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Brainstorming tips for timed writing (SAT/ACT) Take one to two minutes jotting down ideas and organizing

g your points dont spend a lot of time brainstormingbut dont skip it either. Focus on S !"#F#" e$amples from your own life or S !"#F#" e$amples from history% current e&ents% literature% science% art. o Before the test% brainstorm a list of a few books you know really well 'try to stay in the academic realm not (arry otter or Twilightsorry)* o +rainstorm a list of a few current e&ents you know really well. o +rainstorm a list of a few historical e&ents you know well. o Science, -rt, Think of the positi&e for your position and the negati&e arguments against your position 'make sure you take a side on the prompt*you must be clear 'not wishy.washy on your stance*% but it is ok to gi&e concessions to the other side 'acknowledge* as long as you dispro&e them or pro&e your side is better. Common mistakes when writing your essay Too generallacking specific e$amples seems &ague reader doesnt connect. Too emotional 'ranting or o&erly dramatic*

Too complicated /.#.S.S. dont try to write o&erly fancy or o&erly academic 0isky &ocabulary or waaaay boring1collo2uial &ocabulary Shaky logic%logical fallacies% broad assumptions% generalizations oor penmanshipthey wont gi&e you a better score if they cant read it or spend lots of time deciphering

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