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Thomas Woodfin

Phone no: 888 / 501 - 8555

Web/Mobile App and Website Developer

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Skype: Thomas. Woodfin Linked In:

Executive Profile
Triple Bottom Line Development Firm Documented record of strong, decisive executive leadership Results-proven, growth oriented, globally focused leader Dynamic change agent skilled in repositioning organizations to achieve operational Excellence I'm a mobile application developer who enjoys the challenges of working with cutting edge platforms such as iOS and Android. My expertise includes user interface design, network communications, web services, SQLite databases, and location based services. I have good organizational skills and can easily "switch gears" between platforms, languages, and development environments. I'm a well rounded generalist who can bring immediate value to an organization while quickly learning the particular technology and application domain at hand.

ERP OpenERP, Python, Javascript, PostgreSQL
Objective-C, C, C++,PHP,ASP.Net,Java,HTML5,Java Script, Phonegap, Jquery Mobile, WordPress,Joomla,Magento Chalk pad ( A education application) Interface Builder MS-Access, SQLite, My-SQL Adobe Photoshop, Iphone SDK, WAMP, Tools

Programming Languages

ERP Applications GUI Data Base

MAMP, Dreamweaver, Xcode, Eclipse, Visual Studio, CakePhp, CodeIgniter

1999 - 2003 2008

United States Navy : BS in Computer Science from Berkeley.

2010 : MBA from University of Connecticut.

2011 : MS Digital Media from Columbia University.

2013 : NYU iOS Development, Responsive Design, Android Development, Advanced PHP

Professional Experience
Triple Bottom Line Development Firm Dec 2010 Current I have been working with HTML5, Sensa Touch, JavaScript & C++, Phonegap, Titanium, Jquery Mobile since January 2009. I have personally developed more than 50 applications. Twenty five applications are live on app stores. I have managed development of over a hundred and i have submitted apps to iTunes, Google Play, Nook Store, Kindle Store, Verizon Store, Opera Store, among many others.I have experience submitting apps to foreign app store markets as well. I can offer a reasonable rate of $25 an hour. The job market is tough being a freelancer. Im currently looking for mobile (Android) & (iOS), Visual Studio (C#), SQL Server website and/or application development project(s). I work well independently or in teams on larger projects and I can work on-site as needed. Feel free to check out my work at my website for more information on myself and my background and my blog. The site Apple IOS APPS: Checkmark - location aware app with a very clean User Interface design . PhotoForge2 - a photo manipulation app , this one took of to be successful the clients managed to get it featured in WIRED magazine. Was built to act like a compact photoshop. Find Your Car with AR - an app that uses augmented reality, gps coordinates, and the phones camera function to tag where users parked their car. Golfscape GPS Rangefinder - another augmented reality app revolving around golf , Winner of the 2011 Apple Design Award and named Apple App Store Essentials HALL of FAME App. Android Apps: Calorie Counter - a fitness and metric keeping app revolving around tracking the food consumed daily. build took lots of back end work to automate the metrics graphs ,and charts. Ninja Town - a game developed to work across all android platforms including tablets, lots of design work went into the game . 251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS52ZW5hbi50cmVlc29mZG9vbSJd Path- this is a social network for close and personal relationships that limits the network to 150 followers. We did the main source code for both the Android and iOS apps. The company did a great job promoting the app and it is one of the more successful portfolio items . here is the link : PHP Development Services PHP development (Custom application and web development using, MVC Framework Cake PHP, smarty and LAMP technology,) Open source development (Joomla, Drupal, osCommerce and Magento based CMS development and theme integration services)

ASP and ASP.Net Development Services (Windows) ASP.NET application development (E commerce and Custom CMS Development)

Mobile and web application development SQL database application development IE/Firefox extensions development Classis ASP iPhone SDK development Cold Fusion web application development Design and Multimedia Services Usability consultancy Website design (Visualization, Conceptualization, Theme design, Template design) HTML, XHTML, DHTML, CSS and DIV based programming. Other& X-Cart: http://www.snowdenindustries.c om Facebook Application: nearestfriends/ _cricket/ By Zend: llee/ (Still Developing) Ongoing project By Zend:

Website Portfolio m

All Work is Guaranteed!

#244 5th Avenue New York, New

York 10001

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