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Forma: verb"to be" + verb conj + -ing

(past tense) (prezent)

1.Pentru a exprima o actiune in progres la un moment determinat
din trecut:

I remeber that at 8 o'clock my brother was watching TV.

2.Pentru a indica c� o actiune era in desf�surare(ca fundal)

la un moment de timp c�nd altceva mult mai important avea loc :

While Mary was crossing the road yesterday,

she saw a flying saucer in the sky.

3.Pentru a ar�ta c� dou� sau mai multe actiuni erau in desf�surare

in acelasi moment in trecut:

While mother was cooking,father was reading a

newspaperand the kittens were playing on the carpet.

4.In vorbirea indirect�, pentru a exprima forma prezentului continuu

din vorbirea indirect�:

"My doll is sleeping now," little Kate explained.

Little Kate expalined that her doll was sleeping then.

5.Pentru a exprima un aranjament viitor vazut dintr-un moment din trecut:

Our neighbours did not come to our place that evning

because they were taking the night train to London.

6.Impreun� cu adverbul "always" pentru a exprima o actiune trecut� care

deranja pe vorbitor:

The two pupils were always laughing during my classes.

7.In conditionale, pentru a exprima presentul conditional in desf�surare:

What would you say if the boys were sleeping now?

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