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We Have Emotions, Too --My newest story, written on the 10th of August, 2013.

Its a unique piece, hope you guys enjoy! I will be writing a longer version of this based on the many wonderful suggestions of my college friends for the story, and I will acknowledge them, of course, but for now, I wrote my own short version only haha. --Ah~ What a lovely day! The sun was shining, the fresh wind was blowing against my face, and I jumped up with my friends to get a head start at breakfast. After a sumptuous meal, I told my parents that my pals and I are ready to play under the sun! We ran across the field, feeling carefree and safe Life here in the province is so much bliss, and our relatives in the city are so envious of our lifestyle here that they said they would come here soon, since, you know, the city could be quite dangerous After we ran, we were dead tired, so we decided to have a quick dip in the lake near the vicinity. Suddenly, I was embraced from behind and whoever he was went right into the water with me! And now I was all wet, from head to toe! I was pulled right up as I looked at my naughty attacker, oh gosh, it was Toby! My heart started to flutter, my breath hastenedIve loved this guy since forever Upon seeing my shocked expression, he started to laugh, and it was the most wonderful sound I have ever heard My friends started to tease us, Toby and Sasha swimming in the lake, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! When I thought the teasing couldnt get any worse as this, Toby suddenly gave me a kiss on the forehead and my eyes widened at that. I love you, Sasha He said, and I thought, because of that, I felt dizzy and my world felt as though it was spinning around. Everything was spinning I dreamt of Toby, and I, and our friends, my family What were we doing at that time? Oh yes, we had this perfect life we ate breakfast, we frolicked under the sun, we dipped in the lake, and Toby and I Where was everyone? Wheres Toby? I opened my eyes and looked around WHERE AM I?

It was dark and I couldnt see much I heard shouts coming from all sorts of directions and I didnt know where to turn to Sasha!! It was Tobys voice. You arent hurt anywhere, are you? Toby, Im alright! I said reassuringly while accepting his hug. Hey where are we? I asked. We were kidnapped by those bad men, Sasha all of us Now, were in some kind of cellar. He sounded so scared Suddenly, our cage was opened and bright light shone in our eyes, so bright, so painful, my vision was hazy, I couldnt focus on anything I heard loud voices from outside, then I saw many men peering inside our cage, some of them looked as scared as we were, but some of them looked mean I started to cry as they grabbed us one by one all my many good friends. They struggled, but those men were too strong I couldntI just couldnt bare the sight, all of them were brutally taken out of the cellar and only God knows what will happen to them some were able to escape, but were still chasedand were still caught in the hands of those merciless men Toby and I shivered in each others arms We heard a man excitedly say, You two will be next I wanted to go home. I wanted my life back. I wanted to be under the sun, dancing in the grasslandforever I whimpered when those men tore me and Toby apart; My body was hurting everywhere, I could barely breathe the man held me tight from my back to my chest and as I struggled to break free from his painful grip, he squeezed me even tighter and I couldnt go onI couldnt fight back I could see the agony in Tobys eyes as he looked at me while we were becoming farther and farther apart I love you, Sasha! He yelled as he was being taken away I wasnt even able to tell him that I love him. They bent my neck forward so roughly that it almost snapped. It was so painful, so painful that my eyes ran out of tears; even as I blinked, my eyes were dry. My head was tilted in such a painful angle; my face was against my chest, and I couldnt breathe! What will these men to do me? I felt a sharp needle run down my neck; I couldnt help but whimper as the sharp metallic edge poked and wandered around my back

I felt blood trickle down my back, I pushed them, but still they wouldnt stop. I even heard laughter Does hurting us make them happy? I just closed my eyes, containing all the hurt, wishing that it would all be over soon. And it was. Right after my eyes widened from the most painful sensation, I finally felt the sharp needle penetrate through my neck deep down my skull, pain, pain all over. The pain was short though, as a breath escaped my lips and the pain, it was all GONE. My arms, I could no longer move them, I cant even wipe my eyes My legs, I could no longer feel them, they used to be so active My body was so stiff; I was NUMB all over. I heard those men cry out in triumph when I was unmoving I saw them hit me. I could no longer feel my body I saw so many of my friends suffering the same fate, but some, unlike me, werent spared from the pain. One of them was Toby. I may have lost that physical pain, but the emotional pain it was still there, make it stop! I was defenseless; I was limp and useless, I cant even save the love of my life! Helplessly, I watched him in horror as he was pinned on the cold floor; those men took out sharp naillike things and crucified him! I could hear him SCREAM in pain as each nail bore through his skin, his muscles, his bones Now, his two hands and two feet were pinned and he was laying supine, facing the perpetrator who was about to hurt him! This is all just a nightmare! None of this is happening! Tomorrow, Ill be with my family and friendshappily living our lives. I was too preoccupied in looking at Toby that I didnt realize that they punctured my lower jaw with a creepy looking hook, but I wasnt able to feel any pain. I was hooked like a gruesome barbeque as they carried me by holding the copper wire of the hook. I was brought dangerously near boiling hot water and I was dipped inside! I saw my arms and legs jerk and contract, but probably it was just my reflex, I didnt feel anything. Next, I was again dipped inside a tub that had the label Acid, but strangely, I didnt feel anything again, but my body involuntarily responded as I flexed my arms and legs When I thought my suffering was over, although I could no longer actually feel, my heart felt like it was stabbed repeatedly when I saw my poor Toby! They cut him open, oh my goodness, what kind of

monsters would do something like this! There was so much blood! I could see his exposed heart beating, his exposed lungs inflating and deflating, his eyes. His eyes staring at me! Toby! Toby! Well get through this, wont we? Let go of my Toby! He can feel EVERY.SINGLE.THING. He hasnt been anesthetized, unlike me. Bring us back to where we used to bePLEASE? I didnt want to lose hope. I looked around and saw many of my friends dying I turned to look at Toby again and locked eyes with him Why, why was his eyes unmoving? Why didnt I feel any emotion from his stare? Then, I saw his heart pumping, but it was no longer in his body! His heart was beating slowly, soaked in a wet dish near him I wailed. This isnt happening This ISNT HAPPENING. How dare those cannibals. No This, this is just an awful dream, and I will wake up from it, I am sure. No, this is happening; this is happening right here, right now, and theres no use in denying anymore, I dont NEED to LIVE anymore My Tobys dead My friends are all gone I might as well DIE, too But why, why do we have to suffer so? I closed my eyes. Its for sciences sake. But,

We, we FROGS have EMOTIONS, too.


~Miyano Ran Wow didnt expect this to be this long. I enjoyed writing this soooo much Hope readers liked it too. Wrote this for about two hours? I think I wrote it from 4:30 until now, 6:50pm?? Haha, August 10, 2013 Saturday been so long since I wrote drama I feel guilty cuz I havent studied my lessons yet!!! But writing is fun XD Break once in a while is good. Such a satisfying feeling to finish a story, I know it was soooo sad and gruesome but I was imagining myself in the frogs shoes. I have dont lots and lots of frog dissection in our anatomy lab and every little detail that was described in this story really happened. So technically, this is a true story. Sad for the frogs, but I got a 9/10 in my frog pithing!! (injection of the pithing needle inside the foramen magnum to destroy the brain and the spinal cord.) I still wanted to describe how we turned the needle clockwise to destroy the brain inside but I think it was toooo disgusting so I didnt mention it. Plus, I only revealed in the very last sentence that this is a frogs life. It couldve been humans under the hands of giants, or humans under the hands of crazy people! There are really scary news about real people eating real people, as in real and true story!!! I think it was a Japanese guy in France who ate a French girl!! Scary cannibalism!! Anywayswhew, storys done.

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