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Forma:vb. to have + been + vb.conj + -ing

(present) (inf.scurt)

1.In timp ce Present Perfect Simple arat� faptul c� atentia este focalizat�
pe repetitia unei actiuni , Present Perfect Continuous exprim� durata,
continuitatea actiunii �n prezent:

Mother has wantered the flowers.

2.Present Perfect Continuous este g�sit si �n subordonatele temporale,

pentru a ar�ta o actiune care a �nceput �n trecut este �n desf�surare
�n acel moment:

While Nick has been watering Judith, she has been drinking
her glass of milk.

3.Deoarece Present Perfect Continuous descrie o actiune care aprent

este ne�ntrerupt�, nu va fi folosit� atunci c�nd mention�m num�rul
de c�te ori am f�cut anumite lucruri:

I've been drinking tea since 5 o'clock.


I've drunk three cups of tea since 5 o'clock.

C�teodat� nu exist� o mare diferent� �ntre Present Perfect Simple si

Present Perfect Continuous ambele forme fiind corecte:

Jack has lived in this house for two years.

Jack has been living in this house for two years.

Dar acest lucru nu este posibil cu acele verbe care nu sunt folosite
�n aspectul continuu,utiliz�ndu-se �n acest caz numai Present
Perfect Simple:

I have known Jim for five years.

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