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Animals of Greek Mythology

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Arachne (Spider)

Once a nymph and priestess of Hera.

Attacked by Zeus

Io (Cow)

Turned into a cow by Zeus to hide the attack.

Loyal dog of Odysseus Recognized Odysseus in his disguise Protected Penelope and Telemachus while Odysseus was away Stayed alive until Odysseus returned home

Hera had her guarded by 100 eyed monster.

Argos (Dog)

Animals of Greek Mythology

A wooden horse built by the Greeks

Used in the Greek and Trojan war

Once a beautiful woman

Trojan Horse

The Greeks hid in the horse outside of the gates

Attacked by Zeus and later had their son Arcas

Turned into a bear by Zeus to protect her from Hera

Callisto (Bear)

Tricked the Trojans into letting the horse enter and they were then attacked my the Greeks

She and her son are now constellations in space

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