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It is the year 13 ABY and the galaxy stands poised to finally achive peace.

NEW REPUBLIC Chief of State Leia Organa-Solo finally finished negotiations with the IMPERIAL REMNENTS. Due to its prime location between the new factions, the ice planet of MYGEETO ha s become a hub for trade and commerce. This new prosperity has also attracted th e dregs of the galaxy as well. After several high profile attacks on both civilian and military targets by a gr oup known as NOVA FORCE security is at a new high point with both IMPERIAL and R EPUBLIC forces. Despite these problems your character purchased a ticket for the luxry starliner STAR OF THE GALAXY. Now being less than a week out from MYGEETO you begin to th ink of the reason you are heading to MYGEETO. You may be looking for work, a los t relative, or artifacts from the CLONE WARS. Whatever it may be that you are seeking, you may just find it and more...

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