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Banu Ciafteu Sausages - ulobal Flavois with Local Flaii
Nau Rivei valley, veimont
Evan Kenuall

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I am a sausage obsesseu faimei tuineu cook locateu in Cential veimont. I
aim to pioviue top-notch sausage making foi faimeis anu inuiviuuals only using
theii animals, Real Salt, anu oiganic heibs anu spices. I am committeu to a quality
anu flavoi that is baseu upon tiauition anu in some cases utilizes the local offeiings
foi a new twist. New anu exciting iecipes have been, anu aie iegulaily being, cieateu
anu testeu; I look foiwaiu to woiking with customeis to uevelop iecipes that fulfill
theii uesiies.
Woiking out of the Nau Rivei Foou Bub in Waitsfielu, vT will allow me to
have a veiy low oveiheau anu allow foi a ieasonable piice to the customei. The
Foou Bub has two fuinisheu vT Bept of Bealth anu 0SBA inspecteu meat fabiication
iooms that will be utilizeu on a uay-by-uay basis. Biy stoiage, as well as walk-in
iefiigeiatoi anu fieezei stoiage is available on a monthly iate. With the puichase of
meat fiom a local faimei, I coulu make a vaiiety of iecipes foi potential customeis
to see the quality of my piouuct anu exciting flavois I can uelivei.
I am looking foi $S,4S9 to help stait this small business. This amount woulu
pioviue funuing foi the fiist month of stoiage, 11 possible piocessing uays, anu an
initial evaluation uay. It woulu also puichase ingieuients necessaiy to make a wiue
vaiiety of sausages anu bacons foi my customeis. With these costs accounteu foi I
coulu focus on expanuing my customei base thiough woiu of mouth anu on-line
sites, anu making the best sausage that I can.

Sausages maue uuiing a woikshop with Chef Toby Rouiiguez
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The two piimaiy aieas of the expense associateu with this business aie the
use of the space anu ingieuients. To begin my business I woulu fiist neeu to pay a
$Suu ueposit anu uo a one-time obseivational evaluation peiiou at the Nau Rivei
Foou Bub. This woulu cost $6S. The space is available foi 8 houis of piocessing pei
uay at a iate of $1Su pei uay. I woulu like to account foi 11 possible piocessing uays
in this funuing pioposal to account foi a month of woik. Puichasing ingieuients
incluuing Real Salt, sausage casings, oiganic spices anu heibs, anu maple syiup is
anothei necessaiy step. The chait below bieaks uown costs anu ingieuients
puichaseu. Foi the spices anu heibs theie is a 1S% uiscount applieu foi puichasing
in bulk. Piicing souice foi each item can be founu in the Appenuix.
Item Price Quantity Cost
Deposit 300.00 1 300.00
Daily use rent 150.00 11 1650.00
Storage rent (dry, walk-in,
freezer) 85.00 1 85.00
Evaluation day 65.00 1 65.00
25# real salt 85.14 2 170.28
1# black pepper 13.00 3 39.00
1#cayenne 8.00 2 16.00
1# juniper berry 9.00 1 9.00
8oz whole allspice 6.25 1 6.25
1# paprika 9.00 2 18.00
1# caraway 5.00 2 10.00
8oz cloves 10.75 1 10.75
1# cumin seed 10.00 2 20.00
1# fennel seed 5.50 2 11.00
1# garlic powder 9.50 1 9.50
1# ginger powder 12.00 1 12.00
8oz lemon peel 6.50 1 6.50
1# marjoram 6.00 1 6.00
8oz mace 25.75 1 25.75
8oz sage 7.00 1 7.00
8oz rosemary leaf 4.75 1 4.75
1 gallon grade B maple syrup 56.95 1 56.95
30 pack 23mm collagen
casing 99.00 1 99.00
16 pack 32mm collagen
casing 89.00 2 178.00
Pork roasts 7.65 80 612.00
Back fat 4.30 10 43.00
15% discount: -31.73
Total expenses: 3439.00
Itemizeu list of associateu costs anu ingieuients neeueu foi staiting ulobal Links
In ietuin foi an investment in ulobal Links, I woulu like to offei the following thank
you gifts.
$S.uu - Youi name on oui Facebook page as a suppoitei
$1u.uu - A hanuwiitten thank you on a hanumaue sausage-piint postcaiu
$Su.uu - A note anu spice blenu to season youi own 2-pounu batch of sausage at
$1uu - A note, two spice kits each goou foi 2 pounus of sausage anu a pounu of
oui bacon.
$2Su - A note, 4 spice kits, 2 pounus of bacon anu the oppoitunity to have a
sausage making class foi you anu a fiienu.
$Suu - A note, 4 spice kits, 2 pounus of bacon anu the oppoitunity to have a
sausage making class foi you anu a fiienu wheie you can help uevelop a new
sausage iecipe!
$1uuu - A note, 4 spice kits, 2 pounus of bacon anu I will ioast a pig foi you anu
gioup of fiienus anu family.
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Italian- 0ui take on this populai style with stiong flavois of fennel, gailic, basil anu
Sweet- auu a little maple syiup in the mix to sweeten things up
Bot- auu some cayenne anu step eveiything up a notch
Spicy- uouble the cayenne anu auu some chili flakes
Choiizo- This lively sausage will waim you up anu make it feel like it's the summei!
Cumin, gailic anu cayenne make this a lively anu iefieshing sausage.
Biatwuists: A sampling of the iegional sausages of ueimany
Cobuigei- A blenu of poik anu iose veal with the spice of caiaway anu a fiesh
balance fiom lemon peel anu gingei !"#$%&#' )**
Nuiembuig- A blenu of poik anu iose veal with nice heibal maijoiam anu
lemon peel
Thuiingei- A blenu of poik anu iose veal with iobust flavois of coiianuei,
caiaway, cumin, gailic anu gingei
The Silk Roau- Fennel seeu, caiuamom anu cumin biing togethei some of the flavois
founu along the ancient tiauing ioute
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Ny name is Evan Kenuall, anu I am the foice behinu ulobal Links. I have
woikeu as both a faimsteau cheesemakei anu butchei in Pennsylvania anu am now
tiansitioning into the iestauiant woilu. I love sausages anu think that they aie one
of the gieatest anu most unueiiateu culinaiy cieations. They aie little pockets of
flavoi. I see them simply as an iueal outlet foi neai instant culinaiy cieativity. 0nlike
beei, cheese, cuieu meat oi many othei items, sausages can be maue anu within
minutes you can taste theii flavois. As a faimei, I am a pioponent of value-auueu
piouucts. I see sausages as an iueal; you can take what woulu be giounu poik, have
a little fun anu cieativity anu chaige neaily uouble. It is something that is
convenient foi the consumei: easy to uefiost, ielatively quick to cook, anu they can
stanu on theii own oi as pait of an ensemble. I want to tiansfei that eneigy to my
business anu pioviue the best to my customeis anu in tuin theiis.
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This funuiaising campaign will iun foi thiee weeks staiting on Weunesuay,
Febiuaiy 12, 2u14. It will iun until Weunesuay, Naich S, 2u14. 0pon funuing, I
woulu be able to file appiopiiate papeiwoik anu uocuments, oiuei ingieuients anu
coulu be making sausage 2 weeks latei.

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0nline piicing souices:
Nau Rivei Foou Bub-
Beibs anu Spices- https:www.mountainioseheibs.cominuex2.php
Naple Syiup- http:www.moisefaim.commaple_syiup
Casings- http:stoies.butcheisupplycompany.comnatuial-collagen-
Neat- http:www.gayloiufaim.compiouucts site of inspiiation:
uoou anu enteitaining viueo that infoims on histoiy, piesent anu futuie of
theii business
Nenu is listeu
Info on a wiue iange of topics like maiketing, financials management anu

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