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Final Summary 1 Qairawan AlHajeri George Mason University


Qairawan AlHajeri ENGH-121-AC2 October 15, 2013 Final summary 1 From Outsourcing The Mind article, Gerd Gigerenzer asserts that technology is controlling our minds in a negative way. Its not letting people think clearly. He also illustrates that technology makes its users depends on sources that are out of their mind. Gigerenzer believes that using the internet is leading to make a change in the way people are thinking. In addition, internet has a big impact on its users. It makes them think in a different way.

He adds that writing has made a big difference in a humans life in two ways; its making analysis and exactness much easier than before. Nowadays, we cant remember what happened in the last few hours, our memories are not working properly because of the bad affects of the internet. Gigerenzer affirms that writing is the best way to memorize a lot of things that you need to remember. It makes your memories last longer than any other way, because while you are writing, you are looking at the words, which is a very common way for the visual learners to remember what they are writing. The author mentions that the Internet is forcing us to use the outer sources, and its making us not to use our minds immediately as the first source to get the information from, which creates a person with a short term of memory.

Gigerenzer states that the internet is full of facts and information. However, technology is making a lot of differences in our daily life. Even though, the internet is a great resource for searching and collecting information and it helps us to develop new skills. So we have to keep using our minds as the first source. He concludes that we have to realize that mentality and technology are one extended structure.

345 References John Brockman. (2011). How is the Internet changing the way you think? : the net's impact on our minds and future, Outsourcing The Mind by Gerd Gigerenzer P. 147.

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