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1 . Microbial requirement for growth of microorganisms can be divided into 2 categories , namely physical needs and the needs of the chemical . Below are the aspects which includes physical needs , except ... a. Temperature b. Ph c. Osmotic pressure d. Light e. Mineral 2 . Increase the quantity of cellular constituents and structure of organisms that can be expressed by size , followed by an increase in the number , cell size , weight / mass called ... a. Control b. Magnification c. Growth d. Extension e. Arrangement 3 . The correct order of the phases of the growth of microorganisms , namely ... a. Accelerated grow - stationary - lag death b. Lag - grow - stationary - accelerated death c. Lag - stationary - growth - accelerated death d. Lag - grown stationary - accelerated death e. Accelerated grow - stationary - lag death 4 . Microorganisms to grow and breed , we need a substrate that is called ... a. Autoclave b. Disinfectant c. Inhibition d. Medium e. Sterilization 5.Medium were prepared by chemical compounds such as medium for the growth and proliferation of bacteria clostridium , called ... a. natural medium

b. selective medium c. medium differential d . Semi- synthetic medium e . synthetic medium 6 . Here is the purpose of controlling microorganisms , except ... a. Prevent the spread of disease and infection b. Eradicate microorganisms in the infected host c. Prevent decay and destruction of material by microorganisms d. Limit the growth of microorganisms e. Increase the reproduction of microorganisms 7.Here is a chemically controlling microorganisms , except ... a. disinfectant b . radiation c . antibiotics d . antimicrobials e . antiseptic 8 . The process destroys all types of microorganisms that become sterile life is called ... a. Antiseptis b. Tyndalisasi c. Disinfectant d. Filtration e. Sterilization 9.Use of mild heat with temperature controlled to reduce the amount of pathogenic microorganisms by thermal death time for each of the most resistant pathogens in food products to eradicate so-called ... a. Tyndalisasi b . sterilization c . pasteurization d . filtration e . disinfectant

10 . Sterilizer that uses steam and pressure in the set is called .. a. phenol b. autoclave c. inhibitor d. disinfectant e. filter

ANSWERS : 1. E 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. E 6. E 7. B 8. E 9. B 10. B

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