was the first national president of the Womans Christian Temperance Union. Wittenmyer was president from 1874-1879. During her time as president, Wittenmyer held discussions among alcohol and decided to hold national conventions. While at the nation convention in 1874, Frances E. Willard was elected as secretary for Mrs. Annie Wittenmyer. For God and Home and Native Land, is the Womans Christian Temperance primary objective slogan. This slogan states how there should be a protection of the home, while also expressing the WCTU priorities. Some of the priorities consisted of: education and getting the pledges for total abstinence from alcohol. The pledge was then symbolized by a white ribbon symbolizing purity As a priority for the WCTU their three watchwords were agitate, educate,

legislate. These three words show how they observed what situations were going on, educated others on these situations, and later tried to create laws or movements. Frances E. Willard started in the Womans Christian Temperance Union as a secretary for Wittenmyer, the first national president of the WCTU. After Wittenmyers death, Willard became the second national WCTU president from 1879-1898. Willards time as president was served by promoting rights, suffrage, prohibition, etc. Willard was a teacher, excellent speaker, and an expert in forming public opinion. Willard was known as a general with an army of 250,000. Willards quote, The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum, shows how Willard pushed for her hopes and dreams to become a reality. Also, this quote expresses how she was willing to put in tremendous amounts of work to receive what she wanted to accomplish. Additionally, Willard knew she wanted to make a positive impact on society. Advertisements, such as Which Gets Your Vote, were made to persuade people to vote for prohibition. Women are looked at as mothers and therefore tend to be lenient. Women made these posters, which got people to feel emotional, then later got the people to vote for prohibition. Additional advertisements, such as Lips That Touch Liquor Shall Not Touch Ours, were made by women to directly impact men. This advertisement told men that if they wanted to stay in a relationship or marriage, then they had to stop drinking alcohol. Will Rogers once said, Prohibition is better than no liquor at all. Rogers demonstrates how he feels having prohibition would put everyone in a positive place in their life. Also,

everyone will have a mindset of seeing how their futures can change without prohibition. The thought of a better life would push everyone to want to achieve new goals.

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