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Tissue biochemistry

Abdul Salam M. Sofro & Yulia S Faculty of Medicine YARSI University

Definition of Tissue
An aggregation of morphologically similar cells and associated intercellular matter acting together to perform one or more specific functions in the body.

Definition of organ
A group of tissues that perform a specific function or group of functions (

A differentiated part of an organism, such as an eye, wing, or leaf, that performs a specific function

Widely distributed tissues

Connective tissue Muscle tissue Nervous tissue Epithelial tissue Bone tissue Adipose tissue

There are four basic types of tissue: muscle, nerve, epidermal, and connective.

Connective tissue

Connective tissue
is one of the four types of tissue in traditional classifications (the others being epithelial, muscle, and nervous tissue.) All or most tissues in this category are similarly:
Involved in structure and support. Derived from mesoderm, usually. Characterized largely by the traits of nonliving tissue.

Blood, cartilage, and bone are usually considered connective tissue, but because they differ so substantially from the other tissues in this class, the phrase "connective tissue proper" is commonly used to exclude those three. Collagen is the main protein of connective tissue in animals and the most abundant protein in mammals, making up about 25% of the total protein content.

Connective tissue proper Areolar (or loose) connective tissue holds organs and epithelia in place, and has a variety of proteinaceous fibres, including collagen and elastin. Dense connective tissue (or, less commonly, fibrous connective tissue) forms ligaments and tendons. Its densely packed collagen fibers have great tensile strength.

Specialized connective tissues Blood functions in transport. Its extracellular matrix is blood plasma, which transports dissolved nutrients, hormones, and carbon dioxide in the form of bicarbonate. The main cellular component is red blood cells. Bone makes up virtually the entire skeleton in adult vertebrates.

Cartilage makes up virtually the entire skeleton in chondrichthyes. In most other vertebrates, it is found primarily in joints, where it provides cushioning. The extracellular matrix of cartilage is composed primarily of collagen. Adipose tissue contains adipocytes, used for cushioning, thermal insulation, lubrication (primarily in the pericardium) and energy storage [fat]

Reticular connective tissue is a network of reticular fibers (fine collagen, type III) that form a soft skeleton to support the lymphoid organs (lymph nodes, bone marrow, and spleen.)

Embryonic connective tissues Mesenchymal connective tissue Mucous connective tissue

Other classification of connective tissue

Supporting connective tissue (Gives strength, support, and protection to the soft parts of the body)
Cartilage. Example: the outer ear Bone. The matrix of bone contains collagen fibers and mineral deposits. The most abundant mineral is calcium phosphate, although magnesium, carbonate, and fluoride ions are also present.

Binding connective tissue (It binds body parts together)

Tendons connect muscle to bone. The matrix is principally collagen, and the fibers are all oriented parallel to each other. Tendons are strong but not elastic. Ligaments attach one bone to another. They contain both collagen and also the protein elastin. Elastin permits ligaments to be stretched.

Fibrous connective tissue (It is distributed throughout the body. It serves as a packing and binding material for most of our organs. Collagen, elastin, and other proteins are found in the matrix). Fascia is fibrous connective tissue that binds muscle together and binds the skin to the underlying structures. Elastin is a major protein component.

Adipose tissue is fibrous connective tissue in which the cells, called adipocytes, have become almost filled with oil. Fibrous and binding connective tissue is derived from cells called fibroblasts, which secrete the extracellular matrix. Note: The extracellular matrix of cartilage and bone is secreted by specialized cells derived from fibroblasts:
chondroblasts for cartilage; osteoblasts for bone.

Disorders of connective tissue

Various connective tissue conditions have been identified (can be both inherited and environmental) Marfan syndrome - a genetic disease causing abnormal fibrillin. Scurvy - caused by a dietary deficiency in vitamin C, leading to abnormal collagen. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - deficient type III collagen- a genetic disease causing progressive deterioration of collagens, with different EDS types affecting different sites in the body, such as joints, heart valves, organ walls, arterial walls, etc.

Loeys-Dietz syndrome - a genetic disease related to Marfan syndrome, with an emphasis on vascular deterioration. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum - an autosomal recessive hereditary disease, caused by calcification and fragmentation of elastic fibres, affecting the skin, the eyes and the cardiovascular system. Systemic lupus erythematosus - a chronic, multisystem, inflammatory disorder of probable autoimmune etiology, occurring predominantly in young women.

Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) - caused by insufficient production of good quality collagen to produce healthy, strong bones. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva disease of the connective tissue, caused by a defective gene which turns connective tissue into bone. Spontaneous pneumothorax - collapsed lung, believed to be related to subtle abnormalities in connective tissue. Sarcoma - a neoplastic process originating within connective tissue.

Extracellular Matrix
Collagens Elastin Proteoglycans & glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) Cell-adhesion molecules (fibronectin, laminin, others)

Cell Membranes and Extracellular Matrix (ECM)

Protein struktural ( kolagen, elastin, fibrilin.) Protein khusus (fibrillin, fibronektin, laminin) Berbagai proteoglikan ( yg tdd rantai panjang disakarida yg berulang/glikosaminoglikan)

Komponen utama pembentuk jaringan ikat. Terdapat +/- 19 tipe kolagen yg berbeda dan tersusun dari +/- 30 rantai polipeptida yg berlainan Struktur kolagen: ( Gly-X-Y)n, dimana 1/3nya ditempati asam amino Glisin +/- 100 aa X adalah Prolin +/- 100 aa Y adalah hidroksiprolin Prolin dan hidroksiprolin memberikan sifat rigiditas pd molekul kolagen

Berbentuk triple heliks : 3 rantai polipeptidanya terpilin spt tali Jenis kolagen: ada 7-8 jenis gen rantai polipeptida ( 1 (I), 2, 1 (II), 1(III), 1(IV), 1 (V), 2 (V).

Molecular biology of Collagen, a major structural protein Figure 2000 by Griffiths et al.; All text material 2005 by Steven M. Carr

Bertanggungjawab atas sifat mulur dan mengkerut scr elastis dlm suatu jaringan Bentuknya berupa gelungan acak Tdp pd paru, pembuluh drh arteri besar, bbrp ligamnetum.<< kulit dan kartilago telinga Hanya ada 1 tipe genetik untuk elastin

Tidak terdapat struktur berulang Tidak mengandung KH, maupun AA Hidroksilisin. Setelah terjadi ikatan silang dlm bentuk ekstraselnya, elastin mjd sangat tdk larut dan stabil. Peny Sindroma Williams ( kel. Perkembangan pd jar. Ikat dan SSP)

Sebuah glikoprotein berukuran besar ( 350 KDa) yg merupakan komponen struktural mikrofibril. Disekresikan oleh fibroblas Peny Sindroma Marfan:
Mutasi gen u/ fibrilin, autosom dominan Dislokasi lensa ( ektopia lentis) Hiperekstensibilitas sendi, aracnodaktili, dilatasi aorta desendens

Adalah protein yang menghubungkan sel dengan serabut kolagen di matriks ekstrasel, memungkinkan sel bergerak di matriks ekstrasel. Fibronectin mengikat kolagen dan integrins permukaan sel, menyebabkan reorganisasi sitoskeleton sel dan memfasilitasi pergerakan sel. Fibronectins disekresi oleh sel dalam bentuk terurai

Bila mengikat integrins molekul fibronectin terbuka sehingga dapat membentuk dimer dan berfungsi. Fibronectins juga membantu di tempat jejas dengan mengikat trombosit selama penggumpalan darah dan memfasilitasi pergerakan sel ke area yang terkena selama penyembuhan luka.

Adalah protein yang dijumpai di lamina basal semua hewan Laminin membentuk jejaring seperti struktur jaring yang menahan daya tarik di lamina basal. Juga membantu dalam adhesi sel dan mengikat komponen matriks ekstrasel lain seperti kolagen, nidogen dan entactin.

Merupakan protein yang mengandung glikosaminoglikan dgn ikatan kovalen (sindekan, betaglikan, agrekan dll) Pada matriks ekstraseluler berikatan baik dengan kolagen maupun elastin.

Glikosaminoglikan : polisakarida tak bercabang yg tersusun dari mol. Disakarida berulang dimana salah satu komponennya selalu AA. As. Hialuronat, kondroitin sulfat, keratan sulfat I dan II, heparin, heparan sulfat, dermatan sulfat) Peny Mukopolisakaridosis


Kebanyakan CAMs termasuk dalam 4 keluarga protein: Ig (immunoglobulin) superfamily (IgSF CAMs), integrins, cadherins dan selectins.

Muscle tissue

Muscles contain 3 types of protein fibers:

microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments

Microfilaments are polymers composed of globular unit monomers called actin. Microtubules are polymers composed of two monomers, and tubulin. These monomers contain the nucleotide guanine instead of adenine. They are involved in many cellular processes including mitosis, cytokinesis, and vesicular transport

Intermediate filaments contain other polymers such as keratin and don't contain nucleotides in their monomers. They compose structures inside cells but are more familiar in external forms such as hair, nails, horns and scales

Organization of Contractile Proteins in Muscle

Thick Filament Composed of hundreds of long, contractile myosin molecules arranged in a staggered side by side complex.

Thin Filament

Composed of a linear array of hundreds of globular, actin monomers in a double helical. arrangement.


The unit of contractile activity composed mainly of actin and myosin and extending from Z line to Z line in a myofibril.


End to end arrays of identical sarcomeres.

A single multinucleate muscle cell containing all the usual cell organelles plus many myofibrils. Organized arrays of muscle fibers.



Diagrammatic breakdown of a typical muscle. Shows how actin thin filaments and myosin thick filaments are arranged to form the myofilaments of a sarcomere, continuing with the formation of myofibrils from many myofilaments.


Actin & myosin

Myosin is one of the most abundant proteins in the human body. It is found in all the body's muscle types, in the ears and eyes, in the blood platelets, and is used in cytokinesis. Because of all the diverse functions of myosin, it can be grouped into anywhere from seven to fourteen unique categories. These categories are grouped by the properties of the head domains of the myosins.

The most common type of myosin is myosin class II. This is the type present in muscle tissues. Class II myosin is used to contract muscle tissue, thereby giving an organism mobility. Myosin II has this function due to its complex configuration. Myosin II also plays a role enzymatically as it is an ATPase. Myosin II is a component of the myofibers in skeletal, smooth, and cardiac tissue

Nervous Tissue
Supportive connective tissue cells Neuroglia support and protect neurons in the CNS. Specific glial cells are phagocytes; others myelinate neuron processes in the CNS or line cavities. Schwann cells myelinate neuron processes in the PNS

All neurons have a cell body containing the nucleus and processes (fibers) of two types; (1) axons (one per cell) typically generate and conduct impulses away from the cell body and release a neurotransmitter, and (2) dendrites (one to many per cell) typically carry electrical currents toward the cell body. Most large fibers are myelinated; myelin increases the rate of nerve impulse transmission.

Schwann cells myelinate neuron processes in the PNS

Bone Tissue

Bone is formed through a lengthy process involving ossification of a cartilage formed from mesenchyme. Two main forms of ossification occur in different bones, intramembranous (eg skull) and endochondral (eg vertebra) ossification. Ossification continues postnatally, through puberty until mid 20s

Osteoblasts manufacture bone and are derived from mesodermal in origin, arising from multipotential mesenchymal cells and further differentiate into bonelining cells and osteocytes. Osteoclasts resorb bone and are derived from hematopoietic precursor cells formed by the fusion of monocytic cells at the bone sites to be resorbed.

The marrow of bones is the site of haematopoiesis, the generation of blood cells. At birth nearly all bones are a source of blood cells, this is restricted with postnatal development to a few specific bones. Pluripotential stem cells reside in the marrow and are a self renewing source of stem cells or commitment to a progenitor cell.

Bone matrix and marrow

The organic matrix of bone consists of: 95% Type I collagen 5% proteoglycans and noncollagenous proteins (osteopontin and osteocalcin).

Epithelial Tissue

epithelium is a tissue composed of cells that line the cavities and surfaces of structures throughout the body.
Epithelium lines both the outside (skin) and the inside cavities and lumen of bodies. The outermost layer of our skin is composed of dead stratified squamous, keratinized epithelial cells.

Types of epithelium

Epithelial cells are often arranged in broad sheets or tubelike structures. Epithelium is commonly found on the surfaces of the body and organs, and the lining of body cavities, tubes, and ducts - the boundary between the body's internal and external environments.

Epithelial tissues are physically separated from underlying connective tissues by a basement membrane (also called the basal lamina).

Epithelial tissues contain no blood vessels. Cells receive nourishment by diffusion from a highly vascular area of loose connective tissue just below the basement membrane called the lamina propria. Epithelial tissues are derived from all three primary germ cell layers:

Ectoderm: The epithelial cells of the skin and oral cavity (epidermis) are derived from ectoderm. Epithelial cells covering the cornea and lens, as well as sensory receptors of the eyes, ears, and nose, are also ectodermal in origin. Mesoderm: The epithelial lining of blood vessels (endothelium) is derived from mesoderm. The epithelial lining of the pleural and peritoneal cavities (mesothelium) also originate from mesodermal cells.

Endoderm: The epithelial lining of the respiratory system and digestive tracts - as well as the functional cells (parenchyma) of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, thyroid, and parathyroid, are derived from endoderm.

Barrier Absorption Secretion Sensory Contractility

Adipose Tissue

Adipose tissue or fat is loose connective tissue composed of adipocytes. Its main role is to store energy in the form of fat, although it also cushions and insulates the body Two types of adipose tissue exist:
white adipose tissue (WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT).

Brown adipose tissue

Adipose tissue with microvessels

Adipose tissue also serves as an important endocrine organ by producing recently-discovered hormones such as leptin, resistin and the cytokine TNF. The formation of adipose tissue appears to be controlled by the adipose gene.

Subcutaneous adipose tissue

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