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By Hibiki Kono

Advantages The manufacture process allows for increased flexibility of work because carbon fibre is very customizable hence they can be characterized for various design features

Disadvantages The manufacturing process itself is very expensive and consumptive in terms of time and resources. The raw materials need to be mined and the manufacturing produces a lot of exhaust gasses (mainly soot) and so its dangerous for the environment.

i.e. a custom order bike frame which have continuous joints and are tailored to strength in different directions of force.

The matted black appearance and the consistent woven pattern in tandem to its fluid curves produces a very aesthetically pleasing product. This is achieved by oxidising its surface and then bathing the fibre in epoxy resin.

Carbon fibre is very strong and has a very high strengthto-weight ration The modulus of carbon fiber is usually 20 msi and its ultimate tensile strength is typically 500 ksi. Aluminum, which has a modulus of only 10 msi and ultimate tensile strength of 65 ksi

The density of carbon fibre is half that of aluminium and a stiffnessto-weight ratio thats 18% better than aluminium. When its U.T.S is passed, carbon fibre cripples immediately. Doesnt bend and thus doesnt retain its flexed shape.

Raw materials used for making carbon fibre are called Precursors. On average, 90% of carbon fibre is made from polyacrylonitrile (PAN). The other 10% is rayon or petroleum pitch. All ingredients are organic polymers but their ratios between them vary from company.

Discovered over 40 years ago, carbon fibre is used in almost every industry. 30% of all carbon fibre is spent in the aircraft industry Many sports utilize carbon fibre, from gear (skis, pads, helmets etc.) Carbon fibre monocoques, wings etc. are frequently being adopted in the automotive industry. As carbon fibre is radiolucent, its beginning to be used as surgical implants for limbs. There is a wide range of use in the military from UAVs to missile casings. Carbon fibre is also being transferred into furniture and household objects.

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