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Traditional Food

Los Angeles is one of the American cities with a strong culinary tradition based in foreign countries. Depending on what part of town you are in, is the kind of food you can find. Find from Mexican and Latin American dishes in general to restaurants of Asian and African. The hili ! dog !, ! French dip sandwich !, pi""a with barbecue sauce or a traditional type cheeseburger, are considered the typical dishes of this region. #ne can also mention some $ariations of dishes from other countries such as tacos, burritos and pi""a cooked in the wood alifornia style. The wine, beer, $odka, brandy, rum, whiskey, soda and iced tea drinks are best known and most popular destination. %ou can en&oy any of them, at any restaurant accompanied with your fa$orite dish. ommonly as desserts, residents tend to eat an ice cream, any fla$or, ! walk ! apple or any other fruit or popular cheesecake. Always with a cup of coffee or tea. 'iscuits or donuts also are an excellent choice to sweeten the palate. ! Do not forget to try the hili dog ! in ! (ink)s !, a delicious hamburger ! *n+n+#ut !. ! Do not forget the popular French dip sandwich ! gra$y soaked in ! (hillipe)s !. 'ut if you wish, you can also en&oy any meal of any specialty, any time, anywhere

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