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Pankere wonjon wonjon awo inu igbo difa fun Oosanla Oseeremagbo ti yo faladun fun Ireke ebo ni won

ni ko se o gb'ebo o rubo bi a ba ni re gbogbo lowo sebi aladun ara eni ni o Oosanla Oseeremagbo lo faladun fun Ireke Ifa je n radun ara mi je o Translation: The slender cane plants, Awo of the forest They were the Awo who cast I A for Oosanla Oseeremagbo !Obatala" who shall gi#e sweetener to Ireke !sugarcane" he was ad#ised to offer ebo !sacrifice" he complied if we ha#e all good things in life in our possession definitely it is our li#es sweetener Oosanla Oseeremagbo is he who had gi#en sweetener to Ireke, the sugarcane I A please let me enjoy the sweetness in my life$

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