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‘Rarely’ Cover = No Cover

Delegates also voted enthusiastically for a motion which

commits the union to make 2009-10 the school year when
we no longer have to cover for absent colleagues.

Government advice to heads with effect from September

says that we should ‘rarely’ be asked to cover. NUT advice
says we should seek to achieve a fair policy where we are
only cover in emergencies, such as extreme weather, civil
emergency or sudden illnesses at work for staff. All other
pre-known absences should be covered by other staff,
preferably qualified teachers.

It also means that we should suffer ‘no detriment’ to

existing arrangements for leave of absence, non-contact
time, trips and courses. We should also liaise with TAs and
other staff to make sure they are not made to do teaching
work as cover. Detailed advice is available on the NUT
website for all colleagues to check at:

Taken from: -

Hand in Hand
Moving Forward Together
The Newsletter of the Harrow Teachers’ Association
Conference Special (With thanks to Ealing NUT) Summer Term 2009

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