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Deus Ex Human Revolution Eidos Montreal.

After being shot the title sequence begins. A point of view shot from Adam Jensen looking up at a doctor with a bright light. Everything is blurry creating a sense of unease.

We then get a sweep shot of the inside of someone's body, we assume it is Adams.

A blurry establishing shot of an operating theatre. Adam is on a table with a doctor beside him. We are unable to make out what is happening to Adam. We hear someone say My god the thing was a mess we dont know if the speaker is referring to Adam or the destroyed lab he came from. The music has a heartbeat like sound in it which creates suspense.

A close up of Adam with wires protruding from his body. We dont know where they lead.

A blurred out image of a woman's face. The juxtaposition her and Adams heart insinuate there is a relationship and he possibly loves her.

We see an image with a heartbeat monitor flat lining, and we hear the voice of Sarif saying come on Adam, stay with us We still dont know what is happening to Adam at this point.

We see major surgery going on. A needle dripping with an unknown substance, a buzz saw cutting into flesh and Adams face covered in blood with an oxygen mask, we then see another x-ray with Sarif saying Yeah, Hes not going to like this which makes us think that the operation that Adam is going through is not happening with his consent.

We see Adam on the table, it is blurry which creates mystery but what really catches attention is the fact he has no left arm and on his right is something black and shiny.

An upward panning shot towards a gold light which we assume is the sun glaring down on Adam, perhaps hinting at rising to heaven and going towards the light. This creates suspense and we are worried for Adam.

Some type of machine is screwed onto Adams body, this makes us speculate as to what type of operation this is.

We hear Sarif say He doesnt need that then someone else shout where's that Cyber arm prosthesis this makes us aware that he is being given robotic arms. Adding to the intrigue what was it that Adam didnt need?

We see the woman that was seen earlier and we hear her say I love you.

Adams heart is again juxtaposed with the woman but this time it seems to be full of circuitry and it is beating faster.

We see a medium shot of Adam in pain on the table, the sound of a buzz saw in the background. He is missing his right arm and there is some type of machinery there.

The words Were seconds away are spoken. This makes us wonder, from what?

Extreme close ups of welding equipment and a close up of a robotic arm are shown Sarif says his body can take it.

An x-ray of Adams skull and the word miraculous is spoken.

Shots cutting between each other at a faster pace now, the music tempo is getting faster. We see Adam kiss the woman, his mechanical fist closes.

We see Adams brain and hear Sarif say Kill all info on him.

Two people part from kissing, we assume it is Adam and the woman.

We see Adams robotic eye and the lens focusing, we see his point of view with the light becoming focused.

Four fast paced heart beats and the game title appears out of shattered fragments of glass.

In Summary
Deus Ex Human Revolution is a video game but with such a cinematic title sequence you can argue that there is no difference to this title sequence than that of any other movie or television show. The cinematic gives an overall feeling of intrigue due to the blurred out shots and the extreme close ups which both limited our perceptions of what was happening. The use of Sarifs voice and company name subtly hinted that him and his company have a big role to play and they are behind what is happening to Adam. We are shown the technology being used an we can tell that this is a very futuristic game where the boundaries of todays technology do not exist. Everything is gold and black which gives the game an interesting look. The use of diagetic and non diagetic sound is well done. There are character voices giving us information on the plot, there is music that creates suspense and there is also the sound of the equipment and machinery working on Adam.

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