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Interview Questionnaire magyar vlaszokkal

Name: Keresztnv Csaldi nv Date of Birth: na !h"na !v Date: na !h"na !v

1. What is a Care Plan? #$% oldalas dokumentum& melyen megtallhat" a kliens f'(( adatai& )*me& elrhet'sge& (etegsge& legk+zele((i hozztartoz" neve s elrhet'sge& orvosnak neve s elrhet'sge, - )all.ok/ id' ont0ai& az adott kliensnl elvgzend' feladatok& e1tra inform)i"k& amir'l az alkalmazottaknak tudnia kell, It is a # or % age do)ument that )ontains information su)h as: $ the servi)e user2s name $address $)onta)t details $ time of the )alls $ g 2s details et) 2. If you had a service user who needed a tub bath, would you put the water in the bath before or after the services user in the bath? -zok a kliensek& akik f3rdeni szeretnnek& 4gynevezett elektronikus f3rdet'szkkel rendelkeznek a kd(an, - gondoz" feladata& hogy el'sz+r flig felt+ltse v*zzel& a klienst a kd szln r3ltesse a szkre, 5kkor a kliens l(val rezheti a h'fokot is& melyet a gondoz" m"dos*that, 6a0d gom(nyoms seg*tsgvel a szket leenged0e a v*z(e, 7g3l a gom( seg*tsgvel a szket megemelheti (efe0ezskor& s a kliens egyszer8en felllhat, 9gy nin)s )s4szs veszly& s a kliens a trdt& a derekt s a htt nem veszlyezteti, I would ut the water (efore the servi)e user in the (ath, :his way the servi)e user )an test the tem erature with his!her leg, If the servi)e user needed a (ath they have to have a devi)e s e)ifi)ally designed for this ur ose,

3. When giving a service user a bath, how would you $ (e)suk0uk az a0t"t $ gyorsan levetk'ztet03k ! fel+lt+ztet03k

aintain their dignity?

Interview Questionnaire magyar vlaszokkal

$ $ $ $ $ $ amit tud& megmos ! megt+r+l magnak .f'knt a rivt helyeket/ .;tri wash esetn letakar0uk azt a rszt egy t+r+lk+z'vel& amit en nem mosunk,/ 6ake sure that the door is shut <emove )lothing =ui)kly! dress her!him u =ui)kly >et him!her wash rivate arts In )ase of stri wash we )over the rivate arts

!. What is the difference between do estic care and personal care? Domesti) )are: takar*ts& mosogats& felmoss& st( ?ersonal )are: +lt+ztets& vetk'ztets& f3rdets& elenka)sere& st(, Domesti) )are: )leaning& washing ?ersonal )are: dressing u & removing )lothing& (athing& na y )hange et)

". When feeding a service user brea#fast, which would you feed first toast or cereal? - m8zli(en t+(( a vitamin& tov(( a kliensek nha 0o((an szeretik a uh(( teleket a fogaik miatt& ezrt is ink(( a m8zli& mint a ir*t"s, @gyanakkor azt ksz*t3nk a kliensnek& amit szeretne, - leg0o(( ugyanakkor az lenne& ha 4gy ll*tannk +ssze az teleit& hogy mindenfle t anyagot megka hasson, I would feed him!her )ereal first (e)ause it )ontains more vitamin and it2s easier to )hew, Aowever we need to give him!her what he!she wants, $. %ow would you treat a service user that has &ust co e out of hospital? :3relmesen& "vatosan (nva vele s a a gy"gyszereivel is, 5l'fordulhat& hogy vltozik az adott )all id'tartama& nehzsge& a gy"gyszerei s a kezelsnek tartalma is, -mennyi(en az adott )all t+(( id't ignyel vagy a single )all("l sz3ksges dou(le )allra vltani& 4gy 0elezz3k ezt az irodnak, I would (e very atient with him!her, I would also (e very )areful with him!her medi)ation as well, Be might have to s end more time with him!her, 6ight have to )hange a single )all to a dou(le, In this )ase the offi)e has to (e notified, '. What is incontinence? -z inkontinen)ia C +nkntelen vizelet$ vagy szkletveszts, -z inkontinen)ia komoly meg r"(ltats a (etegeknek s az egyik leggyakori(( olsi ro(lma az egszsg3gyi intzmnyek(en s az otthon ols(an is, 5zrt kell nagy hangs4lyt fektetni az inkontinen)ia fa0tinak megismersre& mert ennek t3kr(en tud0uk a megfelel' segdeszk+zt kivlasztani az inkontinen)i(an szenved'k szmra, -z inkontinen)ia latin eredet8 kife0ezs& 0elentse: magnl nem tart", -z inkontinen)ia fa0ti: ;zklet inkontinen)ia 7izelet inkontinen)ia In)ontinen)e is any involuntary leakage of urine, (. %ave you changed an incontinent pad before? Cserltl inkontinen)ia elenkt el'tteD - vlaszod sz3ksges, Ees I have, No I haven2t,

Interview Questionnaire magyar vlaszokkal

). When would you wash your hand when assisting a service user? 5l'tte& utna& s ha sz3ksges& akkor k+z(en is kezet kell mosni, @gyanakkor keszty8 hasznlata is k+telez'& kivtelt k ez& amikor telksz*ts az adott feladat, I would wash my hand (efore& after and if needed during assisting a servi)e user, Floves need to (e used as well e1)e t when making food for a servi)e user,

1*. If you see bruises on a service user+s body, what would you do? - kliensekhez na i rendszeressggel 0runk& *gy a )saldtagokat& lethelyzet3ket s k+r3lmnyeiket is 0"l ismer03k, -mennyi(en vlemny3nk szerint a kliens megt"l& ess k+vetkezt(en szerezte a sr3lst& 4gy a daily re ort sheetre fel*r0uk& t0koztat0uk az irodt& hogy vegyk fel a risk assessment(e, Aa a sr3ls )saldtagt"l szrmazhat& vers k+vetkezt(en& 4gy a daily re ort sheetre nem *r0uk fel& viszont az irodt haladktalanul t0koztat0uk, Be visit servi)e users daily therefore we know their )ir)umstan)es and their family mem(ers, If in our o inion the servi)e user2s in0ury is )aused (y a fall then we ut it on the daily re ort sheet, Be also tell the offi)e to ut it in the risk assessment, If the in0ury )aused (y a family mem(er .(eating/ we don2t ut it on the daily re ort sheet (ut we let the offi)e know immediately,

Interview Questionnaire magyar vlaszokkal

##, If a service user was on the floor, what would you do? && Girst& letHs define the terms so all readers understand, - I)arerI is any family mem(er or rofessional who gives hysi)al )are to an ill& disa(led& or elderly erson, - Iservi)e userI is more )ommonly known as Ia atientI or Ia residentI if living in a fa)ilityJ Iservi)e userI is now the oliti)ally )orre)t term in many fa)ilities, Bhen a worker finds a atient on the floor and did not witness what ha ened& the first ste is to assess, :he first assessment is -$B$CHs,,, -irway& Breathing& Cir)ulation,,, or in other words: is the erson (reathing and is the heart workingD Do a Ilog rollI while kee ing the ne)k sta(le, Ne1t& is there (leedingD If rofuse& )ontrol the (leeding, :hen& is the erson )ons)iousD If so& )an they answer (asi) =uestions& like IDo you hurt anywhereDI If the fall was )aused (y a stroke& or if the atient is normally )onfused& you )annot rely on the IhistoryI they give of the in)ident, ;o even though you might ask =uestions& you will )onstantly (e assessing the erson at the same time, -re there o(vious in0uriesD 51am le& does a leg& arm& hand& foot look like it is (rokenD Does movement )ause ainD Bhether you attem t to move ! assist ! lift the erson will strongly de end on your assessment, If there are ma0or in0uries& it may (e wisest to Ilog rollI onto one side and ut a (lanket under& rather than moving the erson (efore the am(ulan)e arrives, If your assessment shows no immediate in0uries& you then need to know or assess how mu)h hel you need to get the atient u , Never attem t a lift alone unless you are ##KL sure no further in0ury will o))ur to the atient$$ or to you, Fet e1tra hel ,Mn)e (a)k in (ed& the atient should (e fre=uently assessed, - hit to the head )ould )ause a (rain (leed& as 0ust one e1am le, :he ersonHs level of )ons)iousness& ain& movements should (e re$assessed throughout the shift, -s well& follow the fa)ilityHs roto)ols and oli)ies a(out notifying the nurse or -dministrator, If at home& notify the family mem(er and the )om any that em loys you,N Gorrs: htt :!!wiki,answers,)om!Q!IfOyouOaO)arerOandOyouOfindOthatOtheOservi)eOuserOisOonOtheOfloorOwhat OdoOyouOdo Aa a klienst a adl"n tall0uk& r"(lunk neki seg*teni felllni& viszont nem ko)kztat0uk a derekunk s htunk egszsgt, -mennyi(en a kliens kis seg*tsggel nem tud felllni magt"l& 4gy h*vni kell .PPP/ az am(ulan)it, 6eg kell vrni& m*g az am(ulan)ia munkatrsai a helysz*nre rkeznek, Aa a kliens 0"l van& sa0t ere0('l& s kis seg*tsggel mint l, 0r"keret& szk feltud llni& 4gy nem kell h*vni az am(ulan)it,

Interview Questionnaire magyar vlaszokkal

12. What is the difference between ,l-hei ers and .e entia? G'(( k3l+n(sg: demen)ia eset(en a f'(( ro(lma az agyi tevkenysg& a fele0ts, -lzheimers eset(en ez a mozgssal is rosul .0rs ro(lmk/, Dementia affe)ts the (rain fun)tion mainly .memory issues/ -lzheimer2s affe)ts movement as well,

13. %ow would you co unicate with a deaf service user? >e*rhat0uk& amit szeretnnk& s mutogathatunk is, -mennyi(en a gondoz" s a kliens is ismeri a 0elnyelvi 0eleket& 4gy annak seg*tsgvel is kommuniklhatnak, >assan& artikullva (eszlhet3nk hozz& hasznlhatunk k+z(en test(eszdet is, Be )an write down what we want to say or use sign language, 1!. .o you #now how to e pty or change a night catheter bag? - katter Q rszre oszthat", - nemiszerv('l ki0+v' )s'& a )hateter to , 5zt )sak n'vr )serlheti& gondoz" nem, 5nnek a folytatsa a leg (ag& ami RKK ml& a kliens l(hoz van )satolva& s mindig hord0a, 5nnek a folytatsa a night (ag& amit a kliensre 00elre )satolunk fel& az gy mell tessz3k egy tart"ra& % liter 8rtartalm4, Sgy kell elk zelni 'ket& mintha kt t+ml't egy gy8r8vel )satlakoztatnnk, 5gyszer8en szth4zhat" egyik('l a msik, -z al0n k zel03nk el )sa ot& melynek megnyitsval ki3r*thet03k 'ket, Nigh (agnek kt t* usa van& az egyik& ami eldo(hat" minden 0szaka utn& s a msik& amit elg hetente )serlni, - leg (aget hetente )serl03k,

Interview Questionnaire magyar vlaszokkal

:he )atheter (ag )onsists of Q arts, :he tu(e that )omes out of the genitals is )alled the )atheter to , :his )an only (e re la)ed (y a nurse not a )arer, 1". What a Colosto y bag? 5gy tska& mely(e k+zvetlen3l (eleker3l a szklet, Cserlse komolya(( tudst ignyel& *gy ta asztalta(( gondoz" vgzi, Nagyon ritka eset(en tallkoznak a gondoz"k ilyen szitu)i"val,
a bag worn over the stoma to receive fecal discharge after colostomy. Carers rarely see them.

1$. What precautions will you ta#e to ensure that service users are not infected due to poor hygiene? rendszeres kzmoss egyenruha viselse keszty8 s fert'tlen*t"szerek hasznlata $ $ $ fre=uent handwash wearing uniform the use of gloves and disinfe)tants

Interview Questionnaire magyar vlaszokkal

1'. %ow would you ove a client that can not wal# fro his wheelchair into bed? - Aoist$ot hasznl0uk& lsd a #T, krdst, Be use hoist,

1(. .o you #now what a %oist is? - Aoist& egy emel'daru, K+telez'en )sak kt gondoz" hasznlhat0a, @gynevezett sling$et& ami hasonl" a le ed'h+z& a kliens al tessz3k, - sarkait fel)satol0uk a Aoistra& ma0d elektromosan felemel03k, - Aoist kerekeken gurul& *gy a klienst (rhonnan (rhova tehet03k& mint l, gy("l szk(e& szk('l gy(a& gy("l fotel(e st(, >sd az el'z' krdsnl a Aoist k tU

Interview Questionnaire magyar vlaszokkal

Aoist is a lifting devi)e, It )an only (e used (y two )arers, Be ut a so )alled sling .looks like a (lanket/ under the servi)e user, :he )orners have to (e atta)hed to the hoist the we lift it ele)troni)ally, :he hoist is on wheels so the servi)e user )an (e moved from one la)e to another, 1). Why have you applied for care wor#er? ?l, ;zeretek em(erekkel dolgozni& seg*teni msoknak, N'vrknt& gondoz"knt dolgoztam rgen, ;zeretek vezetni, Nagyon t3relmes vagyok az em(erekkel, Gontos nekem& hogy ez (e0elentett& leglis munka, 5zen a k+rnyken lakom, ;zeretek sok "rt dolgozni& s ezzel t+(( nzt keresni, I like working with eo le, I used to work as a )arer, I like driving, I2m atient with eo le, It is very im ortant for me that the 0o( is legal, I live in this area, I like doing overtime and earn more,

2*. What /ualifications do you feel you need for this &ob? P01234 2P0CI5IC,6I34
Job Title: Home Care Assistant Home Care KEY CRITERIA Qualifi ations An! Trainin" ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE

Numerate and literate A commitment to training and to register for QCF in care within 6 months of commencement. +Good oral and written s'ills +A desire to learn new s'ills +An ability to understand and follow instructions and )rocedures +,o 'now when to act and when to get advice +Ability to write brief factual re)orts Ability to co)e calmly une()ected situations with

NVQ level 2 in care GC ! e"uivalent in !nglish and #aths !()erience of caring either in a )ersonal or )rofessional ca)acity

Com#eten e Summar$ $%nowledge& abilities& s'ills& e()erience*

An ability to )ut forward ideas and ma'e suggestions to im)rove wor'ing )rocesses and conditions

%or&'relate! (ersonal Re)uirements

+Good general health record +Neat and tidy a))earance +Available to wor' the set rota +Available to )artici)ate tandby rota as agreed A )ositive attitude to change -illing to wor' as )art of a team to ensure colleague su))ort and continuity of care for the service users. +.hysically fit& with a good attendance record. and with business insurance. +A fle(ible attitude to short notice changes in wor' )atterns. +Five years worth of )revious history recorded. +#ust be willing to undergo Criminal /ecord 01 in the

*t+er %or& Re)uirements

Interview Questionnaire magyar vlaszokkal

21. 6ell e what you thin# about &ob entails? ;ok munka"ra& htvgi munkavllals& sok vezets& nha idegese((& t3relmetlene(( kliensekkel& felel'ssg& rugalmassg& hossz4 tv4 munkalehet'sg& tov((tanulsi lehet'sgek .trningek& k zsek/, Be have to do a lot of ours& weekend work& lot of driving, Be also have to deal with nervous& in atient )lients, Be have to (e fle1i(le, It is a long term osition with a lot of room to rogress .trainings& et)/ 22. What would you do if you saw so eone ill7treating a client? ;z"lok annak a szemlynek& hogy nem kellene 4gy (nni vele s elmondom& hogy szerintem hogyan kellene, -mennyi(en a szemly nem vltoztat a (nsm"d0n& 4gy sz"lok az irodnak, I let the erson know how he!she should treat the )lient, If the situation didn2t )hange I would let the offi)e know, 23. %ow would you deal with an aggressive client? :3relmesen& kedvesen foglalkoznk a klienssel& megrt' lennk, I would (e atient and understanding,

2!. What training do you thin# you will need?


Numerate and literate A commitment to training and to register for QCF in care within 6 months of commencement.

NVQ level 2 in care GC ! e"uivalent in !nglish and #aths

2". %ow do you feel you and your fa ily will cope with unsociable hours, including wee#end wor#ing? - gondoz" szakma ezzel 0r& ezt n s a )saldom is tud0uk& *gy nem ro((lma, ;z*vesen dolgozom htvgn, Mlyankor legal(( kise(( a forgalom az utakon s magasa(( a fizets, ?rom is 0elentkezik gondoz"nak& *gy mind a ketten rt03k& mivel 0r ez a szakma, :his is the nature of the work& me and my family aware of this, I like working weekends, -t least the traffi) isn2t heavy and the salary is higher as well, Be a lied as a )ou le so we (oth know what the 0o( entails, 2$. %ow would you encourage clients to beco e involved in ta#ing on active roles in their lives? Vavasolnk s e)ilis a)tivity )allt neki& stlst& (eszlgetst& esetleg egy3tt (evsrlst, Aa a kliens 0" lla ot(an van& akkor esetenknt mg egy( rogramokat is& mint 4szs, I would suggest s e)ial a)tivity )all su)h as: walking& talking& sho ing, If the )lient is in good )ondition & then I would suggest swimming as well, 2'. %ow would you encourage the up#eep of client+s rights?

Interview Questionnaire magyar vlaszokkal

Voga van (iztonsg(an lenni& anasszal lni& megka ni mindent& ami a )are lan(en tallhat"& 0oga van meg'rizni az +nll"sgt, :he )lient has the right to (e safe& to file a )om laint& to get everything outlined in the )are lan& to maintain his!her se arateness, 2(. %ow do you cope when wor#ing under pressure? V"l (*rom a nyomst& nem okoz ro(lmt, :3relmes s nyugodt termszetem van, I )an work well under ressure, I2m atient and )alm, 2). What do you feel are the rights of clients?
W W W W W W W W W W W W W &&(e registered with a F?, an inter reter& if you need one& when you visit your F?, take a friend& relative or an advo)ate with you, a )lear e1 lanation of any treatment ro osed& in)luding risks and ossi(le side effe)ts& and any availa(le alternatives, to (e referred (y your F? to a s e)ialist .su)h as a sy)hiatrist/ where ne)essary& as 0udged (y the F?, have a se)ond o inion from another s e)ialist& if you are un)ertain a(out agreeing to the treatment ro osed& rovided your do)tor agrees, advi)e and hel from your F? in a lying for hel from -dult ;o)ial Care, :he right to re)eive information from hysi)ians and to dis)uss the (enefits& risks& and )osts of a ro riate treatment alternatives, :he right to make de)isions regarding, the health )are that is re)ommended (y the hysi)ian, :he right to )ourtesy& res e)t& dignity& res onsiveness& and timely attention to health needs, :he right to )onfidentiality, :he right to )ontinuity of health )are, :he (asi) right to have ade=uate health )are,N

Gorrs: htt :!!wiki,answers,)om!Q!BhatOareOservi)eOusersOrights 3*. %ave you had any training in 8oving and %andling? ?l,van valamilyen trningem mozgats(an s kezels(enX, Nin)s trningem, No I haven2t had any traingin no, 31. %ow would you feel about covering other areas, or pic#ing up other assign ents when staff are on annual leave or sic#? Nem ro(lma& mindenhol el'fordul (etegsg& vagy amikor valaki felmond, Mlyan is el'fordul& amikor a )g ka 40 klienst s az iroda szeretne adni e1tra )allt n edig +r3lni fogok a lusz munka"rnak& fizetsnek, It shouldn2t (e a ro(lem, :his ha ens all the time, :his 0ust give me the o so I )an make more money, ortunity to do more hours

- felksz3lshez sok sikert k*vnunkU -mennyi(en (rmelyik krdssel ka )solatosan szrevtele mer3lne fel& krem 0elezze azt nek3nkU

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