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Forma: pers. + vb.'HAVE' + vb. de conj.-forma a-3-a
1.C�nd nu mai suntem interesati �n timpul c�nd actiunea
a luat loc, ci �n resultatul ei din present:

I have visited an interesting museum.

2.C�nd actiunea trecuta continu� �n present si, probabil, va continua

si �n viitor:

Many pupils have learnt in this school.

3.Pentru a exprima activit�ti completate �n trecutul apropiat.

In acest caz, verbul este, �n general, �nsotit de "just", "lately",
"so far", "up to the present":

The train has just left.

Obs: A nu se confunda sensul lui "just" din acest exemplu cu sensul

"barely", "nearly"= "doar":

Mike just wanted to help us.

4.Cu cuvinte ce denot� o perioad� incomplet� de timp: "today",

"this week", "all day":

Last week we wrote three letters, but this week

we have written only one.

5."How long" cere * PRESENT PERFECT * c�nd este cuplat� cu o perioad�

de timp ce se extinde �n prezent:

How long have you been ill ?

Obs: Atunci c�nd se refer� doar la o perioad� trecut�, �ns�, trebuie

folosite * PAST TENSE * sau * PAST PERFECT *:

How long did you stay in London ?

How long had you known him when he died ?

6.Cu adverbe de timp indefinite sau care exprim� frecventa: "ever",

"never", "seldom":

We have never visited New York.

Obs: (1)In acest caz "ever" si "never" �nseamn� "la orice( nici un)
moment �n prezent. Dar c�nd "ever" �nseamn� "la orice moment
�n timpul unei perioade �n totalitate din trecut" sau"la orice
moment �n viitor" poate fi folosit si la alte timpuri:

Did you ever meet his sister ?

(2)C�nd "always" acoper� o perioad� de timp bine determinat�,

* PAST TENSE * se cere a fi utilizat:
She always loved him.

(3)"Ever" mai poate fi un adverb intensiv de genul "whatever"

sau "at all"= "orice", "deloc". In aceste circumstante trebuie
utilizat * PAST TENSE *:

Nobody ever helped him.

(4)Intreb�rile retorice referitoare la trecut contin �n majori-

tatea cazurilor "ever":

Did you ever see a more beautiful landscape ?

7.Cu adverbele "already" si "yet".Am�ndou� pot ap�rea �n propozitii

interogative cu specificarea: c�t timp "yet" indic�, c� �ntrebarea ar
trebui s� afle dac� actiunea s-a terminat sau nu, "already" arat� c�
suntem surprinsi c� actiunea s-a terminat:

Tom usually gets up at seven o'clock in the morning.

It's 6.30 in the morning. Mother enters into room
and asks:
Have you got up allready ?

Obs: (1)"Already" mai poate ap�rea si �n propozitii afirmative:

The student has already translated the lesson.

(2)In propozitii negative "yet" are �ntelesul de (nu) �nc�:

Albert has not learnt the poem yet.

8.Cu "since" si "for"."Since" denot� �nceputul unei perioade de timp

care se extinde si �n prezent. Este tradus� �n limba rom�n� prin
"din", "de la", "de c�nd":

They have not seen Alice since 1989/ Christmas/ she went to London.

Obs: (1)C�nd actiunea propozitiei temporalei introdus� de "since" este

paralel� cu cea exprimat� de * PRESENT PERFECT *,
*PRESENT PERFECT * apare �n temporal�, de asemenea:

I have known Maggie since she has been working in our factory.

(2)"For" se refer� la o perioad� de timp care se continu� �n

prezent. Intelesul s�u este de "at�ta...timp". * PRESENT
PERFECT * �ntr-o propozitie ce contine "for" poate fi tradus�
�n limba rom�n� chiar la timpul PREZENT * PRESENT *:

These boys have been here for half an hour.


My neighbour has not repaired the roof of his house for a long time.

(3)C�nd "for" se refer� la o perioad� terminat� de timp, verbul

trebuie s� se afle la * PAST TENSE *:
My uncle lived in London for five years and then he moved to Paris.

9.Pentru actiuni trecute al c�ror timp nu este mentionati:

Has Peter had lunch ?

10.In ziare si la radio pentru a introduce o actiune care va fi descris�

�n * SIMPLE PAST TENSE *. Timpul �n a doua propozitie este mentionat

A terrible accident has happened; a car ran into a group

of children and killed three of them.

11.Pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare, �ntr-o propozitie principal�,

prioritar� fat� de o alt� actiune reprezentat� de un timp viitor.
* PRESENT PERFECT * este de obicei �n acest context de: "after",
"as soon as", "by the time (that)":

I shall ring you up as soon as/ after mother has come back.

12.In propozitii conditionale:

Little Paul will come here at once if Grannie has made a cake.

13.Pentru a descrie o actiune trecut� care are consecinte �n prezent:

Jane has not eaten anything and so she is hungry now.

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