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Annotated Bibliography Philp, Neil. The Great Circle A History Of The First Nations.

New York: Clarion Books, 2006. 43. Print. This resource was helpful because it is a primary source. John Ridge an active member of the Council during the time when Andrew Jackson had created and enforce the Indian Removal Act. This first-hand account was very important because it focused on the changes made by the Native Americans after learning about the new law in order to keep their land in the east.

Trail of Tears. 2010. Video. Georgia Stories, Georgia. Web. 23 Feb 2014. <>. This resource was helpful because it is a secondary source. Mavis Doering and Ramona Bear Taylor recall information they heard from their family members whom where actually traveling on the Trail of Tears. These second-hand accounts are very important because they focused on the experience of specific people during a huge historical event.

King, . N.d. 0. n.p. This resource was helpful because it was a secondary source. The video discusses the significance of Andre Jackson during his presidency and how he handled the removal of the Native Americans to gain more land. This second-hand account is very important because it also helps to show that the Cherokee tribe originally tried to keep the issues between them and the United States peaceful.

Investigations Cherokee Bible. 2011. Photograph. PBS Historical Detectives, Oregon. Web. 23 Feb 2014.

This resource was helpful because it is a primary source. The picture of the bible show the intelligence the Cherokee Nation had to form their own bible using a syllabary system create by someone in their own culture. This first-hand account is very important because it express the Native Americans need to keep their home by creating inventions that they believed would stop the white settlers from taking what was land already own by a large group of people.

n.d., n. pag. <>. This resource was helpful because it was a secondary source. The Cherokee Phoenix is an advance to the Native American culture because it was one of the many ways they were able to use their newly learned written language. This second-hand account is very important because the Newspaper created was another attempt for the Cherokee to show the United States that they were willing to change their culture for the better

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