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In conformitate cu felul �n care se formeaz� * PAST TENSE * si

* PAST PARTICIPLE *, verbele �n limba englez� se �mpart �n regulate
si neregulate.
Verbele sunt �n general verbe care formeaz� * PAST TENSE * si
* PAST PARTICIPLE * ad�ug�nd sufixul "-ed" la infinitivele lor simple.


Forma: "TO HAVE" : "had"

"TO BE" : "was"/"were"
"TO DO" : "did"
"TO PLAY"/"TO GO" :"played"/"went"
La negativ : "did not" + vb. de conjugat

1.Pentru a exprima o stare sau o actine terminat� �n totalitate la un anu-
mit moment sau �n timpul unei anumite perioade �n trecut. De fapt,
* SIMPLE PAST TENSE * este un timp narativ. In acest caz, un adverb de
timp cum ar fi "as when", "then", "yesterday", "last week", "on Sunday",
"once", "ago" apare �n propozitii:

Yesterday I met my old friend Jack.

When did the train arrive ?

Obs:(1)Uneori, timpul devine definit ca rezultat al unei �ntreb�ri si al

unui r�spuns �n * PRESENT PERFECT *:

Where has Tim been ?

He has been to the cinema.
What film did he see ?

Cu toate c� timpul actiunii din ultima propozitie nu se precizeaz�,

se �ntelege c� actiunea s-a terminat deja.

(2)Unele nume proprii, din motive date de �ntelesurile lor bine

definite, pot produce conditii pentru * PAST TENSE *:

Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven plays.

2.Pentru a exprima un obicei din trecut sau o actiune repetat� din trecut:

Grandmother drank three cups of tea today.

Obs:(1)In acest caz "used to" sau "would" pot fi incluse:

We went to the theatre every Friday evening.

3.In vorbirea indirect� pentru a exprima un * PRESENT TENSE * din vorbirea

"We live in a big house", the girl said.
The girl said they lived in a big house.

4.Pentru a introduce vorbele cuiva �n vorbirea direct�:

"Where are the children ?" mother asked.

5.In propozitii conditionale, pentru a exprima un * PRESENT CONDITIONAL *:

My friend would helpme if she were here.

6.Dup� verbul "wish" ori dup� "as if/as though", "if only", "would
rather"(c�nd subiectele sunt diferite), "it's (high) time":

I wish I were on holiday now.

He is speaking as if he knew everything about the accident.
It's (high) time my son learnt English, too.

Obs:(1)Constructia "would rather" are un loc special. Este urmat� de

* PAST TENSE * dac� subiectele sunt, dup� cum am ar�tat, diferite:

Our neighbours would rather we didn't make

so much noise in the afternoon.

(2)Dar dac� dou� subiecte nu sunt diferite, trebuie folosit

infinitivul scurt:

Paul would rather stay here now than go there.

Trebuie f�cut� mentiunea c� �n cazurile 5. si 6. forma de * PAST TENSE*

a verbelor nu este folosit� propriu-zis, ci mai degrab� sub form� de
supozitie, exprim�nd dorinta. Ele sunt subjunctive.

7.Pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare, �ntr-o propozitie conditional�,care

este simultan� cu o alt� actiune exprimat� de * FUTURE IN THE PAST *:

He promised me that he would tell me the truth when he knew it.


Traducerea �n limba Rom�n� a timpului * PAST TENSE SIMPLE *

Poate fi tradus ca:

1.Perfect simplu; Perfect compus
3.Conjunctiv perfect
4.Conditional prezent

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