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Aramyl was born in Silvermoon City, long before the destruction of the Sunwell.

He fought in both the Second and Third war with the Alliance, and because of t he bonds he formed with fellow soldiers, harbors no ill-will toward the allied r aces, despite the beliefs of his people. During the charge of the Scourge during the third war, Aramyl lost his mother and father. His sister became horribly depressed, and soon took to demonology a s a distraction. Eventually, her hobby became a habit that led to her transform ation into a wretched. Aramyl left Silvermoon City behind soon after the Lich King reawoke to pursue his burning desire for vengeance at the deaths of his parents. He joined with H orde forces in order to see as much battle as possible in the frozen north. After Arthas Menethil was defeated by those who Aramyl holds as great heroes, he retired from the military and decided to make his new home in Dalaran. As a respected but low-ranking soldier, Aramyl's retirement was a sad announcement t o the soldiers that knew him. During the events of Deathwing's Cataclysm, Aramyl spent much of his time in h is new home, attempting to begin a new life of peace and happiness. His wanderl ust often brought him to various cities, and places around Azeroth, but he alway s returned to his home. With the sudden discovery of Pandaria, Aramyl was tempted to explore the new c ontinent. Unfortunately, a goblin that offered to take him to this new world tr icked him into being forced into the Horde army.

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